2 writes to End
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Server (2)
BlazorPack\SequenceOfT.cs (2)
388this.End = 0; 424this.End += count;
8 references to End
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Server (8)
BlazorPack\SequenceOfT.cs (8)
109? new ReadOnlySequence<T>(sequence.first, sequence.first.Start, sequence.last, sequence.last.End) 320internal Memory<T> RemainingMemory => this.AvailableMemory.Slice(this.End); 325internal Span<T> RemainingSpan => this.AvailableMemory.Span.Slice(this.End); 341internal int Length => this.End - this.Start; 345/// It is the amount of bytes between <see cref="Length"/> and <see cref="End"/>. 347internal int WritableBytes => this.AvailableMemory.Length - this.End; 383this.ClearReferences(this.Start, this.End); 423Requires.Range(count >= 0 && this.End + count <= this.Memory.Length, nameof(count));