File: C\Users\cloudtest\.nuget\packages\\4.14.0-2.25111.1\tasks\net472\Microsoft.Managed.Core.targets
Project: ..\..\..\src\Package\DevDivPackage\DevDivPackage.csproj (MSBuildFiles)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. -->
<Project ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="">
    Common targets for managed compilers.
  <UsingTask TaskName="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BuildTasks.MapSourceRoots" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CodeAnalysis.dll" />
  <Import Project="Microsoft.Managed.Core.CurrentVersions.targets" />
  <Target Name="ShimReferencePathsWhenCommonTargetsDoesNotUnderstandReferenceAssemblies"
          Condition="'@(ReferencePathWithRefAssemblies)' == ''">
      FindReferenceAssembliesForReferences target in Common targets populate this item 
      since dev15.3. The compiler targets may be used (via NuGet package) on earlier MSBuilds. 
      If the ReferencePathWithRefAssemblies item is not populated, just use ReferencePaths 
      (implementation assemblies) as they are.
      Since XAML inner build runs CoreCompile directly (instead of Compile target),
      it also doesn't invoke FindReferenceAssembliesForReferences listed in CompileDependsOn.
      In that case we also populate ReferencePathWithRefAssemblies with implementation assemblies.
      <ReferencePathWithRefAssemblies Include="@(ReferencePath)" />
  <Target Name="_BeforeVBCSCoreCompile"
    <ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetingClr2Framework)' == 'true'">
        <EmbedInteropTypes />
    <!-- Prefer32Bit was introduced in .NET 4.5. Set it to false if we are targeting 4.0 -->
    <PropertyGroup Condition="('$(TargetFrameworkVersion)' == 'v4.0')">
    <!-- TODO: Remove this ItemGroup once it has been moved to "_GenerateCompileInputs" target in Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets. -->
    <ItemGroup Condition="('$(AdditionalFileItemNames)' != '')">
      <AdditionalFileItems Include="$(AdditionalFileItemNames)" />
      <AdditionalFiles Include="@(%(AdditionalFileItems.Identity))" />
    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(UseSharedCompilation)' == ''">
    SkipAnalyzers Support
  <UsingTask TaskName="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BuildTasks.ShowMessageForImplicitlySkipAnalyzers" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CodeAnalysis.dll" />
  <Target Name="_ComputeSkipAnalyzers" BeforeTargets="CoreCompile">
    <!-- First, force clear non-user facing properties '_SkipAnalyzers' and '_ImplicitlySkipAnalyzers'. -->
        Then, determine if '_SkipAnalyzers' needs to be 'true' based on user facing property 'RunAnalyzers'.
        If 'RunAnalyzers' is not set, then fallback to user facing property 'RunAnalyzersDuringBuild'.
        Latter property allows users to disable analyzers only for non-design time builds.
        Design time builds are background builds inside Visual Studio,
        see details here:
        Setting 'RunAnalyzersDuringBuild' to false, without setting 'RunAnalyzers', allows users to
        continue running analyzers in the background in Visual Studio while typing (i.e. intellisense),
        while disabling analyzer execution on explicitly invoked non-design time builds.
    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(RunAnalyzers)' == 'false' or
                              ('$(RunAnalyzers)' == '' and '$(RunAnalyzersDuringBuild)' == 'false')">
    <!-- PERF: For builds which are indirectly triggered inside Visual Studio from commands 
               such as from 'Run Tests' or 'Start Debugging', we implicitly skip analyzers and nullable analysis to speed up the build.
               We only do so by default when 'TreatWarningsAsErrors' is not 'true'. For the scenario where
			         'TreatWarningsAsErrors' is 'true', users can explicitly enable this functionality by setting
			         'OptimizeImplicitlyTriggeredBuild' to 'true'.
               NOTE: This feature is currently supported only for SDK-style projects, i.e. UsingMicrosoftNETSdk = true.
    <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(_SkipAnalyzers)' == '' and
                              '$(IsImplicitlyTriggeredBuild)' == 'true' and
                              '$(UsingMicrosoftNETSdk)' == 'true' and
                              '$(OptimizeImplicitlyTriggeredBuild)' != 'false' and
                              ('$(TreatWarningsAsErrors)' != 'true' or '$(OptimizeImplicitlyTriggeredBuild)' == 'true')">
    <!-- Display a message to inform the users about us implicitly skipping analyzers for speeding up indirect builds. -->
    <ShowMessageForImplicitlySkipAnalyzers Condition="'$(_ImplicitlySkipAnalyzers)' == 'true'"/>
    <!-- Semaphore file to indicate the time stamp for last build with skipAnalyzers flag. -->
    <!-- '_LastBuildWithSkipAnalyzers' semaphore file, if exists, is passed as custom additional file input to builds without skipAnalyzers flag to ensure correct incremental builds. 
	       Additionally, we need to pass this file as an 'UpToDateCheckInput' item with 'Kind = ImplicitBuild' for project system's fast-upto-date check to work correctly.
		     See for details.
    <ItemGroup Condition="Exists('$(_LastBuildWithSkipAnalyzers)') and '$(_SkipAnalyzers)' != 'true'">
      <CustomAdditionalCompileInputs Include="$(_LastBuildWithSkipAnalyzers)"/>
      <UpToDateCheckInput Include="$(_LastBuildWithSkipAnalyzers)" Kind="ImplicitBuild"/>
  <!-- We touch and create a semaphore file after build to indicate the time stamp for last build with skipAnalyzers flag. -->
  <Target Name="_TouchLastBuildWithSkipAnalyzers" Condition="'$(_SkipAnalyzers)' == 'true'" AfterTargets="CoreCompile">
    <Touch AlwaysCreate="true" Files="$(_LastBuildWithSkipAnalyzers)"/>
    .editorconfig Support
    <_AllDirectoriesAbove Include="@(Compile->GetPathsOfAllDirectoriesAbove())" Condition="'$(DiscoverEditorConfigFiles)' != 'false' or '$(DiscoverGlobalAnalyzerConfigFiles)' != 'false'" />
    <!-- Work around a GetPathsOfAllDirectoriesAbove() bug where it can return multiple equivalent paths when the 
         compilation includes linked files with relative paths - -->
    <PotentialEditorConfigFiles Include="@(_AllDirectoriesAbove->'%(FullPath)'->Distinct()->Combine('.editorconfig'))" Condition="'$(DiscoverEditorConfigFiles)' != 'false'" />
    <EditorConfigFiles Include="@(PotentialEditorConfigFiles->Exists())" Condition="'$(DiscoverEditorConfigFiles)' != 'false'" />
    <GlobalAnalyzerConfigFiles Include="@(_AllDirectoriesAbove->'%(FullPath)'->Distinct()->Combine('.globalconfig'))" Condition="'$(DiscoverGlobalAnalyzerConfigFiles)' != 'false'" />
    <EditorConfigFiles Include="@(GlobalAnalyzerConfigFiles->Exists())" Condition="'$(DiscoverGlobalAnalyzerConfigFiles)' != 'false'" />
    Property/metadata global .editorconfig Support
    Generates a global editor config that contains the evaluation of requested MSBuild properties and item metadata
    Requested properties/items are requested via item groups like:
      <CompilerVisibleProperty Include="PropertyNameToEval" />
      <CompilerVisibleItemMetadata Include="ItemType" MetadataName="MetadataToRetrieve" />
  <UsingTask TaskName="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BuildTasks.GenerateMSBuildEditorConfig" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CodeAnalysis.dll" />
  <Target Name="GenerateMSBuildEditorConfigFile"
          DependsOnTargets="PrepareForBuild;GenerateMSBuildEditorConfigFileShouldRun;GenerateMSBuildEditorConfigFileCore" />
  <Target Name="GenerateMSBuildEditorConfigFileShouldRun">
      <GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfigFile Condition="'$(GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfigFile)' == ''">$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(MSBuildProjectName).GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfig.editorconfig</GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfigFile>
      <GenerateMSBuildEditorConfigFile Condition="'$(GenerateMSBuildEditorConfigFile)' == ''">true</GenerateMSBuildEditorConfigFile>
      <_GeneratedEditorConfigHasItems Condition="'@(CompilerVisibleItemMetadata->Count())' != '0'">true</_GeneratedEditorConfigHasItems>
      <_GeneratedEditorConfigShouldRun Condition="'$(GenerateMSBuildEditorConfigFile)' == 'true' and ('$(_GeneratedEditorConfigHasItems)' == 'true' or '@(CompilerVisibleProperty->Count())' != '0')">true</_GeneratedEditorConfigShouldRun>
  <Target Name="GenerateMSBuildEditorConfigFileCore"
          Condition="'$(_GeneratedEditorConfigShouldRun)' == 'true'"
      <!-- Collect requested properties, and eval their value -->
      <_GeneratedEditorConfigProperty Include="@(CompilerVisibleProperty)">
      <!-- Collect the requested items and remember which metadata is wanted -->
      <_GeneratedEditorConfigMetadata Include="@(%(CompilerVisibleItemMetadata.Identity))" Condition="'$(_GeneratedEditorConfigHasItems)' == 'true'">
      <!-- Record that we'll write a file, and add it to the analyzerconfig inputs -->
      <FileWrites Include="$(GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfigFile)" />
      <EditorConfigFiles Include="$(GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfigFile)" />
    <!-- Transform the collected properties and items into an editor config file -->
    Unless specified otherwise enable deterministic source root (PathMap) when building deterministically on CI server, but not for local builds.
    In order for the debugger to find source files when debugging a locally built binary the PDB must contain original, unmapped local paths.
    <DeterministicSourcePaths Condition="'$(DeterministicSourcePaths)' == '' and '$(Deterministic)' == 'true' and '$(ContinuousIntegrationBuild)' == 'true'">true</DeterministicSourcePaths>
    All source files of the project are expected to be located under one of the directories specified by SourceRoot item group.
    This target collects all SourceRoots from various sources.
    This target calculates final local path for each SourceRoot and sets SourceRoot.MappedPath metadata accordingly.
    The final path is a path with deterministic prefix when DeterministicSourcePaths is true, and the original path otherwise.
    In addition, the target validates and deduplicates the SourceRoot items.
    InitializeSourceControlInformation is an msbuild target that ensures the SourceRoot items are populated from source control.
    The target is available only if SourceControlInformationFeatureSupported is true.
    A consumer of SourceRoot.MappedPath metadata, such as Source Link generator, shall depend on this target. 
  <Target Name="InitializeSourceRootMappedPaths"
    <ItemGroup Condition="'@(_MappedSourceRoot)' != ''">
      <_MappedSourceRoot Remove="@(_MappedSourceRoot)" />
    <Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BuildTasks.MapSourceRoots SourceRoots="@(SourceRoot)" Deterministic="$(DeterministicSourcePaths)">
      <Output TaskParameter="MappedSourceRoots" ItemName="_MappedSourceRoot" />
      <SourceRoot Remove="@(SourceRoot)" />
      <SourceRoot Include="@(_MappedSourceRoot)" />
    Declare that target InitializeSourceRootMappedPaths that populates MappedPaths metadata on SourceRoot items is available.
    If InitializeSourceControlInformation target isn't supported, we just continue without invoking that synchronization target. 
    We'll proceed with SourceRoot (and other source control properties) provided by the user (or blank).
  <Target Name="_InitializeSourceRootMappedPathsFromSourceControl"
          Condition="'$(SourceControlInformationFeatureSupported)' == 'true'" />
    If DeterministicSourcePaths is true sets PathMap based on SourceRoot.MappedPaths.
    This target requires SourceRoot to be initialized in order to calculate the PathMap.
    If SourceRoot doesn't contain any top-level roots an error is reported.
  <Target Name="_SetPathMapFromSourceRoots"
          Condition="'$(DeterministicSourcePaths)' == 'true'">
      <_TopLevelSourceRoot Include="@(SourceRoot)" Condition="'%(SourceRoot.NestedRoot)' == ''">
        <EscapedKey>$([MSBuild]::ValueOrDefault('%(Identity)', '').Replace(',', ',,').Replace('=', '=='))</EscapedKey>
        <EscapedValue>$([MSBuild]::ValueOrDefault('%(MappedPath)', '').Replace(',', ',,').Replace('=', '=='))</EscapedValue>
    <PropertyGroup Condition="'@(_TopLevelSourceRoot)' != ''">
        Prepend the SourceRoot.MappedPath values to PathMap, if it already has a value.
        For each emitted source path the compiler applies the first mapping that matches the path.
        PathMap values set previously will thus only be applied if the mapping provided by 
        SourceRoot.MappedPath doesn't match. Since SourceRoot.MappedPath is also used by SourceLink 
        preferring it over manually set PathMap ensures that PathMap is consistent with SourceLink.
      <PathMap>@(_TopLevelSourceRoot->'%(EscapedKey)=%(EscapedValue)', ','),$(PathMap)</PathMap>
    If a user requests that any @(AdditionalFiles) items are copied to the output directory
    we add them to the @(None) group to ensure they will be copied.
  <Target Name="CopyAdditionalFiles"
      <None Include="@(AdditionalFiles)" Condition="'%(AdditionalFiles.CopyToOutputDirectory)' != ''" />
    Controls output of generated files.
    CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath controls the location the files will be output to.
    The compiler will not emit any generated files when the path is empty, and defaults to a /generated directory in $(IntermediateOutputPath) if $(IntermediateOutputPath) has a value.
    A relative path is considered relative to the project directory.
    EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles allows the user to control if anything is emitted by clearing the property when not true.
    When EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles is true, we ensure that CompilerGeneatedFilesOutputPath has a value and issue a warning if not.
    We will create CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath if it does not exist.
    <EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles Condition="'$(EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles)' == ''">false</EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles>
    <CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath Condition="'$(EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles)' != 'true'"></CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath>
    <CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath Condition="'$(EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles)' == 'true' and '$(CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath)' == '' and '$(IntermediateOutputPath)' != ''">$(IntermediateOutputPath)/generated</CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath>
  <Target Name="CreateCompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath"
        Condition="'$(EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles)' == 'true' and !('$(DesignTimeBuild)' == 'true' OR '$(BuildingProject)' != 'true')">
    <Warning Condition="'$(CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath)' == ''"
             Text="EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles was true, but no CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath was provided. CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath must be set in order to emit generated files." />
    <MakeDir Condition="'$(CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath)' != ''" 
             Directories="$(CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath)"  />
    Component Debugger Support
    Add the specified VS capability if a user indicates this project supports component debugging
    <ProjectCapability Include="RoslynComponent" Condition="'$(IsRoslynComponent)' == 'true'"/>