File: UsingToStringInLoggersTests.cs
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Project: src\test\Analyzers\Microsoft.Analyzers.Extra.Tests\Microsoft.Analyzers.Extra.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.Analyzers.Extra.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.Enrichment;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Gen.Logging;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.ExtraAnalyzers.Test;
public class UsingToStringInLoggersTests
    public static IEnumerable<Assembly> References => new[]
    public async Task UsingToStringInLogger()
        const string Source = @"
            using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
            namespace Example
                internal static partial class Log
                    [LoggerMessage(1, LogLevel.Debug, ""Flargh! {arg}"")]
                    public static partial void Flargh(ILogger log, string arg);
                public class TestContainer
                    public object Item { get; private set; }
                    public TestContainer(object item)
                        Item = item;
                public static class TestClass
                    public static void LogTest(ILogger log, object something)
                        Log.Flargh(log, /*0+*/something.ToString()/*-0*/!);
                        Log.Flargh(log, /*1+*/something.GetType().ToString()/*-1*/!);
                        Log.Flargh(log, something.ToString()!.Substring(4));
                        var tc = new TestContainer(something);
                        Log.Flargh(log, /*2+*/tc.Item.ToString()/*-2*/!);
        var generated = await RoslynTestUtils.RunGenerator(
            new LoggingGenerator(),
            new[] { Source });
        var fullDiags = await RoslynTestUtils.RunAnalyzer(
            new UsingToStringInLoggersAnalyzer(),
            new[] { Source, generated.generatedSources[0].SourceText.ToString() });
        var d = RoslynTestUtils.FilterDiagnostics(fullDiags, DiagDescriptors.UsingToStringInLoggers);
        Assert.Equal(3, d.Count);
        Source.AssertDiagnostic(0, DiagDescriptors.UsingToStringInLoggers, d[0]);
        Source.AssertDiagnostic(1, DiagDescriptors.UsingToStringInLoggers, d[1]);
        Source.AssertDiagnostic(2, DiagDescriptors.UsingToStringInLoggers, d[2]);
    public async Task NonLoggerAttribute()
        const string Source = @"
                using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
                using System;
                namespace Example
                    internal sealed class SimpleAttribute : Attribute
                        public string Text { get; }
                        public SimpleAttribute(string text) { Text = text; }
                    internal static class Log
                        [Simple(""This method is not a LogMethod and should be ignored."")]
                        public static void Trace(ILogger log, string arg)
                    public static class TestClass
                        public static void LogTest(ILogger log, object something)
                            Log.Trace(log, something.ToString()!);
        var d = await RoslynTestUtils.RunAnalyzer(
            new UsingToStringInLoggersAnalyzer(),
            new[] { Source });