// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Endpoints.FormMapping;
// The algorithm for collections is always the same. There are two main cases:
// The collection can be modified, so we can add items to it.
// The collection cannot be modified, so we need to use a buffer and copy the items to it once we are done.
// When adding to the buffer, there are two cases:
// The buffer implements ICollection<T>, so we can add items to it.
// The buffer does not implement ICollection<T>, so we need to use custom code to add items to it.
// These aspects are captured in the TCollectionPolicy type parameter.
// Instead of creating a hierachy with virtual members, we are using generics and virtual interface dispatch to achieve the same result.
// This allows us to avoid virtual dispatch at runtime, and enables us to easily adapt to different types of collections.
internal abstract class CollectionConverter<TCollection> : FormDataConverter<TCollection>
internal class CollectionConverter<TCollection, TCollectionPolicy, TBuffer, TElement> : CollectionConverter<TCollection>
where TCollectionPolicy : ICollectionBufferAdapter<TCollection, TBuffer, TElement>
private static readonly Type _elementType = typeof(TElement);
// Indexes up to 100 are pre-allocated to avoid allocations for common cases.
private static readonly string[] Indexes = new string[] {
"[0]", "[1]", "[2]", "[3]", "[4]", "[5]", "[6]", "[7]", "[8]", "[9]",
"[10]", "[11]", "[12]", "[13]", "[14]", "[15]", "[16]", "[17]", "[18]", "[19]",
"[20]", "[21]", "[22]", "[23]", "[24]", "[25]", "[26]", "[27]", "[28]", "[29]",
"[30]", "[31]", "[32]", "[33]", "[34]", "[35]", "[36]", "[37]", "[38]", "[39]",
"[40]", "[41]", "[42]", "[43]", "[44]", "[45]", "[46]", "[47]", "[48]", "[49]",
"[50]", "[51]", "[52]", "[53]", "[54]", "[55]", "[56]", "[57]", "[58]", "[59]",
"[60]", "[61]", "[62]", "[63]", "[64]", "[65]", "[66]", "[67]", "[68]", "[69]",
"[70]", "[71]", "[72]", "[73]", "[74]", "[75]", "[76]", "[77]", "[78]", "[79]",
"[80]", "[81]", "[82]", "[83]", "[84]", "[85]", "[86]", "[87]", "[88]", "[89]",
"[90]", "[91]", "[92]", "[93]", "[94]", "[95]", "[96]", "[97]", "[98]", "[99]",
private readonly FormDataConverter<TElement> _elementConverter;
public CollectionConverter(FormDataConverter<TElement> elementConverter)
_elementConverter = elementConverter;
internal override bool TryRead(
ref FormDataReader context,
Type type,
FormDataMapperOptions options,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out TCollection? result,
out bool found)
TElement currentElement;
TBuffer? buffer = default;
bool foundCurrentElement;
bool currentElementSuccess;
bool succeded;
// Even though we have indexes, we special case 0 an 1 and use literals directly. We leave them in the indexes
// collection because it makes other indexes align.
succeded = _elementConverter.TryRead(ref context, _elementType, options, out currentElement!, out found);
if (!found)
return TryReadSingleValueCollection(ref context, out result, ref found, ref buffer, ref succeded);
// We already know we found an element;
found = true;
// At this point we have at least found one element, we can create the collection and assign it to it.
buffer = TCollectionPolicy.CreateBuffer();
buffer = TCollectionPolicy.Add(ref buffer, currentElement!);
// Read element 1 and set conditions to enter the loop
currentElementSuccess = _elementConverter.TryRead(ref context, _elementType, options, out currentElement!, out foundCurrentElement);
succeded = succeded && currentElementSuccess;
if (buffer != null)
// Ensure the buffer is cleaned up if we fail.
result = TCollectionPolicy.ToResult(buffer);
var maxCollectionSize = options.MaxCollectionSize;
// We need to iterate while we keep finding values, even if some of them have errors. This is because we don't want data to be lost just
// because we are not able to parse it. For example, if [5] = "asdf", we don't want to loose the values for [6], [7], etc. that can be
// valid.
// There will be a limit to how many errors we collect, at which point we will stop capturing errors.
// Similarly, over 100 elements, we'll start doing more work to compute the index prefix. We chose 100 because that's the default
// max collection size that we will support.
var index = 2;
var lastElementWithComputedIndex = 100 < maxCollectionSize ? 100 : maxCollectionSize;
for (; index < lastElementWithComputedIndex && foundCurrentElement; index++)
// Add the current element
buffer = TCollectionPolicy.Add(ref buffer, currentElement!);
// Get the precomputed prefix and try and bind the element.
var prefix = Indexes[index];
currentElementSuccess = _elementConverter.TryRead(ref context, _elementType, options, out currentElement!, out foundCurrentElement);
succeded = succeded && currentElementSuccess;
if (buffer != null)
// Ensure the buffer is cleaned up if we fail.
result = TCollectionPolicy.ToResult(buffer);
if (!foundCurrentElement)
result = TCollectionPolicy.ToResult(buffer);
if (!succeded)
return succeded;
// We need to compute the prefix for the index, since it's not precomputed.
// The biggest UInt32 representation is 4294967295, which is 10 characters, so 16 chars is more than enough to
// hold the representation.
Span<char> computedPrefix = stackalloc char[16];
computedPrefix[0] = '[';
// index is 100 here.
// We want to go 1 element over of max collection size, so we can report an error if we find it.
for (; index <= maxCollectionSize && foundCurrentElement; index++)
// Add the current element
buffer = TCollectionPolicy.Add(ref buffer, currentElement!);
// We need to compute the prefix for the index, since it's not precomputed.
if (!index.TryFormat(computedPrefix[1..], out var charsWritten, provider: CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
succeded = false;
computedPrefix[charsWritten + 1] = ']';
context.PushPrefix(computedPrefix[..(charsWritten + 2)]);
currentElementSuccess = _elementConverter.TryRead(ref context, _elementType, options, out currentElement!, out foundCurrentElement);
succeded = succeded && currentElementSuccess;
if (buffer != null)
// Ensure the buffer is cleaned up if we fail.
result = TCollectionPolicy.ToResult(buffer);
context.PopPrefix(computedPrefix[..(charsWritten + 2)]);
result = TCollectionPolicy.ToResult(buffer);
if (index > maxCollectionSize && foundCurrentElement)
// Signal failure because we have stopped binding.
FormattableStringFactory.Create(FormDataResources.MaxCollectionSizeReached, "collection", maxCollectionSize),
return false;
if (!succeded)
return succeded;
private bool TryReadSingleValueCollection(ref FormDataReader context, out TCollection? result, ref bool found, ref TBuffer? buffer, ref bool succeded)
if (_elementConverter is ISingleValueConverter<TElement> singleValueConverter &&
singleValueConverter.CanConvertSingleValue() &&
context.TryGetValues(out var values))
found = true;
buffer = TCollectionPolicy.CreateBuffer();
for (var i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
var value = values[i];
if (!singleValueConverter.TryConvertValue(ref context, value!, out var elementValue))
succeded = false;
buffer = TCollectionPolicy.Add(ref buffer, elementValue);
catch (Exception ex)
succeded = false;
context.AddMappingError(ex, value);
result = TCollectionPolicy.ToResult(buffer);
result = default;
return succeded;