// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.Cng;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.SafeHandles;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.KeyDerivation.PBKDF2;
/// <summary>
/// A PBKDF2 provider which utilizes the Win8 API BCryptKeyDerivation.
/// </summary>
internal sealed unsafe class Win8Pbkdf2Provider : IPbkdf2Provider
public byte[] DeriveKey(string password, byte[] salt, KeyDerivationPrf prf, int iterationCount, int numBytesRequested)
Debug.Assert(password != null);
Debug.Assert(salt != null);
Debug.Assert(iterationCount > 0);
Debug.Assert(numBytesRequested > 0);
string algorithmName = PrfToCngAlgorithmId(prf);
fixed (byte* pbHeapAllocatedSalt = salt)
byte dummy; // CLR doesn't like pinning zero-length buffers, so this provides a valid memory address when working with zero-length buffers
byte* pbSalt = (pbHeapAllocatedSalt != null) ? pbHeapAllocatedSalt : &dummy;
byte[] retVal = new byte[numBytesRequested];
using (BCryptKeyHandle keyHandle = PasswordToPbkdfKeyHandle(password, CachedAlgorithmHandles.PBKDF2, prf))
fixed (byte* pbRetVal = retVal)
DeriveKeyCore(keyHandle, algorithmName, pbSalt, (uint)salt.Length, (ulong)iterationCount, pbRetVal, (uint)retVal.Length);
return retVal;
public static uint GetTotalByteLengthIncludingNullTerminator(string input)
if (input == null)
// degenerate case
return 0;
uint numChars = (uint)input.Length + 1U; // no overflow check necessary since Length is signed
return checked(numChars * sizeof(char));
private static BCryptKeyHandle PasswordToPbkdfKeyHandle(string password, BCryptAlgorithmHandle pbkdf2AlgHandle, KeyDerivationPrf prf)
byte dummy; // CLR doesn't like pinning zero-length buffers, so this provides a valid memory address when working with zero-length buffers
// Convert password string to bytes.
// Allocate on the stack whenever we can to save allocations.
int cbPasswordBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetMaxByteCount(password.Length);
fixed (byte* pbHeapAllocatedPasswordBuffer = (cbPasswordBuffer > Constants.MAX_STACKALLOC_BYTES) ? new byte[cbPasswordBuffer] : null)
byte* pbPasswordBuffer = pbHeapAllocatedPasswordBuffer;
if (pbPasswordBuffer == null)
if (cbPasswordBuffer == 0)
pbPasswordBuffer = &dummy;
byte* pbStackAllocPasswordBuffer = stackalloc byte[cbPasswordBuffer]; // will be released when the frame unwinds
pbPasswordBuffer = pbStackAllocPasswordBuffer;
int cbPasswordBufferUsed; // we're not filling the entire buffer, just a partial buffer
fixed (char* pszPassword = password)
cbPasswordBufferUsed = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pszPassword, password.Length, pbPasswordBuffer, cbPasswordBuffer);
return PasswordToPbkdfKeyHandleStep2(pbkdf2AlgHandle, pbPasswordBuffer, (uint)cbPasswordBufferUsed, prf);
UnsafeBufferUtil.SecureZeroMemory(pbPasswordBuffer, cbPasswordBuffer);
private static BCryptKeyHandle PasswordToPbkdfKeyHandleStep2(BCryptAlgorithmHandle pbkdf2AlgHandle, byte* pbPassword, uint cbPassword, KeyDerivationPrf prf)
const uint PBKDF2_MAX_KEYLENGTH_IN_BYTES = 2048; // GetSupportedKeyLengths() on a Win8 box; value should never be lowered in any future version of Windows
// Common case: the password is small enough to be consumed directly by the PBKDF2 algorithm.
return pbkdf2AlgHandle.GenerateSymmetricKey(pbPassword, cbPassword);
// Rare case: password is very long; we must hash manually.
// PBKDF2 uses the PRFs in HMAC mode, and when the HMAC input key exceeds the hash function's
// block length the key is hashed and run back through the key initialization function.
BCryptAlgorithmHandle prfAlgorithmHandle; // cached; don't dispose
switch (prf)
case KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA1:
prfAlgorithmHandle = CachedAlgorithmHandles.SHA1;
case KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA256:
prfAlgorithmHandle = CachedAlgorithmHandles.SHA256;
case KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA512:
prfAlgorithmHandle = CachedAlgorithmHandles.SHA512;
throw CryptoUtil.Fail("Unrecognized PRF.");
// Final sanity check: don't hash the password if the HMAC key initialization function wouldn't have done it for us.
if (cbPassword <= prfAlgorithmHandle.GetHashBlockLength() /* in bytes */)
return pbkdf2AlgHandle.GenerateSymmetricKey(pbPassword, cbPassword);
// Hash the password and use the hash as input to PBKDF2.
uint cbPasswordDigest = prfAlgorithmHandle.GetHashDigestLength();
CryptoUtil.Assert(cbPasswordDigest > 0, "cbPasswordDigest > 0");
fixed (byte* pbPasswordDigest = new byte[cbPasswordDigest])
using (var hashHandle = prfAlgorithmHandle.CreateHash())
hashHandle.HashData(pbPassword, cbPassword, pbPasswordDigest, cbPasswordDigest);
return pbkdf2AlgHandle.GenerateSymmetricKey(pbPasswordDigest, cbPasswordDigest);
UnsafeBufferUtil.SecureZeroMemory(pbPasswordDigest, cbPasswordDigest);
private static void DeriveKeyCore(BCryptKeyHandle pbkdf2KeyHandle, string hashAlgorithm, byte* pbSalt, uint cbSalt, ulong iterCount, byte* pbDerivedBytes, uint cbDerivedBytes)
// First, build the buffers necessary to pass (hash alg, salt, iter count) into the KDF
BCryptBuffer* pBuffers = stackalloc BCryptBuffer[3];
pBuffers[0].BufferType = BCryptKeyDerivationBufferType.KDF_ITERATION_COUNT;
pBuffers[0].pvBuffer = (IntPtr)(&iterCount);
pBuffers[0].cbBuffer = sizeof(ulong);
pBuffers[1].BufferType = BCryptKeyDerivationBufferType.KDF_SALT;
pBuffers[1].pvBuffer = (IntPtr)pbSalt;
pBuffers[1].cbBuffer = cbSalt;
fixed (char* pszHashAlgorithm = hashAlgorithm)
pBuffers[2].BufferType = BCryptKeyDerivationBufferType.KDF_HASH_ALGORITHM;
pBuffers[2].pvBuffer = (IntPtr)pszHashAlgorithm;
pBuffers[2].cbBuffer = GetTotalByteLengthIncludingNullTerminator(hashAlgorithm);
// Add the header which points to the buffers
BCryptBufferDesc bufferDesc = default(BCryptBufferDesc);
BCryptBufferDesc.Initialize(ref bufferDesc);
bufferDesc.cBuffers = 3;
bufferDesc.pBuffers = pBuffers;
// Finally, import the KDK into the KDF algorithm, then invoke the KDF
uint numBytesDerived;
int ntstatus = UnsafeNativeMethods.BCryptKeyDerivation(
hKey: pbkdf2KeyHandle,
pParameterList: &bufferDesc,
pbDerivedKey: pbDerivedBytes,
cbDerivedKey: cbDerivedBytes,
pcbResult: out numBytesDerived,
dwFlags: 0);
// Final sanity checks before returning control to caller.
CryptoUtil.Assert(numBytesDerived == cbDerivedBytes, "numBytesDerived == cbDerivedBytes");
private static string PrfToCngAlgorithmId(KeyDerivationPrf prf)
switch (prf)
case KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA1:
return Constants.BCRYPT_SHA1_ALGORITHM;
case KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA256:
return Constants.BCRYPT_SHA256_ALGORITHM;
case KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA512:
return Constants.BCRYPT_SHA512_ALGORITHM;
throw CryptoUtil.Fail("Unrecognized PRF.");