File: DataFlow\FeatureContextLattice.cs
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Project: src\src\tools\illink\src\ILLink.RoslynAnalyzer\ILLink.RoslynAnalyzer.csproj (ILLink.RoslynAnalyzer)
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using ILLink.Shared;
using ILLink.Shared.DataFlow;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
namespace ILLink.RoslynAnalyzer.DataFlow
	public struct FeatureContext : IEquatable<FeatureContext>, IDeepCopyValue<FeatureContext>
		// The set of features known to be enabled in this context.
		// Unknown represents "all possible features".
		public ValueSet<string> EnabledFeatures;
		public static readonly FeatureContext All = new FeatureContext (ValueSet<string>.Unknown);
		public static readonly FeatureContext None = new FeatureContext (ValueSet<string>.Empty);
		public FeatureContext (ValueSet<string> enabled)
			EnabledFeatures = enabled;
		public bool IsEnabled (string feature)
			return EnabledFeatures.IsUnknown () || EnabledFeatures.Contains (feature);
		public bool Equals (FeatureContext other) => EnabledFeatures == other.EnabledFeatures;
		public override bool Equals (object? obj) => obj is FeatureContext other && Equals (other);
		public override int GetHashCode () => EnabledFeatures.GetHashCode ();
		public static bool operator == (FeatureContext left, FeatureContext right) => left.Equals (right);
		public static bool operator != (FeatureContext left, FeatureContext right) => !left.Equals (right);
		public FeatureContext DeepCopy ()
			return new FeatureContext (EnabledFeatures.DeepCopy ());
		public FeatureContext Intersection (FeatureContext other)
			return new FeatureContext (ValueSet<string>.Intersection (EnabledFeatures, other.EnabledFeatures));
		public FeatureContext Union (FeatureContext other)
			return new FeatureContext (ValueSet<string>.Union (EnabledFeatures, other.EnabledFeatures));
		public override string ToString ()
			if (EnabledFeatures.IsUnknown ())
				return "All";
			if (EnabledFeatures.IsEmpty ())
				return "None";
			return string.Join (", ", EnabledFeatures.GetKnownValues ());
	public readonly struct FeatureContextLattice : ILattice<FeatureContext>
		public FeatureContextLattice () { }
		// The top value is the identity of meet (intersection), the set of all features.
		public FeatureContext Top { get; } = FeatureContext.All;
		// We are interested in features which are known to be enabled for all paths through the CFG,
		// so the meet operator is set intersection.
		public FeatureContext Meet (FeatureContext left, FeatureContext right) => left.Intersection (right);