// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.SafeHandles;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography;
public unsafe class UnsafeBufferUtilTests
public void BlockCopy_PtrToPtr_IntLength()
// Arrange
long x = 0x0123456789ABCDEF;
long y = 0;
// Act
UnsafeBufferUtil.BlockCopy(from: &x, to: &y, byteCount: (int)sizeof(long));
// Assert
Assert.Equal(x, y);
public void BlockCopy_PtrToPtr_UIntLength()
// Arrange
long x = 0x0123456789ABCDEF;
long y = 0;
// Act
UnsafeBufferUtil.BlockCopy(from: &x, to: &y, byteCount: (uint)sizeof(long));
// Assert
Assert.Equal(x, y);
public void BlockCopy_HandleToHandle()
// Arrange
const string expected = "Hello there!";
int cbExpected = expected.Length * sizeof(char);
var controlHandle = LocalAlloc(cbExpected);
for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
((char*)controlHandle.DangerousGetHandle())[i] = expected[i];
var testHandle = LocalAlloc(cbExpected);
// Act
UnsafeBufferUtil.BlockCopy(from: controlHandle, to: testHandle, length: (IntPtr)cbExpected);
// Assert
string actual = new string((char*)testHandle.DangerousGetHandle(), 0, expected.Length);
Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
public void BlockCopy_HandleToPtr()
// Arrange
const string expected = "Hello there!";
int cbExpected = expected.Length * sizeof(char);
var controlHandle = LocalAlloc(cbExpected);
for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
((char*)controlHandle.DangerousGetHandle())[i] = expected[i];
char* dest = stackalloc char[expected.Length];
// Act
UnsafeBufferUtil.BlockCopy(from: controlHandle, to: dest, byteCount: (uint)cbExpected);
// Assert
string actual = new string(dest, 0, expected.Length);
Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
public void BlockCopy_PtrToHandle()
// Arrange
const string expected = "Hello there!";
int cbExpected = expected.Length * sizeof(char);
var testHandle = LocalAlloc(cbExpected);
// Act
fixed (char* pExpected = expected)
UnsafeBufferUtil.BlockCopy(from: pExpected, to: testHandle, byteCount: (uint)cbExpected);
// Assert
string actual = new string((char*)testHandle.DangerousGetHandle(), 0, expected.Length);
Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
public void SecureZeroMemory_IntLength()
// Arrange
long x = 0x0123456789ABCDEF;
// Act
UnsafeBufferUtil.SecureZeroMemory((byte*)&x, byteCount: (int)sizeof(long));
// Assert
Assert.Equal(0, x);
public void SecureZeroMemory_UIntLength()
// Arrange
long x = 0x0123456789ABCDEF;
// Act
UnsafeBufferUtil.SecureZeroMemory((byte*)&x, byteCount: (uint)sizeof(long));
// Assert
Assert.Equal(0, x);
public void SecureZeroMemory_ULongLength()
// Arrange
long x = 0x0123456789ABCDEF;
// Act
UnsafeBufferUtil.SecureZeroMemory((byte*)&x, byteCount: (ulong)sizeof(long));
// Assert
Assert.Equal(0, x);
public void SecureZeroMemory_IntPtrLength()
// Arrange
long x = 0x0123456789ABCDEF;
// Act
UnsafeBufferUtil.SecureZeroMemory((byte*)&x, length: (IntPtr)sizeof(long));
// Assert
Assert.Equal(0, x);
private static LocalAllocHandle LocalAlloc(int cb)
return SecureLocalAllocHandle.Allocate((IntPtr)cb);