// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
namespace Infrastructure.Common
// This class manages the adding and removal of certificates.
// It also handles informing http.sys of which certificate to associate with SSL ports.
internal static class CertificateManager
private static object s_certificateLock = new object();
private static bool s_PlatformSpecificStoreLocationIsSet = false;
private static StoreLocation s_PlatformSpecificRootStoreLocation = StoreLocation.LocalMachine;
// The location from where to open StoreName.Root
// Since we don't have access to System.Runtime.InteropServices.IsOSPlatform API, we need to find a novel way to switch
// the store we use on Linux
// For Linux:
// On Linux, opening stores from the LocalMachine store is not supported yet, so we toggle to use CurrentUser
// Furthermore, we don't need to sudo in Linux to install a StoreName.Root : StoreLocation.CurrentUser. So this will allow
// tests requiring certs to pass in Linux.
// See dotnet/corefx#3690
// For Windows:
// We don't want to use CurrentUser, as writing to StoreName.Root : StoreLocation.CurrentUser will result in a
// modal dialog box that isn't dismissable if the root cert hasn't already been installed previously.
// If the cert has already been installed, writing to StoreName.Root : StoreLocation.CurrentUser results in a no-op
// In other words, on Windows, we can bypass the modal dialog box, but only if we install to StoreName.Root : StoreLocation.LocalMachine
// To do this though means that we must run certificate-based tests elevated
internal static StoreLocation PlatformSpecificRootStoreLocation
if (!s_PlatformSpecificStoreLocationIsSet)
using (var store = new X509Store(StoreName.Root, StoreLocation.LocalMachine))
catch (PlatformNotSupportedException)
// Linux
s_PlatformSpecificRootStoreLocation = StoreLocation.CurrentUser;
// Linux
s_PlatformSpecificRootStoreLocation = StoreLocation.CurrentUser;
s_PlatformSpecificStoreLocationIsSet = true;
return s_PlatformSpecificRootStoreLocation;
internal static string OSXCustomKeychainFilePath
return Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "wcfLocal.keychain");
internal static string OSXCustomKeychainPassword
return "WCFKeychainFilePassword";
// Adds the given certificate to the given store unless it is
// already present. Returns the certificate either already in
// the store or the one requested.
public static X509Certificate2 AddToStoreIfNeeded(StoreName storeName,
StoreLocation storeLocation,
X509Certificate2 certificate)
X509Certificate2 resultCert = null;
lock (s_certificateLock)
// Open the store as ReadOnly first, as it prevents the need for elevation if opening
// a LocalMachine store
using (X509Store store = new X509Store(storeName, storeLocation))
resultCert = CertificateFromThumbprint(store, certificate.Thumbprint, validOnly: false);
// Not already in store. We need to add it.
if (resultCert == null)
using (X509Store store = new X509Store(storeName, storeLocation))
resultCert = certificate;
catch (CryptographicException inner)
StringBuilder exceptionString = new StringBuilder();
exceptionString.AppendFormat("Error opening StoreName: '{0}' certificate store from StoreLocation '{1}' in ReadWrite mode ", storeName, storeLocation);
exceptionString.AppendFormat("while attempting to install cert with thumbprint '{1}'.", Environment.NewLine, certificate.Thumbprint);
exceptionString.AppendFormat("{0}This is usually due to permissions issues if writing to the LocalMachine location", Environment.NewLine);
exceptionString.AppendFormat("{0}Try running the test with elevated or superuser permissions.", Environment.NewLine);
throw new InvalidOperationException(exceptionString.ToString(), inner);
return resultCert;
// Adds the given certificate to the given keychain unless it is
// already present. Returns the certificate either already in
// the store or the one requested.
public static X509Certificate2 AddToOSXKeyChainIfNeeded(SafeKeychainHandle keychain,
X509Certificate2 certificate)
X509Certificate2 resultCert = null;
lock (s_certificateLock)
using (X509Store store = new X509Store(keychain.DangerousGetHandle()))
// No need to open X509Store as it is already opened with mode of MaxAllowed
resultCert = CertificateFromThumbprint(store, certificate.Thumbprint, validOnly: false);
// Not already in store. We need to add it.
if (resultCert == null)
// We don't need the private key and the X509Certificate2 instance wasn't created as exportable.
// This creates a new certificate instance with only the public key so that it can be added to keychain.
var publicOnly = new X509Certificate2(certificate.RawData);
resultCert = publicOnly;
catch (CryptographicException inner)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error while attempting to install cert with thumbprint '{certificate.Thumbprint}' into OSX custom keychain.", inner);
return resultCert;
// Returns the certificate matching the given thumbprint from the given store.
// Returns null if not found.
private static X509Certificate2 CertificateFromThumbprint(X509Store store, string thumbprint, bool validOnly)
X509Certificate2Collection foundCertificates = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, thumbprint, validOnly);
return foundCertificates.Count == 0 ? null : foundCertificates[0];
private static X509Certificate2 CertificateFromThumbprint(StoreName storeName,
StoreLocation storeLocation,
string thumbprint,
bool validOnly)
X509Certificate2 resultCert = null;
using (X509Store store = new X509Store(storeName, storeLocation))
resultCert = CertificateFromThumbprint(store, thumbprint, validOnly);
return resultCert;
private static X509Certificate2 KeychainCertificateFromThumbprint(string thumbprint, bool validOnly)
X509Certificate2 resultCert = null;
using (SafeKeychainHandle handle = SafeKeychainHandle.Open(CertificateManager.OSXCustomKeychainFilePath, CertificateManager.OSXCustomKeychainPassword))
using (X509Store store = new X509Store(handle.DangerousGetHandle()))
resultCert = CertificateFromThumbprint(store, thumbprint, validOnly);
return resultCert;
// Retrieves a root certificate matching the given thumbprint from the root store
public static X509Certificate2 RootCertificateFromThumprint(string thumbprint, bool validOnly)
return CertificateFromThumbprint(StoreName.Root, PlatformSpecificRootStoreLocation, thumbprint, validOnly);
// Retrieves a client certificate matching the given thumbprint from the certificate store
public static X509Certificate2 ClientCertificateFromThumprint(string thumbprint, bool validOnly)
return CertificateFromThumbprint(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser, thumbprint, validOnly);
// Retrieves a server certificate matching the given thumbprint from the certificate store
public static X509Certificate2 PeerCertificateFromThumprint(string thumbprint, bool validOnly)
return CertificateFromThumbprint(StoreName.TrustedPeople, StoreLocation.CurrentUser, thumbprint, validOnly);
// Retrieves a server certificate matching the given thumbprint from a OSX local Keychain store
public static X509Certificate2 OSXLocalKeychainCertificateFromThumprint(string thumbprint, bool validOnly)
return KeychainCertificateFromThumbprint(thumbprint, validOnly);
// Install the certificate into the Root store and returns its thumbprint.
// It will not install the certificate if it is already present in the store.
// It returns the thumbprint of the certificate, regardless whether it was added or found.
public static X509Certificate2 InstallCertificateToRootStore(X509Certificate2 certificate)
// See explanation of StoreLocation selection at PlatformSpecificRootStoreLocation
certificate = AddToStoreIfNeeded(StoreName.Root, PlatformSpecificRootStoreLocation, certificate);
return certificate;
// Install the certificate into the My store.
// It will not install the certificate if it is already present in the store.
// It returns the thumbprint of the certificate, regardless whether it was added or found.
public static X509Certificate2 InstallCertificateToMyStore(X509Certificate2 certificate)
// Always install client certs to CurrentUser
// StoreLocation.CurrentUser is supported on both Linux and Windows
// Furthermore, installing this cert to this location does not require sudo or admin elevation
certificate = AddToStoreIfNeeded(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser, certificate);
return certificate;
// Install the certificate into the TrustedPeople store.
// It will not install the certificate if it is already present in the store.
// It returns the thumbprint of the certificate, regardless whether it was added or found.
public static X509Certificate2 InstallCertificateToTrustedPeopleStore(X509Certificate2 certificate)
// Always install certs to CurrentUser
// StoreLocation.CurrentUser is supported on both Linux and Windows
// Furthermore, installing this cert to this location does not require sudo or admin elevation
certificate = AddToStoreIfNeeded(StoreName.TrustedPeople, StoreLocation.CurrentUser, certificate);
return certificate;
// Install the certificate into a custom keychain on OSX. The TrustedPeople store isn't supported
// on OSX but a similar mechanism can be achieved by creating a custom keychain and using it in
// the same way as the TrustedPeople store.
// It will not install the certificate if it is already present in the store.
// It returns the thumbprint of the certificate, regardless whether it was added or found.
public static X509Certificate2 InstallCertificateToOSXKeychainStore(X509Certificate2 certificate)
SafeKeychainHandle keychain;
if (!File.Exists(OSXCustomKeychainFilePath))
keychain = SafeKeychainHandle.Create(OSXCustomKeychainFilePath, OSXCustomKeychainPassword);
keychain = SafeKeychainHandle.Open(OSXCustomKeychainFilePath, OSXCustomKeychainPassword);
certificate = AddToOSXKeyChainIfNeeded(keychain, certificate);
return certificate;