File: src\Shared\InternalHeaderNames.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Servers\IIS\IIS\test\IISExpress.FunctionalTests\IISExpress.FunctionalTests.csproj (IISExpress.FunctionalTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server;
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Performance", "CA1802:Use literals where appropriate", Justification = "So referenceEquals works")]
internal static class InternalHeaderNames
    /// <summary>Gets the <c>:authority</c> HTTP header name.</summary>
    public static readonly string Authority = ":authority";
    /// <summary>Gets the <c>:method</c> HTTP header name.</summary>
    public static readonly string Method = ":method";
    /// <summary>Gets the <c>:path</c> HTTP header name.</summary>
    public static readonly string Path = ":path";
    /// <summary>Gets the <c>:scheme</c> HTTP header name.</summary>
    public static readonly string Scheme = ":scheme";
    /// <summary>Gets the <c>:status</c> HTTP header name.</summary>
    public static readonly string Status = ":status";
    /// <summary>Gets the <c>:protocol</c> HTTP header name.</summary>
    public static readonly string Protocol = ":protocol";
    /// <summary>Gets the <c>Alt-Used</c> HTTP header name.</summary>
    public static readonly string AltUsed = "Alt-Used";