3 instantiations of SecretMessage
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Tests (3)
EventCallbackFactoryBinderExtensionsTest.cs (3)
583var value = new SecretMessage() { Message = "A message", }; 589var expectedValue = new SecretMessage() { Message = "TypeConverter may be old, but it still works!", }; 703return new SecretMessage() { Message = message, };
3 references to SecretMessage
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Tests (3)
EventCallbackFactoryBinderExtensionsTest.cs (3)
583var value = new SecretMessage() { Message = "A message", }; 585Action<SecretMessage> setter = (_) => value = _; 589var expectedValue = new SecretMessage() { Message = "TypeConverter may be old, but it still works!", };