1 write to SurrogateChar
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Analyzers (1)
Infrastructure\VirtualChars\VirtualChar.cs (1)
83SurrogateChar = surrogateChar;
16 references to SurrogateChar
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Analyzers (16)
Infrastructure\VirtualChars\VirtualChar.cs (16)
32/// <see cref="SurrogateChar"/>. 92public int Value => SurrogateChar != 0 ? SurrogateChar : Rune.Value; 95=> SurrogateChar != 0 ? char.IsDigit(SurrogateChar) : Rune.IsDigit(Rune); 98=> SurrogateChar != 0 ? char.IsLetterOrDigit(SurrogateChar) : Rune.IsLetterOrDigit(Rune); 101=> SurrogateChar != 0 ? char.IsWhiteSpace(SurrogateChar) : Rune.IsWhiteSpace(Rune); 122SurrogateChar == other.SurrogateChar && 129hashCode = hashCode * -1521134295 + SurrogateChar.GetHashCode(); 140=> SurrogateChar != 0 ? SurrogateChar.ToString() : Rune.ToString(); 144if (SurrogateChar != 0) 146builder.Append(SurrogateChar);