// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Infrastructure.Common
// The [Issue] attribute can be applied to any test method that
// is marked with [WcfFact] or [WcfTheory]. It indicates the open
// issue number and optionally the framework(s), or
// OS(s) to which it applies.
// Examples:
// [Issue(999)]
// means this issue applies to all OSes, all Frameworks
// [Issue(999, Framework=FrameworkID.NetNative)]
// means this issue only applies to NET Native
// [Issue(999, OS=OSID.Ubuntu_14_04)]
// means this issue only applies to Ubuntu 14.04
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class IssueAttribute : WcfSkippableAttribute
private static HashSet<int> s_includeIssuesHash = DetectIssuesToInclude();
public int Issue { get; private set; }
public FrameworkID Framework {get; set; }
public OSID OS { get; set; }
// Short name to repository where the issue exists.
// It is not required to be a URL, and it won't be used to create a URL.
public string Repository { get; set; }
public IssueAttribute(int issue)
Issue = issue;
Repository = "dotnet/wcf";
// Default framework and OS to "none" so that they must
// be explicitly specified to be more specific.
Framework = FrameworkID.None;
OS = OSID.None;
public override string GetSkipReason(ITestMethod testMethod)
// If we are deliberately including this issue in the test run,
// return "don't skip" response unconditionally.
if (ShouldIncludeThisIssue(Issue))
return null;
string repositoryAndIssue = String.Format("{0} #{1}", Repository, Issue);
if (Framework.MatchesCurrent())
// Don't skip if we are running tests with issues.
// But match the Framework first so we don't run tests
return String.Format("{0} on framework \"{1}\" (filter is \"{2}\")",
if (OS.MatchesCurrent())
return String.Format("{0} on OS \"{1}\" (filter is \"{2}\")",
// If no specific OS or Framework filters, it applies to all.
if (OS == OSID.None && Framework == FrameworkID.None)
return String.Format("{0}",
// Null means "don't skip"
return null;
// Returns a HashSet<int> containing all the test issue numbers to include
// during a test run (where "include" means "don't skip"). The meaning of
// this HashSet is:
// null: [default] don't include any tests with [Issue] (i.e. skip them all)
// count == 0: Include all tests with [Issue] (i.e. don't skip any)
// count > 0: Include only those tests with an issue in the HashSet
private static HashSet<int> DetectIssuesToInclude()
string includeTestsWithIssues = TestProperties.GetProperty(TestProperties.IncludeTestsWithIssues_PropertyName);
// Empty string means don't include any tests with issues.
// In other words, all tests with [Issue] will be skipped.
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(includeTestsWithIssues))
return null;
// The special value 'true' means include all tests with [Issue].
// The special value 'false' means skip all tests with [Issue].
bool propertyAsBool = false;
if (bool.TryParse(includeTestsWithIssues, out propertyAsBool))
return propertyAsBool ? new HashSet<int>() : null;
// Anything else is interpreted as a semicolon or comma separated list of
// issue numbers to include (i.e. not skip).
string[] issues = includeTestsWithIssues.Split(new char[] { ';', ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
HashSet<int> hashSet = new HashSet<int>();
foreach (string issue in issues)
int issueAsInt = 0;
if (!int.TryParse(issue, out issueAsInt))
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Warning: The number '{0}' in IncludeTestsWithIssues is not a valid integer and will be ignored.", issue));
return hashSet;
// Returns 'true' if a test marked with the given issue should be included
// (i.e. not skipped)
private static bool ShouldIncludeThisIssue(int issue)
// A null HashSet (default) means no test with [Issue] is included,
// meaning all of them should be skipped
if (s_includeIssuesHash == null)
return false;
// An empty HashSet<> means "include all"
if (s_includeIssuesHash.Count == 0)
return true;
// A non-empty HashSet contains issue numbers to include
return s_includeIssuesHash.Contains(issue);