// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders;
using Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticWebAssets;
internal sealed partial class ManifestStaticWebAssetFileProvider : IFileProvider
private static readonly StringComparison _fsComparison = OperatingSystem.IsWindows() ?
StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase :
private static readonly IEqualityComparer<IFileInfo> _nameComparer = new FileNameComparer();
private readonly IFileProvider[] _fileProviders;
private readonly StaticWebAssetNode _root;
public ManifestStaticWebAssetFileProvider(StaticWebAssetManifest manifest, Func<string, IFileProvider> fileProviderFactory)
_fileProviders = new IFileProvider[manifest.ContentRoots.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < manifest.ContentRoots.Length; i++)
_fileProviders[i] = fileProviderFactory(manifest.ContentRoots[i]);
_root = manifest.Root;
// For testing purposes only
internal IFileProvider[] FileProviders => _fileProviders;
public IDirectoryContents GetDirectoryContents(string subpath)
var segments = Normalize(subpath).Split('/', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var candidate = _root;
// Iterate over the path segments until we reach the destination. Whenever we encounter
// a pattern, we start tracking it as well as the content root directory. On every segment
// we evalutate the directory to see if there is a subfolder with the current segment and
// replace it on the dictionary if it exists or remove it if it does not.
// When we reach our destination we enumerate the files in that folder and evalute them against
// the pattern to compute the final list.
HashSet<IFileInfo>? files = null;
for (var i = 0; i < segments.Length; i++)
files = GetFilesForCandidatePatterns(segments, candidate, files);
if (candidate.HasChildren() && candidate.Children.TryGetValue(segments[i], out var child))
candidate = child;
candidate = null;
if ((candidate == null || (!candidate.HasChildren() && !candidate.HasPatterns())) && files == null)
return NotFoundDirectoryContents.Singleton;
// We do this to make sure we account for the patterns on the last segment which are not covered by the loop above
files = GetFilesForCandidatePatterns(segments, candidate, files);
if (candidate != null && candidate.HasChildren())
files ??= new(_nameComparer);
GetCandidateFilesForNode(candidate, files);
return new StaticWebAssetsDirectoryContents((files as IEnumerable<IFileInfo>) ?? Array.Empty<IFileInfo>());
HashSet<IFileInfo>? GetFilesForCandidatePatterns(string[] segments, StaticWebAssetNode? candidate, HashSet<IFileInfo>? files)
if (candidate != null && candidate.HasPatterns())
var depth = candidate.Patterns[0].Depth;
var candidateDirectoryPath = string.Join('/', segments[depth..]);
foreach (var pattern in candidate.Patterns)
var contentRoot = _fileProviders[pattern.ContentRoot];
var matcher = new Matcher(_fsComparison);
foreach (var result in contentRoot.GetDirectoryContents(candidateDirectoryPath))
var fileCandidate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(candidateDirectoryPath) ? result.Name : $"{candidateDirectoryPath}/{result.Name}";
if (result.Exists && (result.IsDirectory || matcher.Match(fileCandidate).HasMatches))
files ??= new(_nameComparer);
if (!files.Contains(result))
// Multiple patterns might match the same file (even at different locations on disk) at runtime. We don't
// try to disambiguate anything here, since there is already a build step for it. We just pick the first
// file that matches the pattern. The manifest entries are ordered, so while this choice is random, it is
// nonetheless deterministic.
return files;
void GetCandidateFilesForNode(StaticWebAssetNode candidate, HashSet<IFileInfo> files)
foreach (var child in candidate.Children!)
var match = child.Value.Match;
if (match == null)
// This is a folder
var file = new StaticWebAssetsDirectoryInfo(child.Key);
// Entries from the manifest always win over any content based on patterns,
// so remove any potentially existing file or folder in favor of the manifest
// entry.
// This is a file.
files.RemoveWhere(f => string.Equals(match.Path, f.Name, _fsComparison));
var file = _fileProviders[match.ContentRoot].GetFileInfo(match.Path);
files.Add(string.Equals(child.Key, match.Path, _fsComparison) ? file :
// This means that this file was mapped, there is a chance that we added it to the list
// of files by one of the patterns, so we need to replace it with the mapped file.
new StaticWebAssetsFileInfo(child.Key, file));
private static string Normalize(string path)
return path.Replace('\\', '/');
public IFileInfo GetFileInfo(string subpath)
var segments = subpath.Split('/', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
StaticWebAssetNode? candidate = _root;
List<StaticWebAssetPattern>? patterns = null;
// Iterate over the path segments until we reach the destination, collecting
// all pattern candidates along the way except for any pattern at the root.
for (var i = 0; i < segments.Length; i++)
if (candidate.HasPatterns())
patterns ??= new();
if (candidate.HasChildren() && candidate.Children.TryGetValue(segments[i], out var child))
candidate = child;
candidate = null;
var match = candidate?.Match;
if (match != null)
// If we found a file, that wins over anything else. If there are conflicts with files added after
// we've built the manifest, we'll be notified the next time we do a build. This is not different
// from previous Static Web Assets versions.
var file = _fileProviders[match.ContentRoot].GetFileInfo(match.Path);
if (!file.Exists || string.Equals(subpath, Normalize(match.Path), _fsComparison))
return file;
return new StaticWebAssetsFileInfo(segments[^1], file);
// The list of patterns is ordered by pattern depth, so we compute the string to check for patterns only
// once per level. We don't aim to solve conflicts here where multiple files could match a given path,
// we have a build check that takes care of that.
var currentDepth = -1;
var candidatePath = subpath;
if (patterns != null)
for (var i = 0; i < patterns.Count; i++)
var pattern = patterns[i];
if (pattern.Depth != currentDepth)
currentDepth = pattern.Depth;
candidatePath = string.Join('/', segments[currentDepth..]);
var result = _fileProviders[pattern.ContentRoot].GetFileInfo(candidatePath);
if (result.Exists)
if (!result.IsDirectory)
var matcher = new Matcher();
if (!matcher.Match(candidatePath).HasMatches)
return result;
return new NotFoundFileInfo(subpath);
public IChangeToken Watch(string filter) => NullChangeToken.Singleton;
private sealed class StaticWebAssetsDirectoryContents : IDirectoryContents
private readonly IEnumerable<IFileInfo> _files;
public StaticWebAssetsDirectoryContents(IEnumerable<IFileInfo> files) =>
_files = files;
public bool Exists => true;
public IEnumerator<IFileInfo> GetEnumerator() => _files.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();
private sealed class StaticWebAssetsDirectoryInfo : IFileInfo
private static readonly DateTimeOffset _lastModified = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(0);
public StaticWebAssetsDirectoryInfo(string name)
Name = name;
public bool Exists => true;
public long Length => 0;
public string? PhysicalPath => null;
public DateTimeOffset LastModified => _lastModified;
public bool IsDirectory => true;
public string Name { get; }
public Stream CreateReadStream() => throw new InvalidOperationException("Can not create a stream for a directory.");
private sealed class StaticWebAssetsFileInfo : IFileInfo
private readonly IFileInfo _source;
public StaticWebAssetsFileInfo(string name, IFileInfo source)
Name = name;
_source = source;
public bool Exists => _source.Exists;
public long Length => _source.Length;
public string PhysicalPath => _source.PhysicalPath ?? string.Empty;
public DateTimeOffset LastModified => _source.LastModified;
public bool IsDirectory => _source.IsDirectory;
public string Name { get; }
public Stream CreateReadStream() => _source.CreateReadStream();
private sealed class FileNameComparer : IEqualityComparer<IFileInfo>
public bool Equals(IFileInfo? x, IFileInfo? y) => string.Equals(x?.Name, y?.Name, _fsComparison);
public int GetHashCode(IFileInfo obj) => obj.Name.GetHashCode(_fsComparison);
internal sealed class StaticWebAssetManifest
internal static readonly StringComparer PathComparer =
OperatingSystem.IsWindows() ? StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparer.Ordinal;
public string[] ContentRoots { get; set; } = Array.Empty<string>();
public StaticWebAssetNode Root { get; set; } = null!;
internal static StaticWebAssetManifest Parse(Stream manifest)
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize(
[JsonSerializable(typeof(IDictionary<string, StaticWebAssetNode>))]
internal sealed partial class SourceGenerationContext : JsonSerializerContext
public static readonly SourceGenerationContext DefaultWithConverter = new SourceGenerationContext(new JsonSerializerOptions
Converters = { new OSBasedCaseConverter() }
internal sealed class StaticWebAssetNode
public StaticWebAssetMatch? Match { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, StaticWebAssetNode>? Children { get; set; }
public StaticWebAssetPattern[]? Patterns { get; set; }
[MemberNotNullWhen(true, nameof(Children))]
internal bool HasChildren() => Children != null && Children.Count > 0;
[MemberNotNullWhen(true, nameof(Patterns))]
internal bool HasPatterns() => Patterns != null && Patterns.Length > 0;
internal sealed class StaticWebAssetMatch
public int ContentRoot { get; set; }
public string Path { get; set; } = null!;
internal sealed class StaticWebAssetPattern
public int ContentRoot { get; set; }
public int Depth { get; set; }
public string Pattern { get; set; } = null!;
private sealed class OSBasedCaseConverter : JsonConverter<Dictionary<string, StaticWebAssetNode>>
public override Dictionary<string, StaticWebAssetNode> Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
// Need to recursively deserialize `Dictionary<string, StaticWebAssetNode>` but can't deserialize
// that type directly because this converter will call into itself and stackoverflow.
// Workaround is to deserialize to IDictionary, and then perform custom convert logic on the result.
var parsed = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(ref reader, SourceGenerationContext.DefaultWithConverter.IDictionaryStringStaticWebAssetNode)!;
var result = new Dictionary<string, StaticWebAssetNode>(StaticWebAssetManifest.PathComparer);
MergeChildren(parsed, result);
return result;
static void MergeChildren(
IDictionary<string, StaticWebAssetNode> newChildren,
IDictionary<string, StaticWebAssetNode> existing)
foreach (var (key, value) in newChildren)
if (!existing.TryGetValue(key, out var existingNode))
existing.Add(key, value);
if (value.Patterns != null)
if (existingNode.Patterns == null)
existingNode.Patterns = value.Patterns;
if (value.Patterns.Length > 0)
var newList = new StaticWebAssetPattern[existingNode.Patterns.Length + value.Patterns.Length];
existingNode.Patterns.CopyTo(newList, 0);
value.Patterns.CopyTo(newList, existingNode.Patterns.Length);
existingNode.Patterns = newList;
if (value.Children != null)
if (existingNode.Children == null)
existingNode.Children = value.Children;
if (value.Children.Count > 0)
MergeChildren(value.Children, existingNode.Children);
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, Dictionary<string, StaticWebAssetNode> value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
throw new NotSupportedException();