// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Buffers;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Pipelines;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Connections;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Connections.Client;
using Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils;
namespace ClientSample;
internal class RawSample
internal static void Register(CommandLineApplication app)
app.Command("raw", cmd =>
cmd.Description = "Tests a connection to an endpoint";
var baseUrlArgument = cmd.Argument("<BASEURL>", "The URL to the Chat EndPoint to test");
cmd.OnExecute(() => ExecuteAsync(baseUrlArgument.Value));
public static async Task<int> ExecuteAsync(string baseUrl)
baseUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseUrl) ? "http://localhost:5000/chat" : baseUrl;
Console.WriteLine($"Connecting to {baseUrl}...");
var connectionOptions = new HttpConnectionOptions
Url = new Uri(baseUrl),
DefaultTransferFormat = TransferFormat.Text,
var connection = new HttpConnection(connectionOptions, loggerFactory: null);
await connection.StartAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"Connected to {baseUrl}");
var shutdown = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, a) =>
a.Cancel = true;
_ = ReceiveLoop(Console.Out, connection.Transport.Input);
_ = SendLoop(Console.In, connection.Transport.Output);
await shutdown.Task;
catch (AggregateException aex) when (aex.InnerExceptions.All(e => e is OperationCanceledException))
catch (OperationCanceledException)
await connection.DisposeAsync();
return 0;
private static async Task ReceiveLoop(TextWriter output, PipeReader input)
while (true)
var result = await input.ReadAsync();
var buffer = result.Buffer;
if (!buffer.IsEmpty)
await output.WriteLineAsync(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer.ToArray()));
else if (result.IsCompleted)
// No more data, and the pipe is complete
private static async Task SendLoop(TextReader input, PipeWriter output)
while (true)
var result = await input.ReadLineAsync();
await output.WriteAsync(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result));