File: src\Shared\ConsoleLogs\LogEntries.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Aspire.Hosting\Aspire.Hosting.csproj (Aspire.Hosting)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Aspire.Hosting.ConsoleLogs;
// Type is shared by dashboard and hosting.
// It needs to be public in dashboard so it can be bound to a parameter.
// It needs to be internal in hosting because we don't want to expose it as public API.
[DebuggerDisplay("Count = {EntriesCount}")]
public sealed class LogEntries(int maximumEntryCount)
internal sealed class LogEntries(int maximumEntryCount)
    private readonly CircularBuffer<LogEntry> _logEntries = new(maximumEntryCount);
    private int? _earliestTimestampIndex;
    // Keep track of the base line number to ensure that we can calculate the line number of each log entry.
    // This becomes important when the total number of log entries exceeds the limit and is truncated.
    public int? BaseLineNumber { get; set; }
    public IList<LogEntry> GetEntries() => _logEntries;
    public int EntriesCount => _logEntries.Count;
    public void Clear()
        BaseLineNumber = null;
    public void InsertSorted(LogEntry logLine)
        Debug.Assert(logLine.Timestamp == null || logLine.Timestamp.Value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc, "Timestamp should always be UTC.");
        // Verify log entry order is correct in debug builds.
    private void VerifyLogEntryOrder()
        DateTimeOffset lastTimestamp = default;
        for (var i = 0; i < _logEntries.Count; i++)
            var entry = _logEntries[i];
            if (entry.Timestamp is { } timestamp)
                if (timestamp < lastTimestamp)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Log entries out of order.");
                    lastTimestamp = timestamp;
    private void InsertSortedCore(LogEntry logEntry)
        // If there is no timestamp then add to the end.
        if (logEntry.Timestamp == null)
        int? missingTimestampIndex = null;
        for (var rowIndex = _logEntries.Count - 1; rowIndex >= 0; rowIndex--)
            var current = _logEntries[rowIndex];
            // If the current entry has no timestamp then we can't match against it.
            // Keep a track of the first entry with no timestamp, as we want to insert
            // ahead of it if we can't find a more exact place to insert the entry.
            if (current.Timestamp == null)
                if (missingTimestampIndex == null)
                    missingTimestampIndex = rowIndex;
            // Add log entry if it is later than current entry.
            if (logEntry.Timestamp.Value >= current.Timestamp.Value)
                // If there were lines with no timestamp before current entry
                // then insert after the lines with no timestamp.
                if (missingTimestampIndex != null)
                    InsertAt(missingTimestampIndex.Value + 1);
                InsertAt(rowIndex + 1);
                missingTimestampIndex = null;
        if (_earliestTimestampIndex != null)
        else if (missingTimestampIndex != null)
            InsertAt(missingTimestampIndex.Value + 1);
            // New log entry timestamp is smaller than existing entries timestamps.
            // Or maybe there just aren't any other entries yet.
        void InsertAt(int index)
            // Set the line number of the log entry.
            if (index == 0)
                Debug.Assert(BaseLineNumber != null, "Should be set before this method is run.");
                logEntry.LineNumber = BaseLineNumber.Value;
                logEntry.LineNumber = _logEntries[index - 1].LineNumber + 1;
            if (_earliestTimestampIndex == null && logEntry.Timestamp != null)
                _earliestTimestampIndex = index;
            // Insert the entry.
            _logEntries.Insert(index, logEntry);
            // If a log entry isn't inserted at the end then update the line numbers of all subsequent entries.
            for (var i = index + 1; i < _logEntries.Count; i++)