File: Routing\NavLink.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Components\Web\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Rendering;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Routing;
/// <summary>
/// A component that renders an anchor tag, automatically toggling its 'active'
/// class based on whether its 'href' matches the current URI.
/// </summary>
public class NavLink : ComponentBase, IDisposable
    private const string DisableMatchAllIgnoresLeftUriPartSwitchKey = "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Routing.NavLink.DisableMatchAllIgnoresLeftUriPart";
    private static readonly bool _disableMatchAllIgnoresLeftUriPart = AppContext.TryGetSwitch(DisableMatchAllIgnoresLeftUriPartSwitchKey, out var switchValue) && switchValue;
    private const string DefaultActiveClass = "active";
    private bool _isActive;
    private string? _hrefAbsolute;
    private string? _class;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the CSS class name applied to the NavLink when the
    /// current route matches the NavLink href.
    /// </summary>
    public string? ActiveClass { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets a collection of additional attributes that will be added to the generated
    /// <c>a</c> element.
    /// </summary>
    [Parameter(CaptureUnmatchedValues = true)]
    public IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object>? AdditionalAttributes { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the computed CSS class based on whether or not the link is active.
    /// </summary>
    protected string? CssClass { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the child content of the component.
    /// </summary>
    public RenderFragment? ChildContent { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets a value representing the URL matching behavior.
    /// </summary>
    public NavLinkMatch Match { get; set; }
    [Inject] private NavigationManager NavigationManager { get; set; } = default!;
    /// <inheritdoc />
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        // We'll consider re-rendering on each location change
        NavigationManager.LocationChanged += OnLocationChanged;
    /// <inheritdoc />
    protected override void OnParametersSet()
        // Update computed state
        var href = (string?)null;
        if (AdditionalAttributes != null && AdditionalAttributes.TryGetValue("href", out var obj))
            href = Convert.ToString(obj, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        _hrefAbsolute = href == null ? null : NavigationManager.ToAbsoluteUri(href).AbsoluteUri;
        _isActive = ShouldMatch(NavigationManager.Uri);
        _class = (string?)null;
        if (AdditionalAttributes != null && AdditionalAttributes.TryGetValue("class", out obj))
            _class = Convert.ToString(obj, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public void Dispose()
        // To avoid leaking memory, it's important to detach any event handlers in Dispose()
        NavigationManager.LocationChanged -= OnLocationChanged;
    private void UpdateCssClass()
        CssClass = _isActive ? CombineWithSpace(_class, ActiveClass ?? DefaultActiveClass) : _class;
    private void OnLocationChanged(object? sender, LocationChangedEventArgs args)
        // We could just re-render always, but for this component we know the
        // only relevant state change is to the _isActive property.
        var shouldBeActiveNow = ShouldMatch(args.Location);
        if (shouldBeActiveNow != _isActive)
            _isActive = shouldBeActiveNow;
    /// <summary>
    /// Determines whether the current URI should match the link.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="currentUriAbsolute">The absolute URI of the current location.</param>
    /// <returns>True if the link should be highlighted as active; otherwise, false.</returns>
    protected virtual bool ShouldMatch(string currentUriAbsolute)
        if (_hrefAbsolute == null)
            return false;
        var currentUriAbsoluteSpan = currentUriAbsolute.AsSpan();
        var hrefAbsoluteSpan = _hrefAbsolute.AsSpan();
        if (EqualsHrefExactlyOrIfTrailingSlashAdded(currentUriAbsoluteSpan, hrefAbsoluteSpan))
            return true;
        if (Match == NavLinkMatch.Prefix
            && IsStrictlyPrefixWithSeparator(currentUriAbsolute, _hrefAbsolute))
            return true;
        if (_disableMatchAllIgnoresLeftUriPart || Match != NavLinkMatch.All)
            return false;
        var uriWithoutQueryAndFragment = GetUriIgnoreQueryAndFragment(currentUriAbsoluteSpan);
        if (EqualsHrefExactlyOrIfTrailingSlashAdded(uriWithoutQueryAndFragment, hrefAbsoluteSpan))
            return true;
        hrefAbsoluteSpan = GetUriIgnoreQueryAndFragment(hrefAbsoluteSpan);
        return EqualsHrefExactlyOrIfTrailingSlashAdded(uriWithoutQueryAndFragment, hrefAbsoluteSpan);
    private static ReadOnlySpan<char> GetUriIgnoreQueryAndFragment(ReadOnlySpan<char> uri)
        if (uri.IsEmpty)
            return ReadOnlySpan<char>.Empty;
        var queryStartPos = uri.IndexOf('?');
        var fragmentStartPos = uri.IndexOf('#');
        if (queryStartPos < 0 && fragmentStartPos < 0)
            return uri;
        int minPos;
        if (queryStartPos < 0)
            minPos = fragmentStartPos;
        else if (fragmentStartPos < 0)
            minPos = queryStartPos;
            minPos = Math.Min(queryStartPos, fragmentStartPos);
        return uri.Slice(0, minPos);
    private static readonly CaseInsensitiveCharComparer CaseInsensitiveComparer = new CaseInsensitiveCharComparer();
    private static bool EqualsHrefExactlyOrIfTrailingSlashAdded(ReadOnlySpan<char> currentUriAbsolute, ReadOnlySpan<char> hrefAbsolute)
        if (currentUriAbsolute.SequenceEqual(hrefAbsolute, CaseInsensitiveComparer))
            return true;
        if (currentUriAbsolute.Length == hrefAbsolute.Length - 1)
            // Special case: highlight links to http://host/path/ even if you're
            // at http://host/path (with no trailing slash)
            // This is because the router accepts an absolute URI value of "same
            // as base URI but without trailing slash" as equivalent to "base URI",
            // which in turn is because it's common for servers to return the same page
            // for http://host/vdir as they do for host://host/vdir/ as it's no
            // good to display a blank page in that case.
            if (hrefAbsolute[hrefAbsolute.Length - 1] == '/' &&
                currentUriAbsolute.SequenceEqual(hrefAbsolute.Slice(0, hrefAbsolute.Length - 1), CaseInsensitiveComparer))
                return true;
        return false;
    /// <inheritdoc/>
    protected override void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder builder)
        builder.OpenElement(0, "a");
        builder.AddMultipleAttributes(1, AdditionalAttributes);
        builder.AddAttribute(2, "class", CssClass);
        if (_isActive)
            builder.AddAttribute(3, "aria-current", "page");
        builder.AddContent(4, ChildContent);
    private static string? CombineWithSpace(string? str1, string str2)
        => str1 == null ? str2 : $"{str1} {str2}";
    private static bool IsStrictlyPrefixWithSeparator(string value, string prefix)
        var prefixLength = prefix.Length;
        if (value.Length > prefixLength)
            return value.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                && (
                    // Only match when there's a separator character either at the end of the
                    // prefix or right after it.
                    // Example: "/abc" is treated as a prefix of "/abc/def" but not "/abcdef"
                    // Example: "/abc/" is treated as a prefix of "/abc/def" but not "/abcdef"
                    prefixLength == 0
                    || !IsUnreservedCharacter(prefix[prefixLength - 1])
                    || !IsUnreservedCharacter(value[prefixLength])
            return false;
    private static bool IsUnreservedCharacter(char c)
        // Checks whether it is an unreserved character according to
        // Those are characters that are allowed in a URI but do not have a reserved
        // purpose (e.g. they do not separate the components of the URI)
        return char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) ||
                c == '-' ||
                c == '.' ||
                c == '_' ||
                c == '~';
    private class CaseInsensitiveCharComparer : IEqualityComparer<char>
        public bool Equals(char x, char y)
            return char.ToLowerInvariant(x) == char.ToLowerInvariant(y);
        public int GetHashCode(char obj)
            return char.ToLowerInvariant(obj).GetHashCode();