// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.AuthenticatedEncryption;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.Internal;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement;
/// <summary>
/// A basic implementation of <see cref="IKeyRing"/>.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class KeyRing : IKeyRing
private readonly KeyHolder _defaultKeyHolder;
private readonly Dictionary<Guid, KeyHolder> _keyIdToKeyHolderMap;
public KeyRing(IKey defaultKey, IEnumerable<IKey> allKeys)
_keyIdToKeyHolderMap = new Dictionary<Guid, KeyHolder>();
foreach (IKey key in allKeys)
_keyIdToKeyHolderMap.Add(key.KeyId, new KeyHolder(key));
// It's possible under some circumstances that the default key won't be part of 'allKeys',
// such as if the key manager is forced to use the key it just generated even if such key
// wasn't in the underlying repository. In this case, we just add it now.
if (!_keyIdToKeyHolderMap.ContainsKey(defaultKey.KeyId))
_keyIdToKeyHolderMap.Add(defaultKey.KeyId, new KeyHolder(defaultKey));
DefaultKeyId = defaultKey.KeyId;
_defaultKeyHolder = _keyIdToKeyHolderMap[DefaultKeyId];
public IAuthenticatedEncryptor? DefaultAuthenticatedEncryptor
return _defaultKeyHolder.GetEncryptorInstance(out _);
public Guid DefaultKeyId { get; }
// For testing
internal IReadOnlyCollection<Guid> GetAllKeyIds()
return _keyIdToKeyHolderMap.Keys;
public IAuthenticatedEncryptor? GetAuthenticatedEncryptorByKeyId(Guid keyId, out bool isRevoked)
isRevoked = false;
_keyIdToKeyHolderMap.TryGetValue(keyId, out var holder);
return holder?.GetEncryptorInstance(out isRevoked);
// used for providing lazy activation of the authenticated encryptor instance
private sealed class KeyHolder
private readonly IKey _key;
private IAuthenticatedEncryptor? _encryptor;
internal KeyHolder(IKey key)
_key = key;
internal IAuthenticatedEncryptor? GetEncryptorInstance(out bool isRevoked)
// simple double-check lock pattern
// we can't use LazyInitializer<T> because we don't have a simple value factory
IAuthenticatedEncryptor? encryptor = Volatile.Read(ref _encryptor);
if (encryptor == null)
lock (this)
encryptor = Volatile.Read(ref _encryptor);
if (encryptor == null)
encryptor = _key.CreateEncryptor();
Volatile.Write(ref _encryptor, encryptor);
isRevoked = _key.IsRevoked;
return encryptor;