File: C\Users\cloudtest\.nuget\packages\microsoft.dotnet.arcade.sdk\9.0.0-beta.25111.5\tools\Version.BeforeCommonTargets.targets
Project: ..\..\..\src\Package\DevDivPackage\DevDivPackage.csproj (MSBuildFiles)
<!-- Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. -->
    Compute the IsShipping* properties
    Unless specified otherwise project is assumed to produce artifacts (assembly, package, vsix, etc.) that ship.
      Test projects automatically set IsShipping to false.
      Some projects may produce packages that contain shipping assemblies but the packages themselves do not ship.
      Thes projects shall specify IsShippingPackage=false and leave IsShipping unset (will default to true).
      Targets that need to determine whether an artifact is shipping shall use the artifact specific IsShippingXxx property,
      if available for the kind of artifact they operate on.
    <!-- Treat test assemblies as non-shipping (do not publish or sign them). -->
    <IsShipping Condition="'$(IsShipping)' == '' and ('$(IsTestProject)' == 'true' or '$(IsTestUtilityProject)' == 'true')">false</IsShipping>
    <IsShipping Condition="'$(IsShipping)' == ''">true</IsShipping>
    <IsShippingAssembly Condition="'$(IsShippingAssembly)' == ''">$(IsShipping)</IsShippingAssembly>
    <IsShippingPackage Condition="'$(IsVisualStudioBuildPackage)' == 'true'">false</IsShippingPackage>
    <IsShippingPackage Condition="'$(IsShippingPackage)' == ''">$(IsShipping)</IsShippingPackage>
    <IsShippingVsix Condition="'$(IsShippingVsix)' == ''">$(IsShipping)</IsShippingVsix>
    Workaround for
    The following must be evaluated after the project file is imported but before Microsoft.NET.DefaultAssemblyInfo.targets from .NET Core SDK is imported.
    The project may set VersionPrefix, MajorVersion, MinorVersion, or AutoGenerateAssemblyVersion properties, which are consumed below.
    Microsoft.NET.DefaultAssemblyInfo.targets consumes VersionPrefix property, which may be set below.
    Version numbers calculated here are date-based. In official builds this is given by OfficialBuildId parameter,
    but other builds do not have such input and would therefore be non-deterministic.
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(OfficialBuild)' == 'true' or '$(DotNetUseShippingVersions)' == 'true'">
      Building MSIs from dev build requires file versions to be increasing.
      Use the current date in non-official builds. Note that this reduces the deterministic properties of the build
      and should only be enabled when it's necessary to test-install the MSIs produced by the build.
    <_BuildNumber Condition="'$(OfficialBuildId)' == ''">$([System.DateTime]::Now.ToString(yyyyMMdd)).1</_BuildNumber>
      OfficialBuildId is assumed to have format "20yymmdd.r" (the assumption is checked later in a target).
    <_BuildNumberYY>$(_BuildNumber.Substring(2, 2))</_BuildNumberYY>
    <_BuildNumberMM>$(_BuildNumber.Substring(4, 2))</_BuildNumberMM>
    <_BuildNumberDD>$(_BuildNumber.Substring(6, 2))</_BuildNumberDD>
    <!-- SHORT_DATE := yy * 1000 + mm * 50 + dd -->
    <VersionSuffixDateStamp>$([MSBuild]::Add($([MSBuild]::Add($([MSBuild]::Multiply($(_BuildNumberYY), 1000)), $([MSBuild]::Multiply($(_BuildNumberMM), 50)))), $(_BuildNumberDD)))</VersionSuffixDateStamp>
    <!-- REVISION := r -->
    <VersionSuffixBuildOfTheDayPadded>$(VersionSuffixBuildOfTheDay.PadLeft(2, $([System.Convert]::ToChar(`0`))))</VersionSuffixBuildOfTheDayPadded>
    <!-- PATCH_NUMBER := (SHORT_DATE - VersionBaseShortDate) * 100 + r -->
    <_PatchNumber>$([MSBuild]::Add($([MSBuild]::Multiply($([MSBuild]::Subtract($(VersionSuffixDateStamp), $([MSBuild]::ValueOrDefault($(VersionBaseShortDate), 19000)))), 100)), $(_BuildNumberR)))</_PatchNumber>
    Calculate VersionPrefix.
    The project can specify version either directly using the .NET SDK recognized property VersionPrefix, or using MajorVersion and MinorVersion properties.
    Note that .NET Core SDK sets VersionPrefix to 1.0.0 if not set by the project. Override it here if the project sets MajorVersion, MinorVersion, and optionally a PatchVersion.
    <VersionPrefix Condition="'$(MajorVersion)' != '' and '$(MinorVersion)' != ''">$(MajorVersion).$(MinorVersion).$([MSBuild]::ValueOrDefault('$(PatchVersion)', '0'))</VersionPrefix>
    If a package is designated to be a release-only package (PreReleaseVersionLabel is empty) its package version does
    not include any pre-release labels in official build. The 3rd component of the version prefix is overwritten either
    by PATCH_NUMBER or '0' in non-official builds.
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(PreReleaseVersionLabel)' == ''">
    <VersionPrefix>$(_VersionPrefixMajor).$(_VersionPrefixMinor).$([MSBuild]::ValueOrDefault($(_PatchNumber), '0'))</VersionPrefix>
    Calculate VersionSuffix.
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(PreReleaseVersionLabel)' != '' or '$(VersionSuffixDateStamp)' == ''">
      Traditionally, .NET Core has used prerelease labels like:
      - preview1
      - beta1,
      - preview9
      For previews, this presents a problem if we decide to release more than 9 previews, as preview10 sorts
      after preview9. This could be dealt with by using preview01, preview02, etc. but this is harder to read.
      Instead, repos should use preview.1, preview.2, etc. if using SemVer2. NuGet will properly preference preview.10
      over preview.9.
      If PreReleaseVersionIteration is set and SemanticVersioningV1 is not set to true, then the prerelease version
      number is appended with a '.' to PreReleaseVersionLabel to create the final prerelease label.
    <_PreReleaseLabel Condition="'$(SemanticVersioningV1)' != 'true' and '$(PreReleaseVersionIteration)' != ''">$(PreReleaseVersionLabel).$(PreReleaseVersionIteration)</_PreReleaseLabel>
    <_PreReleaseLabel Condition="'$(SemanticVersioningV1)' == 'true'">$(PreReleaseVersionLabel)$(PreReleaseVersionIteration)</_PreReleaseLabel>
    <_PreReleaseLabel Condition="'$(ContinuousIntegrationBuild)' == 'true' and '$(OfficialBuild)' != 'true'">ci</_PreReleaseLabel>
    <_PreReleaseLabel Condition="'$(ContinuousIntegrationBuild)' != 'true'">dev</_PreReleaseLabel>
    <_BuildNumberLabels Condition="'$(VersionSuffixDateStamp)' != '' and '$(SemanticVersioningV1)' != 'true'">.$(VersionSuffixDateStamp).$(VersionSuffixBuildOfTheDay)</_BuildNumberLabels>
    <_BuildNumberLabels Condition="'$(VersionSuffixDateStamp)' != '' and '$(SemanticVersioningV1)' == 'true'">-$(VersionSuffixDateStamp)-$(VersionSuffixBuildOfTheDayPadded)</_BuildNumberLabels>
      If DotNetFinalVersionKind is specified, overrides the package version produced by the build like so:
        ""           1.2.3-beta.12345.67
        "prerelease" 1.2.3-beta
        "release"    1.2.3
    <VersionSuffix Condition="'$(DotNetFinalVersionKind)' == 'release'"/>
    <VersionSuffix Condition="'$(DotNetFinalVersionKind)' == 'prerelease' and '$(SemanticVersioningV1)' != 'true'">$(_PreReleaseLabel).final</VersionSuffix>
    <VersionSuffix Condition="'$(DotNetFinalVersionKind)' == 'prerelease' and '$(SemanticVersioningV1)' == 'true'">$(_PreReleaseLabel)-final</VersionSuffix>
    <VersionSuffix Condition="'$(DotNetFinalVersionKind)' == ''">$(_PreReleaseLabel)$(_BuildNumberLabels)</VersionSuffix>
      Some projects want to remain producing prerelease packages even if we are doing a final stable build because
      they don't ship or aren't ready to ship stable. Those projects can set SuppressFinalPackageVersion property to true.
      TODO: BlockStable is obsolete. Remove once repos update.
    <VersionSuffix Condition="'$(BlockStable)' == 'true' or '$(SuppressFinalPackageVersion)' == 'true'">$(_PreReleaseLabel)$(_BuildNumberLabels)</VersionSuffix>
      If a project produces non-shipping packages, these packages should always include the build number label
    <VersionSuffix Condition="'$(IsShippingPackage)' != 'true'">$(_PreReleaseLabel)$(_BuildNumberLabels)</VersionSuffix>
      Disable NuGet Pack warning that the version is SemVer 2.0.
      SemVer 2.0 is supported by NuGet since 3.0.0 (July 2015) in some capacity, and fully since 3.5.0 (October 2016).
    <NoWarn Condition="'$(SemanticVersioningV1)' != 'true'">$(NoWarn);NU5105</NoWarn>
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(VersionSuffixDateStamp)' == ''">
      Don't include a commit SHA to AssemblyInformationalVersion.
      It would reduce the possibility of sharing otherwise unchanged build artifacts across deterministic builds.
    Workaround for
    Overwrite the value of Version set in Microsoft.NET.DefaultAssemblyInfo.targets.
    <VersionPrefix Condition="'$(VersionPrefix)' == ''">1.0.0</VersionPrefix>
    <Version Condition="'$(VersionSuffix)' != ''">$(Version)-$(VersionSuffix)</Version>