// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace HotAddSample;
// This sample shows how to dynamically add or remove prefixes for the underlying server.
// Be careful not to remove the prefix you're currently accessing because the connection
// will be reset before the end of the request.
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.Configure<HttpSysOptions>(options =>
ServerOptions = options;
public HttpSysOptions ServerOptions { get; set; }
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
var addresses = ServerOptions.UrlPrefixes;
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
// Note: To add any prefix other than localhost you must run this sample as an administrator.
var toAdd = context.Request.Query["add"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toAdd))
context.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
await context.Response.WriteAsync("<html><body>");
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Added: <a href=\"" + toAdd + "\">" + toAdd + "</a>");
catch (Exception ex)
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Error adding: " + toAdd + "<br>");
await context.Response.WriteAsync(ex.ToString().Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br>"));
await context.Response.WriteAsync("<br><a href=\"" + context.Request.PathBase.ToUriComponent() + "\">back</a>");
await context.Response.WriteAsync("</body></html>");
await next(context);
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
// Be careful not to remove the prefix you're currently accessing because the connection
// will be reset before the response is sent.
var toRemove = context.Request.Query["remove"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toRemove))
context.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
await context.Response.WriteAsync("<html><body>");
if (addresses.Remove(toRemove))
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Removed: " + toRemove);
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Not found: " + toRemove);
await context.Response.WriteAsync("<br><a href=\"" + context.Request.PathBase.ToUriComponent() + "\">back</a>");
await context.Response.WriteAsync("</body></html>");
await next(context);
app.Run(async context =>
context.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
await context.Response.WriteAsync("<html><body>");
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Listening on these prefixes: <br>");
foreach (var prefix in addresses)
await context.Response.WriteAsync("<a href=\"" + prefix + "\">" + prefix + "</a> <a href=\"?remove=" + prefix + "\">(remove)</a><br>");
await context.Response.WriteAsync("<form action=\"" + context.Request.PathBase.ToUriComponent() + "\" method=\"GET\">");
await context.Response.WriteAsync("<input type=\"text\" name=\"add\" value=\"http://localhost:12348\" >");
await context.Response.WriteAsync("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add\">");
await context.Response.WriteAsync("</form>");
await context.Response.WriteAsync("</body></html>");
public static Task Main(string[] args)
var host = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureWebHost(webHostBuilder =>
.ConfigureLogging(factory => factory.AddConsole())
return host.RunAsync();