File: src\Grpc\JsonTranscoding\src\Shared\ServiceDescriptorHelpers.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Grpc\JsonTranscoding\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Grpc.JsonTranscoding\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Grpc.JsonTranscoding.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Grpc.JsonTranscoding)
#region Copyright notice and license
// Copyright 2019 The gRPC Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Google.Api;
using Google.Protobuf;
using Google.Protobuf.Reflection;
using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
using Type = System.Type;
namespace Grpc.Shared;
internal static class ServiceDescriptorHelpers
    private static readonly HashSet<string> WellKnownTypeNames = new HashSet<string>
    internal static bool IsWellKnownType(MessageDescriptor messageDescriptor) => messageDescriptor.File.Package == "google.protobuf" &&
    internal static bool IsWrapperType(DescriptorBase m) =>
        m.File.Package == "google.protobuf" && m.File.Name == "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
    public static ServiceDescriptor? GetServiceDescriptor(Type serviceReflectionType)
        var property = serviceReflectionType.GetProperty("Descriptor", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
        if (property != null)
            return (ServiceDescriptor?)property.GetValue(null);
        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Get not find Descriptor property on {serviceReflectionType.Name}.");
    public static bool TryResolveDescriptors(MessageDescriptor messageDescriptor, IList<string> path, bool allowJsonName, [NotNullWhen(true)]out List<FieldDescriptor>? fieldDescriptors)
        fieldDescriptors = null;
        MessageDescriptor? currentDescriptor = messageDescriptor;
        foreach (var fieldName in path)
            FieldDescriptor? field = null;
            if (currentDescriptor != null)
                field = allowJsonName
                    ? GetFieldByName(currentDescriptor, fieldName)
                    : currentDescriptor.FindFieldByName(fieldName);
            if (field == null)
                fieldDescriptors = null;
                return false;
            fieldDescriptors ??= new List<FieldDescriptor>();
            if (field.FieldType == FieldType.Message)
                currentDescriptor = field.MessageType;
                currentDescriptor = null;
        return fieldDescriptors != null;
    private static FieldDescriptor? GetFieldByName(MessageDescriptor messageDescriptor, string fieldName)
        // Search fields by field name and JSON name. Both names can be referenced.
        // JSON name takes precendence. If there are conflicts, then the last field with a name wins.
        // This logic matches how properties are used in JSON serialization's MessageTypeInfoResolver.
        var fields = messageDescriptor.Fields.InFieldNumberOrder();
        FieldDescriptor? fieldNameDescriptorMatch = null;
        for (var i = fields.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            // We're checking JSON name first, in reverse order through fields.
            // That means the method can exit early on match because the match has the highest precedence.
            var field = fields[i];
            if (field.JsonName == fieldName)
                return field;
            // If there is a match on field name then store the first match.
            if (fieldNameDescriptorMatch is null && field.Name == fieldName)
                fieldNameDescriptorMatch = field;
        // No match with JSON name. If there is a field name match then return it.
        return fieldNameDescriptorMatch;
    private static object? ConvertValue(object? value, FieldDescriptor descriptor)
        switch (descriptor.FieldType)
            case FieldType.Double:
                return Convert.ToDouble(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            case FieldType.Float:
                return Convert.ToSingle(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            case FieldType.Int64:
            case FieldType.SInt64:
            case FieldType.SFixed64:
                return Convert.ToInt64(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            case FieldType.UInt64:
            case FieldType.Fixed64:
                return Convert.ToUInt64(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            case FieldType.Int32:
            case FieldType.SInt32:
            case FieldType.SFixed32:
                return Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            case FieldType.Bool:
                return Convert.ToBoolean(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            case FieldType.String:
                return value;
            case FieldType.Bytes:
                    if (value is string s)
                        return ByteString.FromBase64(s);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Base64 encoded string required to convert to bytes.");
            case FieldType.UInt32:
            case FieldType.Fixed32:
                return Convert.ToUInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            case FieldType.Enum:
                    if (value is string s)
                        var enumValueDescriptor = int.TryParse(s, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var i)
                            ? descriptor.EnumType.FindValueByNumber(i)
                            : descriptor.EnumType.FindValueByName(s);
                        if (enumValueDescriptor == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid value '{s}' for enum type {descriptor.EnumType.Name}.");
                        return enumValueDescriptor.Number;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("String required to convert to enum.");
            case FieldType.Message:
                if (IsWellKnownType(descriptor.MessageType))
                    if (IsWrapperType(descriptor.MessageType))
                        if (value == null)
                            return null;
                        return ConvertValue(value, descriptor.MessageType.FindFieldByName("value"));
                    else if (descriptor.MessageType.FullName == FieldMask.Descriptor.FullName)
                        return FieldMask.FromString((string)value!);
                    else if (descriptor.MessageType.FullName == Duration.Descriptor.FullName)
                        var (seconds, nanos) = Legacy.ParseDuration((string)value!);
                        var duration = new Duration();
                        duration.Seconds = seconds;
                        duration.Nanos = nanos;
                        return duration;
                    else if (descriptor.MessageType.FullName == Timestamp.Descriptor.FullName)
                        var (seconds, nanos) = Legacy.ParseTimestamp((string)value!);
                        var timestamp = new Timestamp();
                        timestamp.Seconds = seconds;
                        timestamp.Nanos = nanos;
                        return timestamp;
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported type: " + descriptor.FieldType);
    public static void RecursiveSetValue(IMessage currentValue, List<FieldDescriptor> pathDescriptors, object? values)
        for (var i = 0; i < pathDescriptors.Count; i++)
            var isLast = i == pathDescriptors.Count - 1;
            var field = pathDescriptors[i];
            if (isLast)
                SetValue(currentValue, field, values);
                var fieldMessage = (IMessage)field.Accessor.GetValue(currentValue);
                if (fieldMessage == null)
                    fieldMessage = (IMessage)Activator.CreateInstance(field.MessageType.ClrType)!;
                    field.Accessor.SetValue(currentValue, fieldMessage);
                currentValue = fieldMessage;
    public static void SetValue(IMessage message, FieldDescriptor field, object? values)
        if (field.IsMap)
            var map = (IDictionary)field.Accessor.GetValue(message);
            if (values is IDictionary dictionaryValues)
                foreach (DictionaryEntry value in dictionaryValues)
                    map[value.Key] = value.Value;
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Map field requires repeating keys and values.");
        else if (field.IsRepeated)
            var list = (IList)field.Accessor.GetValue(message);
            if (values is StringValues stringValues)
                foreach (var value in stringValues)
                    list.Add(ConvertValue(value, field));
            else if (values is IList listValues)
                foreach (var value in listValues)
                    var v = field.Accessor.Descriptor.FieldType == FieldType.Message
                        ? value
                        : ConvertValue(value, field);
                list.Add(ConvertValue(values, field));
            if (values is StringValues stringValues)
                if (stringValues.Count == 1)
                    field.Accessor.SetValue(message, ConvertValue(stringValues[0], field));
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't set multiple values onto a non-repeating field.");
            else if (values is IMessage messageValue)
                if (IsWrapperType(messageValue.Descriptor))
                    const int WrapperValueFieldNumber = Int32Value.ValueFieldNumber;
                    var wrappedValue = messageValue.Descriptor.Fields[WrapperValueFieldNumber].Accessor.GetValue(messageValue);
                    field.Accessor.SetValue(message, wrappedValue);
                    field.Accessor.SetValue(message, messageValue);
                field.Accessor.SetValue(message, ConvertValue(values, field));
    // Transcoding assumes that the app is referencing Google.Api.CommonProtos and HttpRule is from that assembly.
    // However, it's possible the app has compiled http.proto with Grpc.Tools, so the extension value is HttpRule from a different assembly.
    // This custom extension uses the HttpRule field number but has a return type of object.
    // The method always returns the extension value, and the calling code can convert it to the expected type.
    // See for more details.
    private static readonly Extension<MethodOptions, object> UntypedHttpExtension =
        new Extension<MethodOptions, object>(AnnotationsExtensions.Http.FieldNumber, codec: null);
    public static bool TryGetHttpRule(MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor, [NotNullWhen(true)] out HttpRule? httpRule)
        var options = methodDescriptor.GetOptions();
        // The untyped extension always returns the extension value. If the type is already the expected HttpRule then use it directly.
        // A different message indicates a custom HttpRule was used. Convert the message to bytes and reparse it to the known HttpRule type.
        var extensionValue = options?.GetExtension(UntypedHttpExtension);
        httpRule = extensionValue switch
            HttpRule rule => rule,
            IMessage message => HttpRule.Parser.ParseFrom(message.ToByteArray()),
            _ => null
        return httpRule != null;
    public static bool TryResolvePattern(HttpRule http, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? pattern, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? verb)
        switch (http.PatternCase)
            case HttpRule.PatternOneofCase.Get:
                pattern = http.Get;
                verb = "GET";
                return true;
            case HttpRule.PatternOneofCase.Put:
                pattern = http.Put;
                verb = "PUT";
                return true;
            case HttpRule.PatternOneofCase.Post:
                pattern = http.Post;
                verb = "POST";
                return true;
            case HttpRule.PatternOneofCase.Delete:
                pattern = http.Delete;
                verb = "DELETE";
                return true;
            case HttpRule.PatternOneofCase.Patch:
                pattern = http.Patch;
                verb = "PATCH";
                return true;
            case HttpRule.PatternOneofCase.Custom:
                pattern = http.Custom.Path;
                verb = http.Custom.Kind;
                return true;
                pattern = null;
                verb = null;
                return false;
    public static Dictionary<string, RouteParameter> ResolveRouteParameterDescriptors(
        List<HttpRouteVariable> variables,
        MessageDescriptor messageDescriptor)
        var routeParameterDescriptors = new Dictionary<string, RouteParameter>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
        foreach (var variable in variables)
            var path = variable.FieldPath;
            if (!TryResolveDescriptors(messageDescriptor, path, allowJsonName: false, out var fieldDescriptors))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Couldn't find matching field for route parameter '{string.Join(".", path)}' on {messageDescriptor.Name}.");
            var completeFieldPath = string.Join(".", fieldDescriptors.Select(d => d.Name));
            var completeJsonPath = string.Join(".", fieldDescriptors.Select(d => d.JsonName));
            routeParameterDescriptors.Add(completeFieldPath, new RouteParameter(fieldDescriptors, variable, completeJsonPath));
        return routeParameterDescriptors;
    public static BodyDescriptorInfo? ResolveBodyDescriptor(string body, Type serviceType, MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(body))
            if (!string.Equals(body, "*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                if (body.Contains('.', StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"The body field '{body}' references a nested field. The body field name must be on the top-level request message.");
                var bodyDescriptor = methodDescriptor.InputType.FindFieldByName(body);
                if (bodyDescriptor == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Couldn't find matching field for body '{body}' on {methodDescriptor.InputType.Name}.");
                var propertyName = FormatUnderscoreName(bodyDescriptor.Name, pascalCase: true, preservePeriod: false);
                var propertyInfo = bodyDescriptor.ContainingType.ClrType.GetProperty(propertyName);
                if (bodyDescriptor.IsRepeated)
                    // A repeating field isn't a message type. The JSON parser will parse using the containing
                    // type to get the repeating collection.
                    return new BodyDescriptorInfo(bodyDescriptor.ContainingType, bodyDescriptor, isDescriptorRepeated: true, propertyInfo);
                    return new BodyDescriptorInfo(bodyDescriptor.MessageType, bodyDescriptor, isDescriptorRepeated: false, propertyInfo);
                ParameterInfo? requestParameter = null;
                var methodInfo = serviceType.GetMethod(methodDescriptor.Name);
                if (methodInfo != null)
                    requestParameter = methodInfo.GetParameters().SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == "request");
                return new BodyDescriptorInfo(methodDescriptor.InputType, fieldDescriptor: null, isDescriptorRepeated: false, parameterInfo: requestParameter);
        return null;
    public static FieldDescriptor? ResolveResponseBodyDescriptor(string responseBody, MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseBody))
            if (responseBody.Contains('.', StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"The response body field '{responseBody}' references a nested field. The response body field name must be on the top-level response message.");
            var responseBodyDescriptor = methodDescriptor.OutputType.FindFieldByName(responseBody);
            if (responseBodyDescriptor == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Couldn't find matching field for response body '{responseBody}' on {methodDescriptor.OutputType.Name}.");
            return responseBodyDescriptor;
        return null;
    public static Dictionary<string, FieldDescriptor> ResolveQueryParameterDescriptors(
        Dictionary<string, RouteParameter> routeParameters,
        MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor,
        MessageDescriptor? bodyDescriptor,
        FieldDescriptor? bodyFieldDescriptor)
        var existingParameters = new List<FieldDescriptor>();
        foreach (var routeParameter in routeParameters)
            // Each route field descriptors collection contains all the descriptors in the path.
            // We only care about the final place the route value is set and so add only the last
            // descriptor to the existing parameters collection.
        if (bodyDescriptor != null)
            if (bodyFieldDescriptor != null)
                // Body with field name.
                // Body with wildcard. All parameters are in the body so no query parameters.
                return new Dictionary<string, FieldDescriptor>();
        var queryParameters = new Dictionary<string, FieldDescriptor>();
        RecursiveVisitMessages(queryParameters, existingParameters, methodDescriptor.InputType, new List<FieldDescriptor>());
        return queryParameters;
        static void RecursiveVisitMessages(Dictionary<string, FieldDescriptor> queryParameters, List<FieldDescriptor> existingParameters, MessageDescriptor messageDescriptor, List<FieldDescriptor> path)
            var messageFields = messageDescriptor.Fields.InFieldNumberOrder();
            foreach (var fieldDescriptor in messageFields)
                // If a field is set via route parameter or body then don't add query parameter.
                if (existingParameters.Contains(fieldDescriptor))
                // Add current field descriptor. It should be included in the path.
                switch (fieldDescriptor.FieldType)
                    case FieldType.Double:
                    case FieldType.Float:
                    case FieldType.Int64:
                    case FieldType.UInt64:
                    case FieldType.Int32:
                    case FieldType.Fixed64:
                    case FieldType.Fixed32:
                    case FieldType.Bool:
                    case FieldType.String:
                    case FieldType.Bytes:
                    case FieldType.UInt32:
                    case FieldType.SFixed32:
                    case FieldType.SFixed64:
                    case FieldType.SInt32:
                    case FieldType.SInt64:
                    case FieldType.Enum:
                            var joinedPath = string.Join(".", path.Select(d => d.JsonName));
                            queryParameters[joinedPath] = fieldDescriptor;
                    case FieldType.Group:
                    case FieldType.Message:
                        // Complex repeated fields aren't valid query parameters.
                        if (IsCustomType(fieldDescriptor.MessageType))
                            var joinedPath = string.Join(".", path.Select(d => d.JsonName));
                            queryParameters[joinedPath] = fieldDescriptor;
                        else if (!fieldDescriptor.IsRepeated)
                            RecursiveVisitMessages(queryParameters, existingParameters, fieldDescriptor.MessageType, path);
                // Remove current field descriptor.
                path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);
    private static bool IsCustomType(MessageDescriptor messageDescriptor)
        // The messages flags here should be kept in sync with GrpcDataContractResolver.TryCustomizeMessage.
        if (IsWrapperType(messageDescriptor) ||
            messageDescriptor.FullName == Timestamp.Descriptor.FullName ||
            messageDescriptor.FullName == Duration.Descriptor.FullName ||
            messageDescriptor.FullName == FieldMask.Descriptor.FullName ||
            messageDescriptor.FullName == Struct.Descriptor.FullName ||
            messageDescriptor.FullName == ListValue.Descriptor.FullName ||
            messageDescriptor.FullName == Value.Descriptor.FullName ||
            messageDescriptor.FullName == Any.Descriptor.FullName)
            return true;
        return false;
    public sealed class BodyDescriptorInfo
        public MessageDescriptor Descriptor { get; }
        public FieldDescriptor? FieldDescriptor { get; }
        public bool IsDescriptorRepeated { get; }
        public PropertyInfo? PropertyInfo { get; }
        public ParameterInfo? ParameterInfo { get; }
        public BodyDescriptorInfo(
            MessageDescriptor descriptor,
            FieldDescriptor? fieldDescriptor,
            bool isDescriptorRepeated,
            PropertyInfo? propertyInfo = null,
            ParameterInfo? parameterInfo = null)
            Descriptor = descriptor;
            FieldDescriptor = fieldDescriptor;
            IsDescriptorRepeated = isDescriptorRepeated;
            PropertyInfo = propertyInfo;
            ParameterInfo = parameterInfo;
    public static string FormatUnderscoreName(string input, bool pascalCase, bool preservePeriod)
        var capitalizeNext = pascalCase;
        var result = string.Empty;
        for (var i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
            if (char.IsLower(input[i]))
                if (capitalizeNext)
                    result += char.ToUpper(input[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    result += input[i];
                capitalizeNext = false;
            else if (char.IsUpper(input[i]))
                if (i == 0 && !capitalizeNext)
                    // Force first letter to lower-case unless explicitly told to
                    // capitalize it.
                    result += char.ToLower(input[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    // Capital letters after the first are left as-is.
                    result += input[i];
                capitalizeNext = false;
            else if (char.IsDigit(input[i]))
                result += input[i];
                capitalizeNext = true;
                capitalizeNext = true;
                if (input[i] == '.' && preservePeriod)
                    result += '.';
        // Add a trailing "_" if the name should be altered.
        if (input.Length > 0 && input[input.Length - 1] == '#')
            result += '_';
        return result;
internal sealed class RouteParameter
    public List<FieldDescriptor> DescriptorsPath { get; }
    public HttpRouteVariable RouteVariable { get; }
    public string JsonPath { get; }
    public RouteParameter(
        List<FieldDescriptor> descriptorsPath,
        HttpRouteVariable routeVariable,
        string jsonPath)
        DescriptorsPath = descriptorsPath;
        RouteVariable = routeVariable;
        JsonPath = jsonPath;