// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Server;
// **Component descriptor protocol**
// MVC serializes one or more components as comments in HTML.
// Each comment is in the form <!-- Blazor:<<Json>>--> for example { "type": "server", "sequence": 0, descriptor: "base64(dataprotected(<<ServerComponent>>))" }
// Where <<Json>> has the following properties:
// 'type' indicates the marker type. For now it's limited to server.
// 'sequence' indicates the order in which this component got rendered on the server.
// 'descriptor' a data-protected payload that allows the server to validate the legitimacy of the rendered component.
// 'prerenderId' a unique identifier that uniquely identifies the marker to match start and end markers.
// descriptor holds the information to validate a component render request. It prevents an infinite number of components
// from being rendered by a given client.
// descriptor is a data protected json payload that holds the following information
// 'sequence' indicates the order in which this component got rendered on the server.
// 'assemblyName' the assembly name for the rendered component.
// 'type' the full type name for the rendered component.
// 'parameterDefinitions' a JSON serialized array that contains the definitions for the parameters including their names and types and assemblies.
// 'parameterValues' a JSON serialized array containing the parameter values.
// 'invocationId' a random string that matches all components rendered by as part of a single HTTP response.
// For example: base64(dataprotection({ "sequence": 1, "assemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components", "type":"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Routing.Router", "invocationId": "<<guid>>"}))
// With parameters
// For example: base64(dataprotection({ "sequence": 1, "assemblyName": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components", "type":"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Routing.Router", "invocationId": "<<guid>>", parameterDefinitions: "[{ \"name\":\"Parameter\", \"typeName\":\"string\", \"assembly\":\"System.Private.CoreLib\"}], parameterValues: [<<string-value>>]}))
// Serialization:
// For a given response, MVC renders one or more markers in sequence, including a descriptor for each rendered
// component containing the information described above.
// Deserialization:
// To prevent a client from rendering an infinite amount of components, we require clients to send all component
// markers in order. They can do so thanks to the sequence included in the marker.
// When we process a marker we do the following.
// * We unprotect the data-protected information.
// * We validate that the sequence number for the descriptor goes after the previous descriptor.
// * We compare the invocationId for the previous descriptor against the invocationId for the current descriptor to make sure they match.
// By doing this we achieve three things:
// * We ensure that the descriptor came from the server.
// * We ensure that a client can't just send an infinite amount of components to render.
// * We ensure that we do the minimal amount of work in the case of an invalid sequence of descriptors.
// For example:
// A client can't just send 100 component markers and force us to process them if the server didn't generate those 100 markers.
// * If a marker is out of sequence we will fail early, so we process at most n-1 markers.
// * If a marker has the right sequence but the invocation ID is different we will fail at that point. We know for sure that the
// component wasn't render as part of the same response.
// * If a marker can't be unprotected we will fail early. We know that the marker was tampered with and can't be trusted.
internal sealed partial class ServerComponentDeserializer : IServerComponentDeserializer
private readonly IDataProtector _dataProtector;
private readonly ILogger<ServerComponentDeserializer> _logger;
private readonly RootComponentTypeCache _rootComponentTypeCache;
private readonly ComponentParameterDeserializer _parametersDeserializer;
// The following fields are only used in TryDeserializeSingleComponentDescriptor.
// The TryDeserializeComponentDescriptorCollection method uses a stateless
// approach to efficiently detect invalid component records.
private readonly HashSet<Guid> _expiredInvocationIds = new();
private readonly HashSet<int> _seenSequenceNumbersForCurrentInvocation = new();
private Guid? _currentInvocationId;
public ServerComponentDeserializer(
IDataProtectionProvider dataProtectionProvider,
ILogger<ServerComponentDeserializer> logger,
RootComponentTypeCache rootComponentTypeCache,
ComponentParameterDeserializer parametersDeserializer)
// When we protect the data we use a time-limited data protector with the
// limits established in 'ServerComponentSerializationSettings.DataExpiration'
// We don't use any of the additional methods provided by ITimeLimitedDataProtector
// in this class, but we need to create one for the unprotect operations to work
// even though we simply call '_dataProtector.Unprotect'.
// See the comment in ServerComponentSerializationSettings.DataExpiration to understand
// why we limit the validity of the protected payloads.
_dataProtector = dataProtectionProvider
_logger = logger;
_rootComponentTypeCache = rootComponentTypeCache;
_parametersDeserializer = parametersDeserializer;
public bool TryDeserializeComponentDescriptorCollection(string serializedComponentRecords, out List<ComponentDescriptor> descriptors)
var markers = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<IEnumerable<ComponentMarker>>(serializedComponentRecords, ServerComponentSerializationSettings.JsonSerializationOptions);
descriptors = new List<ComponentDescriptor>();
int lastSequence = -1;
var previousInstance = new ServerComponent();
foreach (var marker in markers)
var (descriptor, serverComponent) = DeserializeComponentDescriptor(marker);
if (descriptor == null)
// We failed to deserialize the component descriptor for some reason.
return false;
// We force our client to send the descriptors in order so that we do minimal work.
// The list of descriptors starts with 0 and lastSequence is initialized to -1 so this
// check covers that the sequence starts by 0.
if (lastSequence != serverComponent.Sequence - 1)
if (lastSequence == -1)
Log.DescriptorSequenceMustStartAtZero(_logger, serverComponent.Sequence);
Log.OutOfSequenceDescriptor(_logger, lastSequence, serverComponent.Sequence);
return false;
if (lastSequence != -1 && !previousInstance.InvocationId.Equals(serverComponent.InvocationId))
Log.MismatchedInvocationId(_logger, previousInstance.InvocationId.ToString("N"), serverComponent.InvocationId.ToString("N"));
return false;
// As described below, we build a chain of descriptors to prevent being flooded by
// descriptors from a client not behaving properly.
lastSequence = serverComponent.Sequence;
previousInstance = serverComponent;
return true;
public bool TryDeserializeWebRootComponentDescriptor(ComponentMarker record, [NotNullWhen(true)] out WebRootComponentDescriptor? result)
result = default;
if (!TryDeserializeServerComponent(record, out var serverComponent))
return false;
if (record.Key != serverComponent.Key)
return false;
// We're seeing a different invocation ID than we did the last time we processed a component.
// There are two possibilities:
// [1] A new invocation has started, in which case we should stop accepting components from the previous one.
// [2] The client is attempting to use an already-expired invocation ID. We should reject the component in
// this case because we only want to accept components from the current invocation.
if (serverComponent.InvocationId != _currentInvocationId)
if (_expiredInvocationIds.Contains(serverComponent.InvocationId))
Log.ExpiredInvocationId(_logger, serverComponent.InvocationId.ToString("N"));
return false;
if (_currentInvocationId.HasValue)
_currentInvocationId = serverComponent.InvocationId;
// We've already seen this sequence number for this invocation. We fail to avoid processing the same
// component twice.
if (_seenSequenceNumbersForCurrentInvocation.Contains(serverComponent.Sequence))
Log.ReusedDescriptorSequence(_logger, serverComponent.Sequence, serverComponent.InvocationId.ToString("N"));
return false;
if (!TryDeserializeComponentTypeAndParameters(serverComponent, out var componentType, out var parameters))
return false;
var webRootComponentParameters = new WebRootComponentParameters(
result = new(componentType, webRootComponentParameters);
return true;
private bool TryDeserializeComponentTypeAndParameters(ServerComponent serverComponent, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Type? componentType, out ParameterView parameters)
parameters = default;
componentType = _rootComponentTypeCache
.GetRootComponent(serverComponent.AssemblyName, serverComponent.TypeName);
if (componentType == null)
Log.FailedToFindComponent(_logger, serverComponent.TypeName, serverComponent.AssemblyName);
return false;
if (!_parametersDeserializer.TryDeserializeParameters(serverComponent.ParameterDefinitions, serverComponent.ParameterValues, out parameters))
// TryDeserializeParameters does appropriate logging.
return default;
return true;
private bool TryDeserializeServerComponent(ComponentMarker record, out ServerComponent result)
result = default;
if (record.Type is not (ComponentMarker.ServerMarkerType or ComponentMarker.AutoMarkerType))
Log.InvalidMarkerType(_logger, record.Type);
return false;
if (record.Descriptor == null)
return false;
string unprotected;
var payload = Convert.FromBase64String(record.Descriptor);
var unprotectedBytes = _dataProtector.Unprotect(payload);
unprotected = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(unprotectedBytes);
catch (Exception e)
Log.FailedToUnprotectDescriptor(_logger, e);
result = default;
return false;
result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ServerComponent>(
return true;
catch (Exception e)
Log.FailedToDeserializeDescriptor(_logger, e);
result = default;
return false;
private (ComponentDescriptor, ServerComponent) DeserializeComponentDescriptor(ComponentMarker record)
if (!TryDeserializeServerComponent(record, out var serverComponent))
return default;
if (!TryDeserializeComponentTypeAndParameters(serverComponent, out var componentType, out var parameters))
return default;
var componentDescriptor = new ComponentDescriptor
ComponentType = componentType,
Parameters = parameters,
Sequence = serverComponent.Sequence,
return (componentDescriptor, serverComponent);
public bool TryDeserializeRootComponentOperations(string serializedComponentOperations, [NotNullWhen(true)] out RootComponentOperationBatch? result)
int[]? seenComponentIdsStorage = null;
result = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<RootComponentOperationBatch>(
var operations = result.Operations;
Span<int> seenSsrComponentIds = operations.Length <= 128
? stackalloc int[operations.Length]
: (seenComponentIdsStorage = ArrayPool<int>.Shared.Rent(operations.Length)).AsSpan(0, operations.Length);
var currentSsrComponentIdIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < operations.Length; i++)
var operation = operations[i];
if (seenSsrComponentIds[0..currentSsrComponentIdIndex].Contains(operation.SsrComponentId))
Log.InvalidRootComponentOperation(_logger, operation.Type, message: "Duplicate component ID.");
result = null;
return false;
seenSsrComponentIds[currentSsrComponentIdIndex++] = operation.SsrComponentId;
if (operation.Type == RootComponentOperationType.Remove)
if (operation.Marker == null)
Log.InvalidRootComponentOperation(_logger, operation.Type, message: "Missing marker.");
result = null;
return false;
if (!TryDeserializeWebRootComponentDescriptor(operation.Marker.Value, out var descriptor))
result = null;
return false;
operation.Descriptor = descriptor;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.FailedToProcessRootComponentOperations(_logger, ex);
result = null;
return false;
if (seenComponentIdsStorage != null)
private static partial class Log
[LoggerMessage(1, LogLevel.Debug, "Failed to deserialize the component descriptor.", EventName = "FailedToDeserializeDescriptor")]
public static partial void FailedToDeserializeDescriptor(ILogger<ServerComponentDeserializer> logger, Exception e);
[LoggerMessage(2, LogLevel.Debug, "Failed to find component '{ComponentName}' in assembly '{Assembly}'.", EventName = "FailedToFindComponent")]
public static partial void FailedToFindComponent(ILogger<ServerComponentDeserializer> logger, string componentName, string assembly);
[LoggerMessage(3, LogLevel.Debug, "Failed to unprotect the component descriptor.", EventName = "FailedToUnprotectDescriptor")]
public static partial void FailedToUnprotectDescriptor(ILogger<ServerComponentDeserializer> logger, Exception e);
[LoggerMessage(4, LogLevel.Debug, "Invalid component marker type '{MarkerType}'.", EventName = "InvalidMarkerType")]
public static partial void InvalidMarkerType(ILogger<ServerComponentDeserializer> logger, string markerType);
[LoggerMessage(5, LogLevel.Debug, "The component marker is missing the descriptor.", EventName = "MissingMarkerDescriptor")]
public static partial void MissingMarkerDescriptor(ILogger<ServerComponentDeserializer> logger);
[LoggerMessage(6, LogLevel.Debug, "The descriptor invocationId is '{invocationId}' and got a descriptor with invocationId '{currentInvocationId}'.", EventName = "MismatchedInvocationId")]
public static partial void MismatchedInvocationId(ILogger<ServerComponentDeserializer> logger, string invocationId, string currentInvocationId);
[LoggerMessage(7, LogLevel.Debug, "The last descriptor sequence was '{lastSequence}' and got a descriptor with sequence '{sequence}'.", EventName = "OutOfSequenceDescriptor")]
public static partial void OutOfSequenceDescriptor(ILogger<ServerComponentDeserializer> logger, int lastSequence, int sequence);
[LoggerMessage(8, LogLevel.Debug, "The descriptor sequence '{sequence}' is an invalid start sequence.", EventName = "DescriptorSequenceMustStartAtZero")]
public static partial void DescriptorSequenceMustStartAtZero(ILogger<ServerComponentDeserializer> logger, int sequence);
[LoggerMessage(9, LogLevel.Debug, "The descriptor invocationId '{invocationId}' has expired.", EventName = "ExpiredInvocationId")]
public static partial void ExpiredInvocationId(ILogger<ServerComponentDeserializer> logger, string invocationId);
[LoggerMessage(10, LogLevel.Debug, "The descriptor with sequence '{sequence}' was already used for the current invocationId '{invocationId}'.", EventName = "ReusedDescriptorSequence")]
public static partial void ReusedDescriptorSequence(ILogger<ServerComponentDeserializer> logger, int sequence, string invocationId);
[LoggerMessage(11, LogLevel.Debug, "The root component operation of type '{OperationType}' was invalid: {Message}", EventName = "InvalidRootComponentOperation")]
public static partial void InvalidRootComponentOperation(ILogger logger, RootComponentOperationType operationType, string message);
[LoggerMessage(12, LogLevel.Debug, "Failed to parse root component operations", EventName = nameof(FailedToProcessRootComponentOperations))]
public static partial void FailedToProcessRootComponentOperations(ILogger logger, Exception exception);
[LoggerMessage(13, LogLevel.Debug, "The provided root component key was not valid.", EventName = nameof(InvalidRootComponentKey))]
public static partial void InvalidRootComponentKey(ILogger logger);