// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
#nullable enable
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Text.Json;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
internal sealed class WebEventData
// This class represents the second half of parsing incoming event data,
// once the event ID (and possibly the type of the eventArgs) becomes known.
public static WebEventData Parse(
Renderer renderer,
JsonSerializerOptions jsonSerializerOptions,
JsonElement eventDescriptorJson,
JsonElement eventArgsJson)
WebEventDescriptor eventDescriptor;
eventDescriptor = WebEventDescriptorReader.Read(eventDescriptorJson);
catch (Exception e)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Error parsing the event descriptor", e);
return Parse(renderer, jsonSerializerOptions, eventDescriptor, eventArgsJson);
public static WebEventData Parse(
Renderer renderer,
JsonSerializerOptions jsonSerializerOptions,
WebEventDescriptor eventDescriptor,
JsonElement eventArgsJson)
var parsedEventArgs = ParseEventArgsJson(renderer, jsonSerializerOptions, eventDescriptor.EventHandlerId, eventDescriptor.EventName, eventArgsJson);
return new WebEventData(
private WebEventData(ulong eventHandlerId, EventFieldInfo? eventFieldInfo, EventArgs eventArgs)
EventHandlerId = eventHandlerId;
EventFieldInfo = eventFieldInfo;
EventArgs = eventArgs;
public ulong EventHandlerId { get; }
public EventFieldInfo? EventFieldInfo { get; }
public EventArgs EventArgs { get; }
[UnconditionalSuppressMessage("ReflectionAnalysis", "IL2026:RequiresUnreferencedCode",
Justification = "We are already using the appropriate overload")]
private static EventArgs ParseEventArgsJson(
Renderer renderer,
JsonSerializerOptions jsonSerializerOptions,
ulong eventHandlerId,
string eventName,
JsonElement eventArgsJson)
if (TryDeserializeStandardWebEventArgs(eventName, eventArgsJson, out var eventArgs))
return eventArgs;
// For custom events, the args type is determined from the associated delegate
var eventArgsType = renderer.GetEventArgsType(eventHandlerId);
return (EventArgs)JsonSerializer.Deserialize(eventArgsJson.GetRawText(), eventArgsType, jsonSerializerOptions)!;
catch (Exception e)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"There was an error parsing the event arguments. EventId: '{eventHandlerId}'.", e);
private static bool TryDeserializeStandardWebEventArgs(
string eventName,
JsonElement eventArgsJson,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out EventArgs? eventArgs)
// For back-compatibility, we recognize the built-in list of web event names and hard-code
// rules about the deserialization type for their eventargs. This makes it possible to declare
// an event handler as receiving EventArgs, and have it actually receive a subclass at runtime
// depending on the event that was raised.
// The following list should remain in sync with EventArgsFactory.ts.
switch (eventName)
case "input":
case "change":
// Special case for ChangeEventArgs because its value type can be one of
// several types, and System.Text.Json doesn't pick types dynamically
eventArgs = ChangeEventArgsReader.Read(eventArgsJson);
return true;
case "copy":
case "cut":
case "paste":
eventArgs = ClipboardEventArgsReader.Read(eventArgsJson);
return true;
case "drag":
case "dragend":
case "dragenter":
case "dragleave":
case "dragover":
case "dragstart":
case "drop":
eventArgs = DragEventArgsReader.Read(eventArgsJson);
return true;
case "focus":
case "blur":
case "focusin":
case "focusout":
eventArgs = FocusEventArgsReader.Read(eventArgsJson);
return true;
case "keydown":
case "keyup":
case "keypress":
eventArgs = KeyboardEventArgsReader.Read(eventArgsJson);
return true;
case "contextmenu":
case "click":
case "mouseover":
case "mouseout":
case "mousemove":
case "mousedown":
case "mouseup":
case "dblclick":
eventArgs = MouseEventArgsReader.Read(eventArgsJson);
return true;
case "error":
eventArgs = ErrorEventArgsReader.Read(eventArgsJson);
return true;
case "loadstart":
case "timeout":
case "abort":
case "load":
case "loadend":
case "progress":
eventArgs = ProgressEventArgsReader.Read(eventArgsJson);
return true;
case "touchcancel":
case "touchend":
case "touchmove":
case "touchenter":
case "touchleave":
case "touchstart":
eventArgs = TouchEventArgsReader.Read(eventArgsJson);
return true;
case "gotpointercapture":
case "lostpointercapture":
case "pointercancel":
case "pointerdown":
case "pointerenter":
case "pointerleave":
case "pointermove":
case "pointerout":
case "pointerover":
case "pointerup":
eventArgs = PointerEventArgsReader.Read(eventArgsJson);
return true;
case "wheel":
case "mousewheel":
eventArgs = WheelEventArgsReader.Read(eventArgsJson);
return true;
case "cancel":
case "close":
case "toggle":
eventArgs = EventArgs.Empty;
return true;
// For custom event types, there are no built-in rules, so the deserialization type is
// determined by the parameter declared on the delegate.
eventArgs = null;
return false;