File: Web\BindAttributes.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Components\Web\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
/// <summary>
/// Infrastructure for the discovery of <c>bind</c> attributes for markup elements.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// To extend the set of <c>bind</c> attributes, define a public class named
/// <c>BindAttributes</c> and annotate it with the appropriate attributes.
/// </remarks>
// Handles cases like <input @bind="..." /> - this is a fallback and will be ignored
// when a specific type attribute is applied.
[BindInputElement(null, null, "value", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: false, format: null)]
// Handles cases like <input @bind-value="..." /> - this is a fallback and will be ignored
// when a specific type attribute is applied.
[BindInputElement(null, "value", "value", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: false, format: null)]
[BindInputElement("checkbox", null, "checked", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: false, format: null)]
[BindInputElement("text", null, "value", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: false, format: null)]
// type="number" is invariant culture
[BindInputElement("number", null, "value", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: true, format: null)]
[BindInputElement("number", "value", "value", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: true, format: null)]
// type="date" is invariant culture with a specific format
[BindInputElement("date", null, "value", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: true, format: "yyyy-MM-dd")]
[BindInputElement("date", "value", "value", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: true, format: "yyyy-MM-dd")]
// type="datetime-local" is invariant culture with a specific format.
// See for details.
[BindInputElement("datetime-local", null, "value", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: true, format: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")]
[BindInputElement("datetime-local", "value", "value", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: true, format: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")]
// type="month" is invariant culture with a specific format.
// See for details.
[BindInputElement("month", null, "value", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: true, format: "yyyy-MM")]
[BindInputElement("month", "value", "value", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: true, format: "yyyy-MM")]
// type="time" is invariant culture with a specific format.
[BindInputElement("time", null, "value", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: true, format: "HH:mm:ss")]
[BindInputElement("time", "value", "value", "onchange", isInvariantCulture: true, format: "HH:mm:ss")]
[BindElement("select", null, "value", "onchange")]
[BindElement("textarea", null, "value", "onchange")]
public static class BindAttributes