// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace DesignSurfaceExt;
public class DesignSurfaceExt : DesignSurface, IDesignSurfaceExt
private const string Name = "DesignSurfaceExt";
#region IDesignSurfaceExt Members
public void SwitchTabOrder()
if (!IsTabOrderMode)
public void UseSnapLines()
IServiceContainer serviceProvider = GetService(typeof(IServiceContainer)) as IServiceContainer;
DesignerOptionService opsService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(DesignerOptionService)) as DesignerOptionService;
if (opsService is not null)
DesignerOptionService opsService2 = new DesignerOptionServiceExt4SnapLines();
serviceProvider.AddService(typeof(DesignerOptionService), opsService2);
public void UseGrid(Size gridSize)
IServiceContainer serviceProvider = GetService(typeof(IServiceContainer)) as IServiceContainer;
DesignerOptionService opsService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(DesignerOptionService)) as DesignerOptionService;
if (opsService is not null)
DesignerOptionService opsService2 = new DesignerOptionServiceExt4Grid(gridSize);
serviceProvider.AddService(typeof(DesignerOptionService), opsService2);
public void UseGridWithoutSnapping(Size gridSize)
IServiceContainer serviceProvider = GetService(typeof(IServiceContainer)) as IServiceContainer;
DesignerOptionService opsService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(DesignerOptionService)) as DesignerOptionService;
if (opsService is not null)
DesignerOptionService opsService2 = new DesignerOptionServiceExt4GridWithoutSnapping(gridSize);
serviceProvider.AddService(typeof(DesignerOptionService), opsService2);
public void UseNoGuides()
IServiceContainer serviceProvider = GetService(typeof(IServiceContainer)) as IServiceContainer;
DesignerOptionService opsService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(DesignerOptionService)) as DesignerOptionService;
if (opsService is not null)
DesignerOptionService opsService2 = new DesignerOptionServiceExt4NoGuides();
serviceProvider.AddService(typeof(DesignerOptionService), opsService2);
public UndoEngineExt GetUndoEngineExt()
return _undoEngine;
public TControl CreateRootComponent<TControl>(Size controlSize)
where TControl : Control, IComponent
// - step.1
// - get the IDesignerHost
// - if we are not not able to get it
// - then rollback (return without do nothing)
IDesignerHost host = GetIDesignerHost();
if (host is null)
return null;
// - check if the root component has already been set
// - if so then rollback (return without do nothing)
if (host.RootComponent is not null)
return null;
// -
// -
// - step.2
// - create a new root component and initialize it via its designer
// - if the component has not a designer
// - then rollback (return without do nothing)
// - else do the initialization
if (LoadErrors.Count > 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"the BeginLoad() failed! Some error during {typeof(TControl).FullName} loding");
// -
// -
// - step.3
// - try to modify the Size of the object just created
IDesignerHost ihost = GetIDesignerHost();
// - Set the BackColor and the Size
Control ctrl = null;
Type hostType = host.RootComponent.GetType();
if (hostType == typeof(Form))
ctrl = View as Control;
ctrl.BackColor = Color.LightGray;
// - set the Size
PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(ctrl);
// - Sets a PropertyDescriptor to the specific property.
PropertyDescriptor pdS = pdc.Find("Size", false);
pdS?.SetValue(ihost.RootComponent, controlSize);
else if (hostType == typeof(UserControl))
ctrl = View as Control;
ctrl.BackColor = Color.DarkGray;
// - set the Size
PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(ctrl);
// - Sets a PropertyDescriptor to the specific property.
PropertyDescriptor pdS = pdc.Find("Size", false);
pdS?.SetValue(ihost.RootComponent, controlSize);
else if (hostType == typeof(Component))
ctrl = View as Control;
ctrl.BackColor = Color.White;
// - don't set the Size
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Undefined Host Type: {hostType}");
return (TControl)ihost.RootComponent;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{Name}::CreateRootComponent() - Exception: (see Inner Exception)", ex);
public TControl CreateControl<TControl>(Size controlSize, Point controlLocation)
where TControl : Control
// - step.1
IComponent newComp = CreateComponent<TControl>(out IDesignerHost host);
if (newComp is null)
return null;
// -
// -
// - step.3
// - try to modify the Size/Location of the object just created
PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(newComp);
// - Sets a PropertyDescriptor to the specific property.
PropertyDescriptor pdS = pdc.Find("Size", false);
pdS?.SetValue(newComp, controlSize);
PropertyDescriptor pdL = pdc.Find("Location", false);
pdL?.SetValue(newComp, controlLocation);
// -
// -
// - step.4
// - commit the Creation Operation
// - adding the control to the DesignSurface's root component
// - and return the control just created to let further initializations
((Control)newComp).Parent = host.RootComponent as Control;
return (TControl)newComp;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{Name}::CreateControl() - Exception: (see Inner Exception)", ex);
public TComponent CreateComponent<TComponent>()
where TComponent : IComponent
return CreateComponent<TComponent>(out _);
private TComponent CreateComponent<TComponent>(out IDesignerHost host)
where TComponent : IComponent
// Create a new component and initialize it via its designer
host = GetIDesignerHost();
if (host is null
|| host.RootComponent is null
|| host.CreateComponent(typeof(TComponent)) is not IComponent newComp
|| host.GetDesigner(newComp) is not IDesigner designer)
return default;
if (designer is IComponentInitializer initializer)
return (TComponent)newComp;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{Name}::{nameof(CreateComponent)} - Exception: (see Inner Exception)", ex);
public IDesignerHost GetIDesignerHost() => (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));
public Control GetView()
Control ctrl = View as Control;
ctrl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
return ctrl;
#region TabOrder
private TabOrderHooker _tabOrder;
private bool _tabOrderMode;
public bool IsTabOrderMode
get { return _tabOrderMode; }
public TabOrderHooker TabOrder
_tabOrder ??= new TabOrderHooker();
return _tabOrder;
set { _tabOrder = value; }
public void InvokeTabOrder()
_tabOrderMode = true;
public void DisposeTabOrder()
_tabOrderMode = false;
#region UndoEngine
private UndoEngineExt _undoEngine;
private NameCreationServiceImp _nameCreationService;
private DesignerSerializationServiceImpl _designerSerializationService;
private CodeDomComponentSerializationService _codeDomComponentSerializationService;
// - ctor
public DesignSurfaceExt()
// - The DesignSurface class provides several design-time services automatically.
// - The DesignSurface class adds all of its services in its constructor.
// - Most of these services can be overridden by replacing them in the
// - protected ServiceContainer property.To replace a service, override the constructor,
// - call base, and make any changes through the protected ServiceContainer property.
private void InitServices()
// - each DesignSurface has its own default services
// - We can leave the default services in their present state,
// - or we can remove them and replace them with our own.
// - Now add our own services using IServiceContainer
// - Note
// - before loading the root control in the design surface
// - we must add an instance of naming service to the service container.
// - otherwise the root component did not have a name and this caused
// - troubles when we try to use the UndoEngine
// - 1. NameCreationService
_nameCreationService = new NameCreationServiceImp();
ServiceContainer.RemoveService(typeof(INameCreationService), false);
ServiceContainer.AddService(typeof(INameCreationService), _nameCreationService);
// - 2. CodeDomComponentSerializationService
_codeDomComponentSerializationService = new CodeDomComponentSerializationService(ServiceContainer);
ServiceContainer.RemoveService(typeof(ComponentSerializationService), false);
ServiceContainer.AddService(typeof(ComponentSerializationService), _codeDomComponentSerializationService);
// - 3. IDesignerSerializationService
_designerSerializationService = new DesignerSerializationServiceImpl(ServiceContainer);
ServiceContainer.RemoveService(typeof(IDesignerSerializationService), false);
ServiceContainer.AddService(typeof(IDesignerSerializationService), _designerSerializationService);
// - 4. UndoEngine
_undoEngine = new UndoEngineExt(ServiceContainer)
// Disable the UndoEngine
Enabled = false
ServiceContainer.RemoveService(typeof(UndoEngine), false);
ServiceContainer.AddService(typeof(UndoEngine), _undoEngine);
// - 5. IMenuCommandService
ServiceContainer.AddService(typeof(IMenuCommandService), new MenuCommandService(this));
// - 6. ITypeDiscoveryService
ServiceContainer.AddService(typeof(ITypeDiscoveryService), new TypeDiscoveryService());
// - do some Edit menu command using the MenuCommandService
public void DoAction(string command)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command))
IMenuCommandService ims = GetService(typeof(IMenuCommandService)) as IMenuCommandService;
CommandID commandId = command.ToUpperInvariant() switch
"CUT" => StandardCommands.Cut,
"COPY" => StandardCommands.Copy,
"PASTE" => StandardCommands.Paste,
"DELETE" => StandardCommands.Delete,
"INVOKESMARTTAG" => MenuCommands.KeyInvokeSmartTag,
_ => null,
if (commandId is not null)
MenuCommand menuCommand = ims?.FindCommand(commandId);
if (menuCommand?.Enabled is true)
catch (Exception ex)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{Name}::DoAction() - Exception: error in performing the action: {command}(see Inner Exception)", ex);