File: HtmlRendering\StaticHtmlRenderer.HtmlWriting.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Components\Web\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Text.Encodings.Web;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.HtmlRendering.Infrastructure;
public partial class StaticHtmlRenderer
    private static readonly HashSet<string> SelfClosingElements = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
        "area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr"
    private static readonly CascadingParameterInfo _findFormMappingContext = new CascadingParameterInfo(
        new CascadingParameterAttribute(),
    private readonly TextEncoder _javaScriptEncoder;
    private TextEncoder _htmlEncoder;
    private string? _closestSelectValueAsString;
    /// <summary>
    /// Renders the specified component as HTML to the output.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="componentId">The ID of the component whose current HTML state is to be rendered.</param>
    /// <param name="output">The output destination.</param>
    protected internal virtual void WriteComponentHtml(int componentId, TextWriter output)
        // We're about to walk over some buffers inside the renderer that can be mutated during rendering.
        // So, we require exclusive access to the renderer during this synchronous process.
        var frames = GetCurrentRenderTreeFrames(componentId);
        RenderFrames(componentId, output, frames, 0, frames.Count);
    /// <summary>
    /// Renders the specified component frame as HTML to the output.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="output">The output destination.</param>
    /// <param name="componentFrame">The <see cref="RenderTreeFrame"/> representing the component to be rendered.</param>
    protected virtual void RenderChildComponent(TextWriter output, ref RenderTreeFrame componentFrame)
        WriteComponentHtml(componentFrame.ComponentId, output);
    private int RenderFrames(int componentId, TextWriter output, ArrayRange<RenderTreeFrame> frames, int position, int maxElements)
        var nextPosition = position;
        var endPosition = position + maxElements;
        while (position < endPosition)
            nextPosition = RenderCore(componentId, output, frames, position);
            if (position == nextPosition)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("We didn't consume any input.");
            position = nextPosition;
        return nextPosition;
    private int RenderCore(
        int componentId,
        TextWriter output,
        ArrayRange<RenderTreeFrame> frames,
        int position)
        ref var frame = ref frames.Array[position];
        switch (frame.FrameType)
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Element:
                return RenderElement(componentId, output, frames, position);
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Attribute:
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Attributes should only be encountered within {nameof(RenderElement)}");
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Text:
                _htmlEncoder.Encode(output, frame.TextContent);
                return ++position;
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Markup:
                return ++position;
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Component:
                return RenderChildComponent(output, frames, position);
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Region:
                return RenderFrames(componentId, output, frames, position + 1, frame.RegionSubtreeLength - 1);
            case RenderTreeFrameType.ElementReferenceCapture:
            case RenderTreeFrameType.ComponentReferenceCapture:
                return ++position;
            case RenderTreeFrameType.NamedEvent:
                RenderHiddenFieldForNamedSubmitEvent(componentId, output, frames, position);
                return ++position;
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Invalid element frame type '{frame.FrameType}'.");
    private int RenderElement(int componentId, TextWriter output, ArrayRange<RenderTreeFrame> frames, int position)
        ref var frame = ref frames.Array[position];
        int afterElement;
        var isTextArea = string.Equals(frame.ElementName, "textarea", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        var isForm = string.Equals(frame.ElementName, "form", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        // We don't want to include value attribute of textarea element.
        var afterAttributes = RenderAttributes(output, frames, position + 1, frame.ElementSubtreeLength - 1, !isTextArea, isForm: isForm, out var capturedValueAttribute);
        // When we see an <option> as a descendant of a <select>, and the option's "value" attribute matches the
        // "value" attribute on the <select>, then we auto-add the "selected" attribute to that option. This is
        // a way of converting Blazor's select binding feature to regular static HTML.
        if (_closestSelectValueAsString != null
            && string.Equals(frame.ElementName, "option", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
            && string.Equals(capturedValueAttribute, _closestSelectValueAsString, StringComparison.Ordinal))
            output.Write(" selected");
        var remainingElements = frame.ElementSubtreeLength + position - afterAttributes;
        if (remainingElements > 0 || isTextArea)
            var isSelect = string.Equals(frame.ElementName, "select", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            if (isSelect)
                _closestSelectValueAsString = capturedValueAttribute;
            if (isTextArea && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(capturedValueAttribute))
                // Textarea is a special type of form field where the value is given as text content instead of a 'value' attribute
                // So, if we captured a value attribute, use that instead of any child content
                _htmlEncoder.Encode(output, capturedValueAttribute);
                afterElement = position + frame.ElementSubtreeLength; // Skip descendants
            else if (string.Equals(frame.ElementNameField, "script", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                afterElement = RenderScriptElementChildren(componentId, output, frames, afterAttributes, remainingElements);
                afterElement = RenderChildren(componentId, output, frames, afterAttributes, remainingElements);
            if (isSelect)
                // There's no concept of nested <select> elements, so as soon as we're exiting one of them,
                // we can safely say there is no longer any value for this
                _closestSelectValueAsString = null;
            Debug.Assert(afterElement == position + frame.ElementSubtreeLength);
            return afterElement;
            if (SelfClosingElements.Contains(frame.ElementName))
                output.Write(" />");
            Debug.Assert(afterAttributes == position + frame.ElementSubtreeLength);
            return afterAttributes;
    private int RenderScriptElementChildren(int componentId, TextWriter output, ArrayRange<RenderTreeFrame> frames, int position, int maxElements)
        // Inside a <script> context, AddContent calls should result in the text being
        // JavaScript encoded rather than HTML encoded. It's not that we recommend inserting
        // user-supplied content inside a <script> block, but that if someone does, we
        // want the encoding style to match the context for correctness and safety. This is
        // also consistent with .cshtml's treatment of <script>.
        var originalEncoder = _htmlEncoder;
            _htmlEncoder = _javaScriptEncoder;
            return RenderChildren(componentId, output, frames, position, maxElements);
            _htmlEncoder = originalEncoder;
    private void RenderHiddenFieldForNamedSubmitEvent(int componentId, TextWriter output, ArrayRange<RenderTreeFrame> frames, int namedEventFramePosition)
        // Strictly speaking we could just emit the hidden input unconditionally, but since we currently
        // only intend to support this for "form submit" events, validate that's the case
        ref var namedEventFrame = ref frames.Array[namedEventFramePosition];
        if (string.Equals(namedEventFrame.NamedEventType, "onsubmit", StringComparison.Ordinal)
            && TryFindEnclosingElementFrame(frames, namedEventFramePosition, out var enclosingElementFrameIndex))
            ref var enclosingElementFrame = ref frames.Array[enclosingElementFrameIndex];
            if (string.Equals(enclosingElementFrame.ElementName, "form", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (TryCreateScopeQualifiedEventName(componentId, namedEventFrame.NamedEventAssignedName, out var combinedFormName))
                    output.Write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_handler\" value=\"");
                    _htmlEncoder.Encode(output, combinedFormName);
                    output.Write("\" />");
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the fully scope-qualified name for a named event, if the component is within
    /// a <see cref="FormMappingContext"/> (whether or not that mapping context is named).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="componentId">The ID of the component that defines a named event.</param>
    /// <param name="assignedEventName">The name assigned to the named event.</param>
    /// <param name="scopeQualifiedEventName">The scope-qualified event name.</param>
    /// <returns>A flag to indicate whether a value could be produced.</returns>
    protected bool TryCreateScopeQualifiedEventName(int componentId, string assignedEventName, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? scopeQualifiedEventName)
        if (FindFormMappingContext(componentId) is { } mappingContext)
            var mappingScopeName = mappingContext.MappingScopeName;
            scopeQualifiedEventName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mappingScopeName)
                ? assignedEventName
                : $"[{mappingScopeName}]{assignedEventName}";
            return true;
            scopeQualifiedEventName = null;
            return false;
    private FormMappingContext? FindFormMappingContext(int forComponentId)
        var componentState = GetComponentState(forComponentId);
        var supplier = CascadingParameterState.GetMatchingCascadingValueSupplier(
            in _findFormMappingContext,
        return (FormMappingContext?)supplier?.GetCurrentValue(_findFormMappingContext);
    private static bool TryFindEnclosingElementFrame(ArrayRange<RenderTreeFrame> frames, int frameIndex, out int result)
        while (--frameIndex >= 0)
            if (frames.Array[frameIndex].FrameType == RenderTreeFrameType.Element)
                result = frameIndex;
                return true;
        result = default;
        return false;
    private int RenderAttributes(
        TextWriter output,
        ArrayRange<RenderTreeFrame> frames,
        int position,
        int maxElements,
        bool includeValueAttribute,
        bool isForm,
        out string? capturedValueAttribute)
        capturedValueAttribute = null;
        if (maxElements == 0)
            EmitFormActionIfNotExplicit(output, isForm, hasExplicitActionValue: false);
            return position;
        var hasExplicitActionValue = false;
        for (var i = 0; i < maxElements; i++)
            var candidateIndex = position + i;
            ref var frame = ref frames.Array[candidateIndex];
            if (frame.FrameType != RenderTreeFrameType.Attribute)
                if (frame.FrameType == RenderTreeFrameType.ElementReferenceCapture)
                EmitFormActionIfNotExplicit(output, isForm, hasExplicitActionValue);
                return candidateIndex;
            if (frame.AttributeName.Equals("value", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                capturedValueAttribute = frame.AttributeValue as string;
                if (!includeValueAttribute)
            if (isForm && frame.AttributeName.Equals("action", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(frame.AttributeValue as string))
                hasExplicitActionValue = true;
            switch (frame.AttributeValue)
                case bool flag when flag:
                    output.Write(' ');
                case string value:
                    output.Write(' ');
                    _htmlEncoder.Encode(output, value);
        EmitFormActionIfNotExplicit(output, isForm, hasExplicitActionValue);
        return position + maxElements;
        void EmitFormActionIfNotExplicit(TextWriter output, bool isForm, bool hasExplicitActionValue)
            if (isForm && _navigationManager != null && !hasExplicitActionValue)
                output.Write(' ');
                _htmlEncoder.Encode(output, GetRootRelativeUrlForFormAction(_navigationManager));
    private static string GetRootRelativeUrlForFormAction(NavigationManager navigationManager)
        // We want a root-relative URL because:
        // - if we used a base-relative one, then if currentUrl==baseHref, that would result
        //   in an empty string, but forms have special handling for action="" (it means "submit
        //   to the current URL, but that would be wrong if there's an uncommitted navigation in
        //   flight, e.g., after the user clicking 'back' - it would go to whatever's now in the
        //   address bar, ignoring where the form was rendered)
        // - if we used an absolute URL, then it creates a significant extra pit of failure for
        //   apps hosted behind a reverse proxy (e.g., container apps), because the server's view
        //   of the absolute URL isn't usable outside the container
        //   - of course, sites hosted behind URL rewriting that modifies the path will still be
        //     wrong, but developers won't do that often as it makes things like <a href> really
        //     difficult to get right. In that case, developers must emit an action attribute manually.
        return new Uri(navigationManager.Uri, UriKind.Absolute).PathAndQuery;
    private int RenderChildren(int componentId, TextWriter output, ArrayRange<RenderTreeFrame> frames, int position, int maxElements)
        if (maxElements == 0)
            return position;
        return RenderFrames(componentId, output, frames, position, maxElements);
    private int RenderChildComponent(TextWriter output, ArrayRange<RenderTreeFrame> frames, int position)
        ref var frame = ref frames.Array[position];
        RenderChildComponent(output, ref frame);
        return position + frame.ComponentSubtreeLength;