File: ProjectCheckerUtil.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Tools\BuildBoss\BuildBoss.csproj (BuildBoss)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
namespace BuildBoss
    internal sealed class ProjectCheckerUtil : ICheckerUtil
        private readonly ProjectData _data;
        private readonly ProjectUtil _projectUtil;
        private readonly Dictionary<ProjectKey, ProjectData> _solutionMap;
        private readonly bool _isPrimarySolution;
        internal ProjectFileType ProjectType => _data.ProjectFileType;
        internal string ProjectFilePath => _data.FilePath;
        internal ProjectCheckerUtil(ProjectData data, Dictionary<ProjectKey, ProjectData> solutionMap, bool isPrimarySolution)
            _data = data;
            _projectUtil = data.ProjectUtil;
            _solutionMap = solutionMap;
            _isPrimarySolution = isPrimarySolution;
        public bool Check(TextWriter textWriter)
            var allGood = true;
            if (ProjectType is ProjectFileType.CSharp or ProjectFileType.Basic)
                if (!_projectUtil.IsNewSdk())
                    textWriter.WriteLine($"Project must new .NET SDK based");
                    allGood = false;
                // Properties that aren't related to build but instead artifacts of Visual Studio.
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "RestorePackages");
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "SolutionDir");
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "FileAlignment");
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "FileUpgradeFlags");
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "UpgradeBackupLocation");
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "OldToolsVersion");
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "SchemaVersion");
                // Centrally controlled properties
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "Configuration");
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "CheckForOverflowUnderflow");
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "RemoveIntegerChecks");
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "Deterministic");
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "HighEntropyVA");
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "DocumentationFile");
                // Items which are not necessary anymore in the new SDK
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "ProjectGuid");
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "ProjectTypeGuids");
                allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "TargetFrameworkProfile");
                allGood &= CheckTargetFrameworks(textWriter);
                allGood &= CheckProjectReferences(textWriter);
                if (_isPrimarySolution)
                    allGood &= CheckInternalsVisibleTo(textWriter);
                allGood &= CheckDeploymentSettings(textWriter);
            return allGood;
        private bool CheckForProperty(TextWriter textWriter, string propertyName)
            foreach (var element in _projectUtil.GetAllPropertyGroupElements())
                if (element.Name.LocalName == propertyName)
                    textWriter.WriteLine($"\tDo not use {propertyName}");
                    return false;
            return true;
        private bool CheckProjectReferences(TextWriter textWriter)
            var allGood = true;
            var declaredEntryList = _projectUtil.GetDeclaredProjectReferences();
            var declaredList = declaredEntryList.Select(x => x.ProjectKey).ToList();
            allGood &= CheckProjectReferencesComplete(textWriter, declaredList);
            allGood &= CheckUnitTestReferenceRestriction(textWriter, declaredList);
            allGood &= CheckNoGuidsOnProjectReferences(textWriter, declaredEntryList);
            return allGood;
        private bool CheckNoGuidsOnProjectReferences(TextWriter textWriter, List<ProjectReferenceEntry> entryList)
            var allGood = true;
            foreach (var entry in entryList)
                if (entry.Project != null)
                    textWriter.WriteLine($"Project reference for {entry.ProjectKey.FileName} should not have a GUID");
                    allGood = false;
            return allGood;
        private bool CheckInternalsVisibleTo(TextWriter textWriter)
            var allGood = true;
            foreach (var internalsVisibleTo in _projectUtil.GetInternalsVisibleTo())
                if (string.Equals(internalsVisibleTo.LoadsWithinVisualStudio, "false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // IVTs explicitly declared with LoadsWithinVisualStudio="false" are allowed
                if (_projectUtil.Key.FileName.StartsWith("Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExternalAccess."))
                    // External access layer may have external IVTs
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(internalsVisibleTo.WorkItem))
                    if (!Uri.TryCreate(internalsVisibleTo.WorkItem, UriKind.Absolute, out _))
                        textWriter.WriteLine($"InternalsVisibleTo for external assembly '{internalsVisibleTo.TargetAssembly}' does not have a valid URI specified for {nameof(InternalsVisibleTo.WorkItem)}.");
                        allGood = false;
                    // A work item is tracking elimination of this IVT
                var builtByThisRepository = _solutionMap.Values.Any(projectData => GetAssemblyName(projectData) == internalsVisibleTo.TargetAssembly);
                if (!builtByThisRepository)
                    textWriter.WriteLine($"InternalsVisibleTo not allowed for external assembly '{internalsVisibleTo.TargetAssembly}' that may load within Visual Studio.");
                    allGood = false;
            return allGood;
            // Local functions
            static string GetAssemblyName(ProjectData projectData)
                return projectData.ProjectUtil.FindSingleProperty("AssemblyName")?.Value.Trim()
                    ?? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(projectData.FileName);
        private bool CheckDeploymentSettings(TextWriter textWriter)
            var allGood = CheckForProperty(textWriter, "CopyNuGetImplementations");
            allGood &= CheckForProperty(textWriter, "UseCommonOutputDirectory");
            return allGood;
        /// <summary>
        /// It's important that every reference be included in the solution.  MSBuild does not necessarily
        /// apply all configuration entries to projects which are compiled via references but not included
        /// in the solution.
        /// </summary>
        private bool CheckProjectReferencesComplete(TextWriter textWriter, IEnumerable<ProjectKey> declaredReferences)
            var allGood = true;
            foreach (var key in declaredReferences)
                if (!_solutionMap.ContainsKey(key))
                    textWriter.WriteLine($"Project reference {key.FileName} is not included in the solution");
                    allGood = false;
            return allGood;
        /// <summary>
        /// Unit test projects should not reference each other.  In order for unit tests to be run / F5 they must be
        /// modeled as deployment projects.  Having Unit Tests reference each other hurts that because it ends up
        /// putting two copies of the unit test DLL into the UnitTest folder:
        ///     1. UnitTests\Current\TheUnitTest\TheUnitTest.dll
        ///     2. UnitTests\Current\TheOtherTests\
        ///             TheUnitTests.dll
        ///             TheOtherTests.dll
        /// This is problematic as all of our tools do directory based searches for unit test DLLs.  Hence they end up
        /// getting counted twice.
        /// Consideration was given to fixing up all of the tools but it felt like fighting against the grain.  Pretty
        /// much every repo has this practice.
        /// </summary>
        private bool CheckUnitTestReferenceRestriction(TextWriter textWriter, IEnumerable<ProjectKey> declaredReferences)
            if (!_data.IsTestProject)
                return true;
            var allGood = true;
            foreach (var key in declaredReferences)
                if (!_solutionMap.TryGetValue(key, out var projectData))
                if (projectData.ProjectUtil.IsTestProject)
                    textWriter.WriteLine($"Cannot reference {key.FileName} as it is another unit test project");
                    allGood = false;
            return allGood;
        private bool CheckTargetFrameworks(TextWriter textWriter)
            var allGood = true;
            foreach (var targetFramework in _projectUtil.GetAllTargetFrameworks())
                // !!!NOTE!!!
                // This check ensures that projects match the target framework expectations laid out in 
                // Target Framework Before changing this list, even simply adding a new 
                // tfm, please consult with the infrastructure team so they can validate the change is in
                // line with how the product is constructed.
                switch (targetFramework)
                    case "net472":
                    case "netstandard2.0":
                    case "$(NetRoslyn)":
                    case "$(NetRoslynNext)":
                    case "$(NetRoslynSourceBuild)":
                    case "$(NetRoslynToolset)":
                    case "$(NetRoslynAll)":
                    case "$(NetVS)":
                    case "$(NetVS)-windows":
                    case "$(NetVSCode)":
                    case "$(NetVSShared)":
                    case "$(NetRoslynBuildHostNetCoreVersion)":
                            // This property should only be used in one specific project
                            if (_data.FileName == "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.MSBuild.BuildHost.csproj")
                textWriter.WriteLine($"TargetFramework {targetFramework} is not supported in this build");
                allGood = false;
            return allGood;