2 overrides of OnAfterRender
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Endpoints.Tests (1)
EndpointHtmlRendererTest.cs (1)
1732protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Tests (1)
ComponentBaseTest.cs (1)
547protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
6 references to OnAfterRender
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components (5)
ComponentBase.cs (5)
162/// Set to <c>true</c> if this is the first time <see cref="OnAfterRender(bool)"/> has been invoked 166/// The <see cref="OnAfterRender(bool)"/> and <see cref="OnAfterRenderAsync(bool)"/> lifecycle methods 187/// Set to <c>true</c> if this is the first time <see cref="OnAfterRender(bool)"/> has been invoked 192/// The <see cref="OnAfterRender(bool)"/> and <see cref="OnAfterRenderAsync(bool)"/> lifecycle methods 370OnAfterRender(firstRender);
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Tests (1)
ComponentBaseTest.cs (1)