File: RuntimeSource\Configuration.Binder\Emitter\ExceptionMessages.cs
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Project: src\src\Tools\ConfigurationSchemaGenerator\ConfigurationSchemaGenerator.csproj (ConfigurationSchemaGenerator)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder.SourceGeneration
    public sealed partial class ConfigurationBindingGenerator
        private sealed partial class Emitter
            // Runtime exception messages; not localized so we keep them in source.
            internal static class ExceptionMessages
                public const string CannotBindToConstructorParameter = "Cannot create instance of type '{0}' because one or more parameters cannot be bound to. Constructor parameters cannot be declared as in, out, or ref. Invalid parameters are: '{1}'";
                public const string CannotSpecifyBindNonPublicProperties = "The configuration binding source generator does not support 'BinderOptions.BindNonPublicProperties'.";
                public const string ConstructorParametersDoNotMatchProperties = "Cannot create instance of type '{0}' because one or more parameters cannot be bound to. Constructor parameters must have corresponding properties. Fields are not supported. Missing properties are: '{1}'";
                public const string FailedBinding = "Failed to convert configuration value at '{0}' to type '{1}'.";
                public const string MissingConfig = "'{0}' was set on the provided {1}, but the following properties were not found on the instance of {2}: {3}";
                public const string MissingPublicInstanceConstructor = "Cannot create instance of type '{0}' because it is missing a public instance constructor.";
                public const string MultipleParameterizedConstructors = "Cannot create instance of type '{0}' because it has multiple public parameterized constructors.";
                public const string ParameterHasNoMatchingConfig = "Cannot create instance of type '{0}' because parameter '{1}' has no matching config. Each parameter in the constructor that does not have a default value must have a corresponding config entry.";
                public const string TypeNotDetectedAsInput = "Unable to bind to type '{0}': generator did not detect the type as input.";