// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using Infrastructure.Common;
using System.ServiceModel;
using Xunit;
public partial class Binding_Tcp_NetTcpBindingTests : ConditionalWcfTest
// Simple echo of a string using NetTcpBinding on both client and server with all default settings.
// Default settings are:
// - SecurityMode = Transport
// - ClientCredentialType = Windows
public static void DefaultSettings_Echo_RoundTrips_String()
string testString = "Hello";
ChannelFactory<IWcfService> factory = null;
IWcfService serviceProxy = null;
// *** SETUP *** \\
NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding();
factory = new ChannelFactory<IWcfService>(binding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.Tcp_DefaultBinding_Address));
serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();
// *** EXECUTE *** \\
string result = serviceProxy.Echo(testString);
// *** VALIDATE *** \\
Assert.Equal(testString, result);
// *** CLEANUP *** \\
// *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);
// Simple echo of a string using NetTcpBinding on both client and server with SecurityMode=Transport
// By default ClientCredentialType will be 'Windows'
// SecurityMode is Transport by default with NetTcpBinding, this test explicitly sets it.
public static void SecurityModeTransport_Echo_RoundTrips_String()
string testString = "Hello";
ChannelFactory<IWcfService> factory = null;
IWcfService serviceProxy = null;
// *** SETUP *** \\
NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport);
factory = new ChannelFactory<IWcfService>(binding, new EndpointAddress(Endpoints.Tcp_DefaultBinding_Address));
serviceProxy = factory.CreateChannel();
// *** EXECUTE *** \\
string result = serviceProxy.Echo(testString);
// *** VALIDATE *** \\
Assert.Equal(testString, result);
// *** CLEANUP *** \\
// *** ENSURE CLEANUP *** \\
ScenarioTestHelpers.CloseCommunicationObjects((ICommunicationObject)serviceProxy, factory);