2 instantiations of LocalState
ILLink.RoslynAnalyzer (2)
DataFlow\LocalStateLattice.cs (2)
92 Top = new (Lattice.Top); 101 return new LocalState<TValue> (dictionary, capturedProperties);
11 references to LocalState
ILLink.RoslynAnalyzer (11)
DataFlow\LocalDataFlowAnalysis.cs (1)
48 entryValue = new LocalStateAndContext<TValue, TContext> (default (LocalState<TValue>), initialContext);
DataFlow\LocalStateAndContextLattice.cs (2)
15 public LocalState<TValue> LocalState; 18 public LocalStateAndContext (LocalState<TValue> localState, TContext context)
DataFlow\LocalStateLattice.cs (8)
38 public struct LocalState<TValue> : IEquatable<LocalState<TValue>> 65 public bool Equals (LocalState<TValue> other) => Dictionary.Equals (other.Dictionary); 68 => obj is LocalState<TValue> inst && Equals (inst); 81 public readonly struct LocalStateLattice<TValue, TValueLattice> : ILattice<LocalState<TValue>> 95 public LocalState<TValue> Top { get; } 97 public LocalState<TValue> Meet (LocalState<TValue> left, LocalState<TValue> right)