11 references to Items
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.QuickGrid (11)
QuickGrid.razor.cs (11)
26/// You should supply either <see cref="Items"/> or <see cref="ItemsProvider"/>, but not both. 33/// You should supply either <see cref="Items"/> or <see cref="ItemsProvider"/>, but not both. 175if (Items is not null && ItemsProvider is not null) 177throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(QuickGrid)} requires one of {nameof(Items)} or {nameof(ItemsProvider)}, but both were specified."); 181var _newItemsOrItemsProvider = Items ?? (object?)ItemsProvider; 186_asyncQueryExecutor = AsyncQueryExecutorSupplier.GetAsyncQueryExecutor(Services, Items); 277/// (either <see cref="Items"/> or <see cref="ItemsProvider"/>). 376else if (Items is not null) 378var totalItemCount = _asyncQueryExecutor is null ? Items.Count() : await _asyncQueryExecutor.CountAsync(Items); 379var result = request.ApplySorting(Items).Skip(request.StartIndex);