File: DuplexClientBaseTests.4.1.0.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Private.ServiceModel\tests\Scenarios\Client\ClientBase\Client.ClientBase.IntegrationTests.csproj (Client.ClientBase.IntegrationTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Infrastructure.Common;
using Xunit;
public class DuplexClientBaseTests : ConditionalWcfTest
    public static void DuplexClientBaseOfT_OverHttp_Call_Throws_InvalidOperation()
        DuplexClientBase<IWcfDuplexService> duplexService = null;
        IWcfDuplexService proxy = null;
            // *** SETUP *** \\
            BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None);
            WcfDuplexServiceCallback callbackService = new WcfDuplexServiceCallback();
            InstanceContext context = new InstanceContext(callbackService);
            duplexService = new MyDuplexClientBase<IWcfDuplexService>(context, binding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.Https_DefaultBinding_Address_Text));
            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            var exception = Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() =>
                proxy = duplexService.ChannelFactory.CreateChannel();
            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            // Can't compare the entire exception message - .NET Native doesn't necessarily output the entire message, just params
            // "Contract requires Duplex, but Binding 'BasicHttpBinding' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it"
            Assert.Contains("BasicHttpBinding", exception.Message);
            Assert.Throws<CommunicationObjectFaultedException>(() =>
                // You can't gracefully close a Faulted CommunicationObject, so we should make sure it throws here too
            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // proxy will be null here so can't close.
            // duplexService is closed prior to this as part of an assert to verify an expected exception.
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)proxy, duplexService);
    public static void DuplexClientBaseOfT_OverNetTcp_Synchronous_Call()
        DuplexClientBase<IWcfDuplexService> duplexService = null;
        IWcfDuplexService proxy = null;
        Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
            // *** SETUP *** \\
            NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding();
            binding.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.None;
            WcfDuplexServiceCallback callbackService = new WcfDuplexServiceCallback();
            InstanceContext context = new InstanceContext(callbackService);
            duplexService = new MyDuplexClientBase<IWcfDuplexService>(context, binding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.Tcp_NoSecurity_Callback_Address));
            proxy = duplexService.ChannelFactory.CreateChannel();
            // *** EXECUTE *** \\
            // Ping on another thread.
            Task.Run(() => proxy.Ping(guid));
            Guid returnedGuid = callbackService.CallbackGuid;
            // *** VALIDATE *** \\
            Assert.True(guid == returnedGuid,
                string.Format("The sent GUID does not match the returned GUID. Sent '{0}', Received: '{1}'", guid, returnedGuid));
            // *** CLEANUP *** \\
            // *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
            ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)proxy, (ICommunicationObject)duplexService);