1 instantiation of StatusCodeContext
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics (1)
StatusCodePage\StatusCodePagesMiddleware.cs (1)
76var statusCodeContext = new StatusCodeContext(context, _options, _next);
7 references to StatusCodeContext
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics (7)
StatusCodePage\StatusCodeContext.cs (1)
15/// Creates a new <see cref="StatusCodeContext"/>.
StatusCodePage\StatusCodePagesExtensions.cs (3)
53public static IApplicationBuilder UseStatusCodePages(this IApplicationBuilder app, Func<StatusCodeContext, Task> handler) 163private static Func<StatusCodeContext, Task> CreateHandler(string pathFormat, string? queryFormat, RequestDelegate? next = null) 165var handler = async (StatusCodeContext context) =>
StatusCodePage\StatusCodePagesMiddleware.cs (1)
76var statusCodeContext = new StatusCodeContext(context, _options, _next);
StatusCodePage\StatusCodePagesOptions.cs (2)
55/// The handler that generates the response body for the given <see cref="StatusCodeContext"/>. By default this produces a plain text response that includes the status code. 57public Func<StatusCodeContext, Task> HandleAsync { get; set; }