// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.AuthenticatedEncryption;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.Internal;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement;
/// <summary>
/// Implements policy for resolving the default key from a candidate keyring.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class DefaultKeyResolver : IDefaultKeyResolver
// Sadly, numerical AppContext data support was not added until 4.7 and we target 4.6
private const string MaximumTotalDefaultKeyResolverRetriesSwitchKey = "Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.DisableDefaultKeyResolverRetries";
private const string MaximumTotalDefaultKeyResolverRetriesDataKey = "Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.MaximumTotalDefaultKeyResolverRetries";
/// <summary>
/// The window of time before the key expires when a new key should be created
/// and persisted to the keyring to ensure uninterrupted service.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the propagation time is 5 days and the current key expires within 5 days,
/// a new key will be generated.
/// </remarks>
private readonly TimeSpan _keyPropagationWindow;
private readonly int _maxDecryptRetries;
private readonly TimeSpan _decryptRetryDelay;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
/// <summary>
/// The maximum skew that is allowed between servers.
/// This is used to allow newly-created keys to be used across servers even though
/// their activation dates might be a few minutes into the future.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the max skew is 5 minutes and the best matching candidate default key has
/// an activation date of less than 5 minutes in the future, we'll use it.
/// </remarks>
private readonly TimeSpan _maxServerToServerClockSkew;
public DefaultKeyResolver(IOptions<KeyManagementOptions> keyManagementOptions)
: this(keyManagementOptions, NullLoggerFactory.Instance)
{ }
public DefaultKeyResolver(IOptions<KeyManagementOptions> keyManagementOptions, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
_keyPropagationWindow = KeyManagementOptions.KeyPropagationWindow;
_maxServerToServerClockSkew = KeyManagementOptions.MaxServerClockSkew;
_maxDecryptRetries = GetMaxDecryptRetriesFromAppContext() ?? keyManagementOptions.Value.MaximumTotalDefaultKeyResolverRetries;
_decryptRetryDelay = keyManagementOptions.Value.DefaultKeyResolverRetryDelay;
_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<DefaultKeyResolver>();
private static int? GetMaxDecryptRetriesFromAppContext()
// Force to zero if retries are disabled. Otherwise, use the configured value
return AppContext.TryGetSwitch(MaximumTotalDefaultKeyResolverRetriesSwitchKey, out var areRetriesDisabled) && areRetriesDisabled ? 0 : null;
var data = AppContext.GetData(MaximumTotalDefaultKeyResolverRetriesDataKey);
// Programmatically-configured values are usually ints
if (data is int count)
return count;
// msbuild-configured values are usually strings
if (data is string countStr && int.TryParse(countStr, out var parsed))
return parsed;
return null;
private bool CanCreateAuthenticatedEncryptor(IKey key, ref int retriesRemaining)
List<Exception>? exceptions = null;
while (true)
var encryptorInstance = key.CreateEncryptor();
if (encryptorInstance is null)
// This generally indicates a key (descriptor) without a corresponding IAuthenticatedEncryptorFactory,
// which is not something that can succeed on retry - return immediately
new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(IKey.CreateEncryptor)} returned null."));
return false;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
if (retriesRemaining > 0)
if (exceptions is null)
// The first failure doesn't count as a retry
exceptions = [];
if (retriesRemaining <= 0) // Guard against infinite loops from programmer errors
_logger.KeyIsIneligibleToBeTheDefaultKeyBecauseItsMethodFailed(key.KeyId, nameof(IKey.CreateEncryptor), exceptions is null ? ex : new AggregateException(exceptions));
return false;
_logger.RetryingMethodOfKeyAfterFailure(key.KeyId, nameof(IKey.CreateEncryptor), ex);
// Reset the descriptor to allow for a retry
(key as Key)?.ResetDescriptor();
// Don't retry immediately - allow a little time for the transient problem to clear
private IKey? FindDefaultKey(DateTimeOffset now, IEnumerable<IKey> allKeys, out IKey? fallbackKey)
// find the preferred default key (allowing for server-to-server clock skew)
// Note: another approach would be to prefer the *least-recently* activated key if none
// are old enough to have been propagated. We tried that and reverted it because it
// made us less resilient against bad keys. This way, we'll reject a bad key and generate
// a replacement and then the next instance to run will pick up the replacement, rather
// than the bad key. It did have the conceptual advantage of being more similar to the
// fallback code below and the hypothetical advantage of making it easier for instances
// to choose the same key in the event of a race (though we never managed to show that
// empirically. See also https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/57137.
var maxActivationDate = now + _maxServerToServerClockSkew;
var preferredDefaultKey = (from key in allKeys
where key.ActivationDate <= maxActivationDate
orderby key.ActivationDate descending, key.KeyId ascending
select key).FirstOrDefault();
var decryptRetriesRemaining = _maxDecryptRetries;
if (preferredDefaultKey != null)
_logger.ConsideringKeyWithExpirationDateAsDefaultKey(preferredDefaultKey.KeyId, preferredDefaultKey.ExpirationDate);
// if the key has been revoked or is expired, it is no longer a candidate
if (preferredDefaultKey.IsRevoked || preferredDefaultKey.IsExpired(now) || !CanCreateAuthenticatedEncryptor(preferredDefaultKey, ref decryptRetriesRemaining))
fallbackKey = null;
return preferredDefaultKey;
// If we got this far, the caller must generate a key now.
// We should locate a fallback key, which is a key that can be used to protect payloads if
// the caller is configured not to generate a new key. We should try to make sure the fallback
// key has propagated to all callers (so its creation date should be before the previous
// propagation period), and we cannot use revoked keys. The fallback key may be expired.
// Note that the two sort orders are opposite: we want the *newest* key that's old enough
// (to have been propagated) or the *oldest* key that's too new.
// Unlike for the preferred key, we don't choose a fallback key and then reject it if
// CanCreateAuthenticatedEncryptor is false. We want to end up with *some* key, so we
// keep trying until we find one that works.
var maxCreationDate = now - _keyPropagationWindow;
var unrevokedKeys = allKeys.Where(key => !key.IsRevoked);
fallbackKey = (from key in (from key in unrevokedKeys
where !ReferenceEquals(key, preferredDefaultKey) // Don't reconsider it as a fallback
where key.CreationDate <= maxCreationDate
orderby key.CreationDate descending
select key).Concat(from key in unrevokedKeys
where key.CreationDate > maxCreationDate
orderby key.CreationDate ascending
select key)
where CanCreateAuthenticatedEncryptor(key, ref decryptRetriesRemaining)
select key).FirstOrDefault();
return null;
public DefaultKeyResolution ResolveDefaultKeyPolicy(DateTimeOffset now, IEnumerable<IKey> allKeys)
var retVal = default(DefaultKeyResolution);
var defaultKey = FindDefaultKey(now, allKeys, out retVal.FallbackKey);
retVal.DefaultKey = defaultKey;
retVal.ShouldGenerateNewKey = defaultKey is null;
return retVal;