File: RouteEmbeddedLanguage\Infrastructure\MarkupTestFile.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Framework\AspNetCoreAnalyzers\test\Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Analyzers.Test.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Analyzers.Test)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using System.Globalization;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Analyzers.RouteEmbeddedLanguage.Infrastructure;
/// <summary>
/// To aid with testing, we define a special type of text file that can encode additional
/// information in it.  This prevents a test writer from having to carry around multiple sources
/// of information that must be reconstituted.  For example, instead of having to keep around the
/// contents of a file *and* and the location of the cursor, the tester can just provide a
/// string with the "$" character in it.  This allows for easy creation of "FIT" tests where all
/// that needs to be provided are strings that encode every bit of state necessary in the string
/// itself.
/// The current set of encoded features we support are: 
/// $$ - The position in the file.  There can be at most one of these.
/// [| ... |] - A span of text in the file.  There can be many of these and they can be nested
/// and/or overlap the $ position.
/// {|Name: ... |} A span of text in the file annotated with an identifier.  There can be many of
/// these, including ones with the same name.
/// Additional encoded features can be added on a case by case basis.
/// </summary>
public static class MarkupTestFile
    private const string PositionString = "$$";
    private const string SpanStartString = "[|";
    private const string SpanEndString = "|]";
    private const string NamedSpanStartString = "{|";
    private const string NamedSpanEndString = "|}";
    private static readonly Regex s_namedSpanStartRegex = new Regex(@"\{\| ([-_.A-Za-z0-9\+]+) \:",
        RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
    private static void Parse(
        string input, out string output, out int? position, out IDictionary<string, List<TextSpan>> spans)
        position = null;
        var tempSpans = new Dictionary<string, List<TextSpan>>();
        var outputBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        var currentIndexInInput = 0;
        var inputOutputOffset = 0;
        // A stack of span starts along with their associated annotation name.  [||] spans simply
        // have empty string for their annotation name.
        var spanStartStack = new Stack<(int matchIndex, string name)>();
        var namedSpanStartStack = new Stack<(int matchIndex, string name)>();
        while (true)
            var matches = new List<(int matchIndex, string name)>();
            AddMatch(input, PositionString, currentIndexInInput, matches);
            AddMatch(input, SpanStartString, currentIndexInInput, matches);
            AddMatch(input, SpanEndString, currentIndexInInput, matches);
            AddMatch(input, NamedSpanEndString, currentIndexInInput, matches);
            var namedSpanStartMatch = s_namedSpanStartRegex.Match(input, currentIndexInInput);
            if (namedSpanStartMatch.Success)
                matches.Add((namedSpanStartMatch.Index, namedSpanStartMatch.Value));
            if (matches.Count == 0)
                // No more markup to process.
            var orderedMatches = matches.OrderBy(t => t, Comparer<(int matchIndex, string name)>.Create((t1, t2) => t1.matchIndex - t2.matchIndex)).ToList();
            if (orderedMatches.Count >= 2 &&
                (spanStartStack.Count > 0 || namedSpanStartStack.Count > 0) &&
                matches[0].matchIndex == matches[1].matchIndex - 1)
                // We have a slight ambiguity with cases like these:
                // [|]    [|}
                // Is it starting a new match, or ending an existing match.  As a workaround, we
                // special case these and consider it ending a match if we have something on the
                // stack already.
                if (matches[0].name == SpanStartString && matches[1].name == SpanEndString && spanStartStack.Count > 0 ||
                    matches[0].name == SpanStartString && matches[1].name == NamedSpanEndString && namedSpanStartStack.Count > 0)
            // Order the matches by their index
            var firstMatch = orderedMatches.First();
            var matchIndexInInput = firstMatch.matchIndex;
            var matchString =;
            var matchIndexInOutput = matchIndexInInput - inputOutputOffset;
            outputBuilder.Append(input.Substring(currentIndexInInput, matchIndexInInput - currentIndexInInput));
            currentIndexInInput = matchIndexInInput + matchString.Length;
            inputOutputOffset += matchString.Length;
            switch (matchString.Substring(0, 2))
                case PositionString:
                    if (position.HasValue)
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Saw multiple occurrences of {0}", PositionString));
                    position = matchIndexInOutput;
                case SpanStartString:
                    spanStartStack.Push((matchIndexInOutput, string.Empty));
                case SpanEndString:
                    if (spanStartStack.Count == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Saw {0} without matching {1}", SpanEndString, SpanStartString));
                    PopSpan(spanStartStack, tempSpans, matchIndexInOutput);
                case NamedSpanStartString:
                    var name = namedSpanStartMatch.Groups[1].Value;
                    namedSpanStartStack.Push((matchIndexInOutput, name));
                case NamedSpanEndString:
                    if (namedSpanStartStack.Count == 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Saw {0} without matching {1}", NamedSpanEndString, NamedSpanStartString));
                    PopSpan(namedSpanStartStack, tempSpans, matchIndexInOutput);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();
        if (spanStartStack.Count > 0)
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Saw {0} without matching {1}", SpanStartString, SpanEndString));
        if (namedSpanStartStack.Count > 0)
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Saw {0} without matching {1}", NamedSpanEndString, NamedSpanEndString));
        // Append the remainder of the string.
        output = outputBuilder.ToString();
        spans = tempSpans.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
    private static V GetOrAdd<K, V>(IDictionary<K, V> dictionary, K key, Func<K, V> function)
        if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var value))
            value = function(key);
            dictionary.Add(key, value);
        return value;
    private static void PopSpan(
        Stack<(int matchIndex, string name)> spanStartStack,
        IDictionary<string, List<TextSpan>> spans,
        int finalIndex)
        var (matchIndex, name) = spanStartStack.Pop();
        var span = TextSpan.FromBounds(matchIndex, finalIndex);
        GetOrAdd(spans, name, _ => new List<TextSpan>()).Add(span);
    private static void AddMatch(string input, string value, int currentIndex, List<(int, string)> matches)
        var index = input.IndexOf(value, currentIndex, StringComparison.Ordinal);
        if (index >= 0)
            matches.Add((index, value));
    private static void GetPositionAndSpans(
        string input, out string output, out int? cursorPositionOpt, out ImmutableArray<TextSpan> spans)
        Parse(input, out output, out cursorPositionOpt, out var dictionary);
        var builder = GetOrAdd(dictionary, string.Empty, _ => new List<TextSpan>());
        builder.Sort((left, right) => left.Start - right.Start);
        spans = builder.ToImmutableArray();
    public static void GetPositionAndSpans(
        string input, out string output, out int? cursorPositionOpt, out IDictionary<string, ImmutableArray<TextSpan>> spans)
        Parse(input, out output, out cursorPositionOpt, out var dictionary);
        spans = dictionary.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value.ToImmutableArray());
    public static void GetSpans(string input, out string output, out IDictionary<string, ImmutableArray<TextSpan>> spans)
        => GetPositionAndSpans(input, out output, out var cursorPositionOpt, out spans);
    public static void GetPositionAndSpans(string input, out string output, out int cursorPosition, out ImmutableArray<TextSpan> spans)
        GetPositionAndSpans(input, out output, out int? pos, out spans);
        cursorPosition = pos.Value;
    public static void GetPosition(string input, out string output, out int? cursorPosition)
        => GetPositionAndSpans(input, out output, out cursorPosition, out ImmutableArray<TextSpan> spans);
    public static void GetPosition(string input, out string output, out int cursorPosition)
        => GetPositionAndSpans(input, out output, out cursorPosition, out var spans);
    public static void GetPositionAndSpan(string input, out string output, out int? cursorPosition, out TextSpan? textSpan)
        GetPositionAndSpans(input, out output, out cursorPosition, out ImmutableArray<TextSpan> spans);
        textSpan = spans.Length == 0 ? null : spans.Single();
    public static void GetPositionAndSpan(string input, out string output, out int cursorPosition, out TextSpan textSpan)
        GetPositionAndSpans(input, out output, out cursorPosition, out var spans);
        textSpan = spans.Single();
    public static void GetSpans(string input, out string output, out ImmutableArray<TextSpan> spans)
        GetPositionAndSpans(input, out output, out int? pos, out spans);
    public static void GetSpan(string input, out string output, out TextSpan textSpan)
        GetSpans(input, out output, out ImmutableArray<TextSpan> spans);
        textSpan = spans.Single();