File: WcfFactTests.cs
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Project: src\src\System.Private.ServiceModel\tests\Scenarios\Infrastructure\Infrastructure.IntegrationTests.csproj (Infrastructure.IntegrationTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Uncomment the define RUN_WCF_SKIP_TESTS below to run the tests
// in this file that are skipped based on their attributes.
// They are normally disabled to prevent spurious numbers of "skip" results.
// But they are presented here as samples for test skipping semantics.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Infrastructure.Common;
using Xunit;
public class WcfFactTests
    // Tests that do not skip are allowed to run to test [WcfFact]
    // This also triggers lazy initialization of all the skippable
    // attributes.
    public static void Run_On_True_Condition()
    public static void Skip_False_Condition()
        Assert.True(false, "Should have been skipped");
    public static void Skip_Issue_All_Platforms()
        Assert.True(false, "Should have been skipped");
    [Issue(999, Framework = FrameworkID.NetCore)]
    public static void Skip_Issue_Framework_NET_Core()
        Assert.False(FrameworkID.NetCore.MatchesCurrent(), "Test should have been skipped on NetCore framework");
    [Issue(999, OS = OSID.AnyUbuntu)]
    public static void Skip_Issue_OS_AnyUbuntu()
        Assert.False(OSID.AnyUbuntu.MatchesCurrent(), "Test should have been skipped on any Ubuntu OS");
    [Issue(999, OS = OSID.Ubuntu_14_04)]
    public static void Skip_Issue_OS_Ubuntu_14_04()
        Assert.False(OSID.Ubuntu_14_04.MatchesCurrent(), "Test should have been skipped on Ubuntu 14.04");
    [Issue(999, Framework = FrameworkID.Any ^ FrameworkID.NetFramework)]
    public static void Skip_Issue_All_Frameworks_Except_Full_Framework()
        Assert.False(FrameworkID.NetFramework.MatchesCurrent(), "Test should have been skipped on all frameworks but the full NET framework");
    [Issue(999, OS = OSID.Any ^ OSID.Ubuntu_14_04)]
    public static void Skip_Issue_All_OSes_Except_Ubuntu_14_04()
        Assert.False(OSID.Ubuntu_14_04.MatchesCurrent(), "Test should have been skipped on all OSes but Ubuntu_14_04");
    [Issue(888, Framework = FrameworkID.NetCore)]
    [Issue(777, OS = OSID.AnyWindows)]
    public static void Skip_Issue_Platform_Framework_And_OS()
        Assert.False(FrameworkID.NetCore.MatchesCurrent(), "Test should have been skipped on NetCore framework");
        Assert.False(OSID.AnyWindows.MatchesCurrent(), "Test should have been skipped on Windows OS");
    [Issue(999, OS = OSID.AnyWindows)]
    public static void Skip_Isssue_With_True_Condition()
        Assert.True(false, "Should have been skipped");
    public static bool Some_False_Condition()
        return false;
    public static bool Some_True_Condition()
        return true;