3 implementations of IFileSystem
MSBuild (3)
CachingFileSystemWrapper.cs (1)
13internal sealed class CachingFileSystemWrapper : IFileSystem
ManagedFileSystem.cs (1)
15internal class ManagedFileSystem : IFileSystem
MSBuildOnWindowsFileSystem.cs (1)
18internal sealed class MSBuildOnWindowsFileSystem : IFileSystem
10 references to IFileSystem
MSBuild (10)
CachingFileSystemWrapper.cs (2)
15private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem; 19public CachingFileSystemWrapper(IFileSystem fileSystem)
FileSystems.cs (2)
13public static IFileSystem Default = GetFileSystem(); 15private static IFileSystem GetFileSystem()
FileUtilities.cs (6)
122private static readonly IFileSystem DefaultFileSystem = FileSystems.Default; 998internal static bool DirectoryExistsNoThrow(string fullPath, IFileSystem fileSystem = null) 1022internal static bool FileExistsNoThrow(string fullPath, IFileSystem fileSystem = null) 1046internal static bool FileOrDirectoryExistsNoThrow(string fullPath, IFileSystem fileSystem = null) 1444internal static string GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove(string startingDirectory, string fileName, IFileSystem fileSystem = null) 1485internal static string GetPathOfFileAbove(string file, string startingDirectory, IFileSystem fileSystem = null)