File: ProjectResourceBuilderExtensions.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Aspire.Hosting\Aspire.Hosting.csproj (Aspire.Hosting)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using Aspire.Hosting.ApplicationModel;
using Aspire.Hosting.Dashboard;
using Aspire.Hosting.Utils;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
namespace Aspire.Hosting;
/// <summary>
/// Provides extension methods for <see cref="IDistributedApplicationBuilder"/> to add and configure project resources.
/// </summary>
public static class ProjectResourceBuilderExtensions
    private const string AspNetCoreForwardedHeadersEnabledVariableName = "ASPNETCORE_FORWARDEDHEADERS_ENABLED";
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a .NET project to the application model.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TProject">A type that represents the project reference.</typeparam>
    /// <param name="builder">The <see cref="IDistributedApplicationBuilder"/>.</param>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the resource. This name will be used for service discovery when referenced in a dependency.</param>
    /// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{T}"/>.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>
    /// This overload of the <see cref="AddProject{TProject}(IDistributedApplicationBuilder, string)"/> method takes
    /// a <typeparamref name="TProject"/> type parameter. The <typeparamref name="TProject"/> type parameter is constrained
    /// to types that implement the <see cref="IProjectMetadata"/> interface.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// Classes that implement the <see cref="IProjectMetadata"/> interface are generated when a .NET project is added as a reference
    /// to the app host project. The generated class contains a property that returns the path to the referenced project file. Using this path
    /// .NET Aspire parses the <c>launchSettings.json</c> file to determine which launch profile to use when running the project, and
    /// what endpoint configuration to automatically generate.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// The name of the automatically generated project metadata type is a normalized version of the project name. Periods, dashes, and
    /// spaces in project names are converted to underscores. This normalization may lead to naming conflicts. If a conflict occurs the <c>&lt;ProjectReference /&gt;</c>
    /// that references the project can have a <c>AspireProjectMetadataTypeName="..."</c> attribute added to override the name.
    /// </para>
    /// <para name="kestrel">
    /// Note that endpoints coming from the Kestrel configuration are automatically added to the project. The Kestrel Url and Protocols are used
    /// to build the equivalent <see cref="EndpointAnnotation"/>.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <example>
    /// Example of adding a project to the application model.
    /// <code lang="csharp">
    /// var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    /// builder.AddProject&lt;Projects.InventoryService&gt;("inventoryservice");
    /// builder.Build().Run();
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    public static IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> AddProject<TProject>(this IDistributedApplicationBuilder builder, [ResourceName] string name) where TProject : IProjectMetadata, new()
        return builder.AddProject<TProject>(name, _ => { });
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a .NET project to the application model.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="builder">The <see cref="IDistributedApplicationBuilder"/>.</param>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the resource. This name will be used for service discovery when referenced in a dependency.</param>
    /// <param name="projectPath">The path to the project file.</param>
    /// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{T}"/>.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>
    /// This overload of the <see cref="AddProject(IDistributedApplicationBuilder, string, string)"/> method adds a project to the application
    /// model using a path to the project file. This allows for projects to be referenced that may not be part of the same solution. If the project
    /// path is not an absolute path then it will be computed relative to the app host directory.
    /// </para>
    /// <inheritdoc cref="AddProject(IDistributedApplicationBuilder, string)" path="/remarks/para[@name='kestrel']" />
    /// </remarks>
    /// <example>
    /// Add a project to the app model via a project path.
    /// <code lang="csharp">
    /// var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    /// builder.AddProject("inventoryservice", @"..\InventoryService\InventoryService.csproj");
    /// builder.Build().Run();
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    public static IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> AddProject(this IDistributedApplicationBuilder builder, [ResourceName] string name, string projectPath)
        return builder.AddProject(name, projectPath, _ => { });
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a .NET project to the application model. By default, this will exist in a Projects namespace. e.g. Projects.MyProject.
    /// If the project is not in a Projects namespace, make sure a project reference is added from the AppHost project to the target project.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TProject">A type that represents the project reference.</typeparam>
    /// <param name="builder">The <see cref="IDistributedApplicationBuilder"/>.</param>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the resource. This name will be used for service discovery when referenced in a dependency.</param>
    /// <param name="launchProfileName">The launch profile to use. If <c>null</c> then no launch profile will be used.</param>
    /// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{T}"/>.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>
    /// This overload of the <see cref="AddProject{TProject}(IDistributedApplicationBuilder, string)"/> method takes
    /// a <typeparamref name="TProject"/> type parameter. The <typeparamref name="TProject"/> type parameter is constrained
    /// to types that implement the <see cref="IProjectMetadata"/> interface.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// Classes that implement the <see cref="IProjectMetadata"/> interface are generated when a .NET project is added as a reference
    /// to the app host project. The generated class contains a property that returns the path to the referenced project file. Using this path
    /// .NET Aspire parses the <c>launchSettings.json</c> file to determine which launch profile to use when running the project, and
    /// what endpoint configuration to automatically generate.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// The name of the automatically generated project metadata type is a normalized version of the project name. Periods, dashes, and
    /// spaces in project names are converted to underscores. This normalization may lead to naming conflicts. If a conflict occurs the <c>&lt;ProjectReference /&gt;</c>
    /// that references the project can have a <c>AspireProjectMetadataTypeName="..."</c> attribute added to override the name.
    /// </para>
    /// <inheritdoc cref="AddProject(IDistributedApplicationBuilder, string)" path="/remarks/para[@name='kestrel']" />
    /// </remarks>
    /// <example>
    /// Example of adding a project to the application model.
    /// <code lang="csharp">
    /// var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    /// builder.AddProject&lt;Projects.InventoryService&gt;("inventoryservice", launchProfileName: "otherLaunchProfile");
    /// builder.Build().Run();
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    public static IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> AddProject<TProject>(this IDistributedApplicationBuilder builder, [ResourceName] string name, string? launchProfileName) where TProject : IProjectMetadata, new()
        return builder.AddProject<TProject>(name, options =>
            options.ExcludeLaunchProfile = launchProfileName is null;
            options.LaunchProfileName = launchProfileName;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a .NET project to the application model.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="builder">The <see cref="IDistributedApplicationBuilder"/>.</param>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the resource. This name will be used for service discovery when referenced in a dependency.</param>
    /// <param name="projectPath">The path to the project file.</param>
    /// <param name="launchProfileName">The launch profile to use. If <c>null</c> then no launch profile will be used.</param>
    /// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{T}"/>.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>
    /// This overload of the <see cref="AddProject(IDistributedApplicationBuilder, string, string)"/> method adds a project to the application
    /// model using a path to the project file. This allows for projects to be referenced that may not be part of the same solution. If the project
    /// path is not an absolute path then it will be computed relative to the app host directory.
    /// </para>
    /// <inheritdoc cref="AddProject(IDistributedApplicationBuilder, string)" path="/remarks/para[@name='kestrel']" />
    /// </remarks>
    /// <example>
    /// Add a project to the app model via a project path.
    /// <code lang="csharp">
    /// var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    /// builder.AddProject("inventoryservice", @"..\InventoryService\InventoryService.csproj", launchProfileName: "otherLaunchProfile");
    /// builder.Build().Run();
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    public static IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> AddProject(this IDistributedApplicationBuilder builder, [ResourceName] string name, string projectPath, string? launchProfileName)
        return builder.AddProject(name, projectPath, options =>
            options.ExcludeLaunchProfile = launchProfileName is null;
            options.LaunchProfileName = launchProfileName;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a .NET project to the application model.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TProject">A type that represents the project reference.</typeparam>
    /// <param name="builder">The <see cref="IDistributedApplicationBuilder"/>.</param>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the resource. This name will be used for service discovery when referenced in a dependency.</param>
    /// <param name="configure">A callback to configure the project resource options.</param>
    /// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{T}"/>.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>
    /// This overload of the <see cref="AddProject{TProject}(IDistributedApplicationBuilder, string)"/> method takes
    /// a <typeparamref name="TProject"/> type parameter. The <typeparamref name="TProject"/> type parameter is constrained
    /// to types that implement the <see cref="IProjectMetadata"/> interface.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// Classes that implement the <see cref="IProjectMetadata"/> interface are generated when a .NET project is added as a reference
    /// to the app host project. The generated class contains a property that returns the path to the referenced project file. Using this path
    /// .NET Aspire parses the <c>launchSettings.json</c> file to determine which launch profile to use when running the project, and
    /// what endpoint configuration to automatically generate.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// The name of the automatically generated project metadata type is a normalized version of the project name. Periods, dashes, and
    /// spaces in project names are converted to underscores. This normalization may lead to naming conflicts. If a conflict occurs the <c>&lt;ProjectReference /&gt;</c>
    /// that references the project can have a <c>AspireProjectMetadataTypeName="..."</c> attribute added to override the name.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <example>
    /// Example of adding a project to the application model.
    /// <code lang="csharp">
    /// var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    /// builder.AddProject&lt;Projects.InventoryService&gt;("inventoryservice", options => { options.LaunchProfileName = "otherLaunchProfile"; });
    /// builder.Build().Run();
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    public static IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> AddProject<TProject>(this IDistributedApplicationBuilder builder, [ResourceName] string name, Action<ProjectResourceOptions> configure) where TProject : IProjectMetadata, new()
        var options = new ProjectResourceOptions();
        var project = new ProjectResource(name);
        return builder.AddResource(project)
                      .WithAnnotation(new TProject())
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a .NET project to the application model.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="builder">The <see cref="IDistributedApplicationBuilder"/>.</param>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the resource. This name will be used for service discovery when referenced in a dependency.</param>
    /// <param name="projectPath">The path to the project file.</param>
    /// <param name="configure">A callback to configure the project resource options.</param>
    /// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{T}"/>.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>
    /// This overload of the <see cref="AddProject(IDistributedApplicationBuilder, string, string)"/> method adds a project to the application
    /// model using a path to the project file. This allows for projects to be referenced that may not be part of the same solution. If the project
    /// path is not an absolute path then it will be computed relative to the app host directory.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <example>
    /// Add a project to the app model via a project path.
    /// <code lang="csharp">
    /// var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    /// builder.AddProject("inventoryservice", @"..\InventoryService\InventoryService.csproj", options => { options.LaunchProfileName = "otherLaunchProfile"; });
    /// builder.Build().Run();
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    public static IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> AddProject(this IDistributedApplicationBuilder builder, [ResourceName] string name, string projectPath, Action<ProjectResourceOptions> configure)
        var options = new ProjectResourceOptions();
        var project = new ProjectResource(name);
        projectPath = PathNormalizer.NormalizePathForCurrentPlatform(Path.Combine(builder.AppHostDirectory, projectPath));
        return builder.AddResource(project)
                      .WithAnnotation(new ProjectMetadata(projectPath))
    private static IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> WithProjectDefaults(this IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> builder, ProjectResourceOptions options)
        // We only want to turn these on for .NET projects, ConfigureOtlpEnvironment works for any resource type that
        // implements IDistributedApplicationResourceWithEnvironment.
        // .NET SDK has experimental support for retries. Enable with env var.
        // Remove once retry feature in opentelemetry-dotnet is enabled by default.
        builder.WithEnvironment("OTEL_DOTNET_EXPERIMENTAL_OTLP_RETRY", "in_memory");
        // OTEL settings that are used to improve local development experience.
        if (builder.ApplicationBuilder.ExecutionContext.IsRunMode && builder.ApplicationBuilder.Environment.IsDevelopment())
            // Disable URL query redaction, e.g. ?myvalue=Redacted
        var projectResource = builder.Resource;
        if (builder.ApplicationBuilder.ExecutionContext.IsPublishMode)
            builder.WithEnvironment(context =>
                // If we have any endpoints & the forwarded headers wasn't disabled then add it
                if (projectResource.GetEndpoints().Any() && !projectResource.Annotations.OfType<DisableForwardedHeadersAnnotation>().Any())
                    context.EnvironmentVariables[AspNetCoreForwardedHeadersEnabledVariableName] = "true";
        if (options.ExcludeLaunchProfile)
            builder.WithAnnotation(new ExcludeLaunchProfileAnnotation());
        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.LaunchProfileName))
            builder.WithAnnotation(new LaunchProfileAnnotation(options.LaunchProfileName));
            var appHostDefaultLaunchProfileName = builder.ApplicationBuilder.Configuration["AppHost:DefaultLaunchProfileName"]
                ?? builder.ApplicationBuilder.Configuration["DOTNET_LAUNCH_PROFILE"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appHostDefaultLaunchProfileName))
                builder.WithAnnotation(new DefaultLaunchProfileAnnotation(appHostDefaultLaunchProfileName));
        var effectiveLaunchProfile = options.ExcludeLaunchProfile ? null : projectResource.GetEffectiveLaunchProfile(throwIfNotFound: true);
        var launchProfile = effectiveLaunchProfile?.LaunchProfile;
        // Get all the endpoints from the Kestrel configuration
        var config = GetConfiguration(projectResource);
        var kestrelEndpoints = options.ExcludeKestrelEndpoints ? [] : config.GetSection("Kestrel:Endpoints").GetChildren();
        // Get all the Kestrel configuration endpoint bindings, grouped by scheme
        var kestrelEndpointsByScheme = kestrelEndpoints
            .Where(endpoint => endpoint["Url"] is string)
            .Select(endpoint => new
                EndpointName = endpoint.Key,
                BindingAddress = BindingAddress.Parse(endpoint["Url"]!),
                Protocols = endpoint["Protocols"]
            .GroupBy(entry => entry.BindingAddress.Scheme);
        // Helper to change the transport to http2 if needed
        var isHttp2ConfiguredInKestrelEndpointDefaults = config["Kestrel:EndpointDefaults:Protocols"] == nameof(HttpProtocols.Http2);
        var adjustTransport = (EndpointAnnotation e, string? bindingLevelProtocols = null) =>
            if (bindingLevelProtocols != null)
                // If the Kestrel endpoint has an explicit protocol, use that and ignore any EndpointDefaults
                e.Transport = bindingLevelProtocols == nameof(HttpProtocols.Http2) ? "http2" : e.Transport;
            else if (isHttp2ConfiguredInKestrelEndpointDefaults)
                // Fall back to honoring Http2 specified at EndpointDefaults level
                e.Transport = "http2";
        foreach (var schemeGroup in kestrelEndpointsByScheme)
            // If there is only one endpoint for a given scheme, we use the scheme as the endpoint name
            // Otherwise, we use the actual endpoint names from the config
            var schemeAsEndpointName = schemeGroup.Count() <= 1 ? schemeGroup.Key : null;
            foreach (var endpoint in schemeGroup)
                builder.WithEndpoint(schemeAsEndpointName ?? endpoint.EndpointName, e =>
                    if (builder.ApplicationBuilder.ExecutionContext.IsPublishMode)
                        // In Publish mode, we could not set the Port because it needs to be the standard
                        // port in scenarios like ACA. So we set the target instead, since we can control that
                        e.TargetPort = endpoint.BindingAddress.Port;
                        // Locally, there is no issue with setting the Port. And in fact, we could not set the
                        // target port because that would break replica sets
                        e.Port = endpoint.BindingAddress.Port;
                    e.UriScheme = endpoint.BindingAddress.Scheme;
                    e.TargetHost = endpoint.BindingAddress.Host;
                    adjustTransport(e, endpoint.Protocols);
                    // Keep track of the host separately since EndpointAnnotation doesn't have a host property
                    builder.Resource.KestrelEndpointAnnotationHosts[e] = endpoint.BindingAddress.Host;
                createIfNotExists: true);
        // Use environment variables to override endpoints if there is a Kestrel config
        if (builder.ApplicationBuilder.ExecutionContext.IsRunMode)
            // We don't need to set ASPNETCORE_URLS if we have Kestrel endpoints configured
            // as Kestrel will get everything it needs from the config.
            if (!kestrelEndpointsByScheme.Any())
            // Process the launch profile and turn it into environment variables and endpoints.
            if (launchProfile is null)
                return builder;
            // If we had found any Kestrel endpoints, we ignore the launch profile endpoints,
            // to match the Kestrel runtime behavior.
            if (!kestrelEndpointsByScheme.Any())
                var urlsFromApplicationUrl = launchProfile.ApplicationUrl?.Split(';', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) ?? [];
                Dictionary<string, int> endpointCountByScheme = [];
                foreach (var url in urlsFromApplicationUrl)
                    var bindingAddress = BindingAddress.Parse(url);
                    // Keep track of how many endpoints we have for each scheme
                    endpointCountByScheme.TryGetValue(bindingAddress.Scheme, out var count);
                    endpointCountByScheme[bindingAddress.Scheme] = count + 1;
                    // If we have multiple for the same scheme, we differentiate them by appending a number.
                    // We only do this starting with the second endpoint, so that the first stays just http/https.
                    // This allows us to keep the same behavior as "dotnet run".
                    // Also, note that we only do this in Run mode, as in Publish mode those extra endpoints
                    // with generic names would not be easily usable.
                    var endpointName = bindingAddress.Scheme;
                    if (endpointCountByScheme[bindingAddress.Scheme] > 1)
                        endpointName += endpointCountByScheme[bindingAddress.Scheme];
                    builder.WithEndpoint(endpointName, e =>
                        e.Port = bindingAddress.Port;
                        e.TargetHost = bindingAddress.Host;
                        e.UriScheme = bindingAddress.Scheme;
                        e.FromLaunchProfile = true;
                    createIfNotExists: true);
            builder.WithEnvironment(context =>
                // Populate DOTNET_LAUNCH_PROFILE environment variable for consistency with "dotnet run" and "dotnet watch".
                if (effectiveLaunchProfile is not null)
                    context.EnvironmentVariables.TryAdd("DOTNET_LAUNCH_PROFILE", effectiveLaunchProfile.Name);
                foreach (var envVar in launchProfile.EnvironmentVariables)
                    var value = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(envVar.Value);
                    context.EnvironmentVariables.TryAdd(envVar.Key, value);
            // NOTE: the launch profile command line arguments will be processed by ApplicationExecutor.PrepareProjectExecutables() (either by the IDE or manually passed to run)
            // Set HTTP_PORTS/HTTPS_PORTS in publish mode, to override the default port set in the base image. Note that:
            // - We don't set them if we have Kestrel endpoints configured, as Kestrel will get everything from its config.
            // - We only do that for endpoint set explicitly (.WithHttpEndpoint), not for the ones coming from launch profile.
            //   This is because launch profile endpoints are not meant to be used in production.
            if (!kestrelEndpointsByScheme.Any())
            // If we aren't a web project (looking at both launch profile and Kestrel config) we don't automatically add bindings.
            if (launchProfile?.ApplicationUrl == null && !kestrelEndpointsByScheme.Any())
                return builder;
            EndpointAnnotation GetOrCreateEndpointForScheme(string scheme)
                EndpointAnnotation? GetEndpoint(string scheme) =>
                    projectResource.Annotations.OfType<EndpointAnnotation>().FirstOrDefault(sb => sb.UriScheme == scheme || string.Equals(sb.Name, scheme, StringComparisons.EndpointAnnotationName));
                var endpoint = GetEndpoint(scheme);
                // If there is no endpoint named after the scheme, create one
                if (endpoint is null)
                    builder.WithEndpoint(scheme, e =>
                        e.UriScheme = scheme;
                        // Keep track of the default https endpoint so we can exclude it from HTTPS_PORTS & Kestrel env vars
                        if (scheme == "https")
                            builder.Resource.DefaultHttpsEndpoint = e;
                    createIfNotExists: true);
                    endpoint = GetEndpoint(scheme)!;
                return endpoint;
            var httpEndpoint = GetOrCreateEndpointForScheme("http");
            var httpsEndpoint = GetOrCreateEndpointForScheme("https");
            // We make sure that the http and https endpoints have the same target port
            var defaultEndpointTargetPort = httpEndpoint.TargetPort ?? httpsEndpoint.TargetPort;
            httpEndpoint.TargetPort = httpsEndpoint.TargetPort = defaultEndpointTargetPort;
        return builder;
    /// <summary>
    /// Configures how many replicas of the project should be created for the project.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="builder">The project resource builder.</param>
    /// <param name="replicas">The number of replicas.</param>
    /// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{T}"/>.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>
    /// When this method is applied to a project resource it will configure the app host to start multiple instances
    /// of the application based on the specified number of replicas. By default the app host automatically starts a
    /// reverse proxy for each process. When <see cref="WithReplicas(IResourceBuilder{ProjectResource}, int)"/> is
    /// used the reverse proxy will load balance traffic between the replicas.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// This capability can be useful when debugging scale out scenarios to ensure state is appropriately managed
    /// within a cluster of instances.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <example>
    /// Start multiple instances of the same service.
    /// <code lang="csharp">
    /// var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    /// builder.AddProject&lt;Projects.InventoryService&gt;("inventoryservice")
    ///        .WithReplicas(3);
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    public static IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> WithReplicas(this IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> builder, int replicas)
        builder.WithAnnotation(new ReplicaAnnotation(replicas));
        return builder;
    /// <summary>
    /// Configures the project to disable forwarded headers when being published.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="builder">The project resource builder.</param>
    /// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{T}"/>.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>
    /// By default .NET Aspire assumes that .NET applications which expose endpoints should be configured to
    /// use forwarded headers. This is because most typical cloud native deployment scenarios involve a reverse
    /// proxy which translates an external endpoint hostname to an internal address.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>
    /// To enable forwarded headers the <c>ASPNETCORE_FORWARDEDHEADERS_ENABLED</c> variable is injected
    /// into the project and set to true. If the <see cref="DisableForwardedHeaders(IResourceBuilder{ProjectResource})"/>
    /// extension is used this environment variable will not be set.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <example>
    /// Disable forwarded headers for a project.
    /// <code lang="csharp">
    /// var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    /// builder.AddProject&lt;Projects.InventoryService&gt;("inventoryservice")
    ///        .DisableForwardedHeaders();
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    public static IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> DisableForwardedHeaders(this IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> builder)
        return builder;
    /// <summary>
    /// Set a filter that determines if environment variables are injected for a given endpoint.
    /// By default, all endpoints are included (if this method is not called).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="builder">The project resource builder.</param>
    /// <param name="filter">The filter callback that returns true if and only if the endpoint should be included.</param>
    /// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{T}"/>.</returns>
    public static IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> WithEndpointsInEnvironment(
        this IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> builder, Func<EndpointAnnotation, bool> filter)
        builder.Resource.Annotations.Add(new EndpointEnvironmentInjectionFilterAnnotation(filter));
        return builder;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds support for containerizing this <see cref="ProjectResource"/> during deployment.
    /// The resulting container image is built, and when the optional <paramref name="configure"/> action is provided,
    /// it is used to configure the container resource.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// When the executable resource is converted to a container resource, the arguments to the executable
    /// are not used. This is because arguments to the project often contain physical paths that are not valid
    /// in the container. The container can be set up with the correct arguments using the <paramref name="configure"/> action.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <typeparam name="T">Type of executable resource</typeparam>
    /// <param name="builder">Resource builder</param>
    /// <param name="configure">Optional action to configure the container resource</param>
    /// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{T}"/>.</returns>
    public static IResourceBuilder<T> PublishAsDockerFile<T>(this IResourceBuilder<T> builder, Action<IResourceBuilder<ContainerResource>>? configure = null)
        where T : ProjectResource
        if (!builder.ApplicationBuilder.ExecutionContext.IsPublishMode)
            return builder;
        // The implementation here is less than ideal, but we don't have a clean way of building resource types
        // that change their behavior based on the context. In this case, we want to change the behavior of the
        // resource from a ProjectResource to a ContainerResource. We do this by removing the ProjectResource
        // from the application model and adding a new ContainerResource in its place in publish mode.
        // There are still dangling references to the original ProjectResource in the application model, but
        // in publish mode, it won't be used. This is a limitation of the current design.
        var container = new ProjectContainerResource(builder.Resource);
        var cb = builder.ApplicationBuilder.AddResource(container);
        // WithImage makes this a container resource (adding the annotation)
        cb.WithDockerfile(contextPath: builder.Resource.GetProjectMetadata().ProjectPath);
        // Arguments to the executable often contain physical paths that are not valid in the container
        // Clear them out so that the container can be set up with the correct arguments
        cb.WithArgs(c => c.Args.Clear());
        // Even through we're adding a ContainerResource
        // update the manifest publishing callback on the original ProjectResource
        // so that the container resource is written to the manifest
        return builder.WithManifestPublishingCallback(context =>
    private static IConfiguration GetConfiguration(ProjectResource projectResource)
        var projectMetadata = projectResource.GetProjectMetadata();
        // For testing
        if (projectMetadata.Configuration is { } configuration)
            return configuration;
        var projectDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectMetadata.ProjectPath)!;
        var appSettingsPath = Path.Combine(projectDirectoryPath, "appsettings.json");
        var env = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT") ?? Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT");
        var appSettingsEnvironmentPath = Path.Combine(projectDirectoryPath, $"appsettings.{env}.json");
        var configBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
        configBuilder.AddJsonFile(appSettingsPath, optional: true);
        configBuilder.AddJsonFile(appSettingsEnvironmentPath, optional: true);
        return configBuilder.Build();
    private static void SetAspNetCoreUrls(this IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> builder)
        builder.WithEnvironment(context =>
            if (context.EnvironmentVariables.ContainsKey("ASPNETCORE_URLS"))
                // If the user has already set ASPNETCORE_URLS, we don't want to override it.
            var aspnetCoreUrls = new ReferenceExpressionBuilder();
            var processedHttpsPort = false;
            var first = true;
            // Turn http and https endpoints into a single ASPNETCORE_URLS environment variable.
            foreach (var e in builder.Resource.GetEndpoints().Where(builder.Resource.ShouldInjectEndpointEnvironment))
                if (!first)
                if (!processedHttpsPort && e.EndpointAnnotation.UriScheme == "https")
                    // Add the environment variable for the HTTPS port if we have an HTTPS service. This will make sure the
                    // HTTPS redirection middleware avoids redirecting to the internal port.
                    context.EnvironmentVariables["ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORT"] = e.Property(EndpointProperty.Port);
                    processedHttpsPort = true;
                // If the endpoint is proxied, we will use localhost as the target host since DCP will be forwarding the traffic
                var targetHost = e.EndpointAnnotation.IsProxied && builder.Resource.SupportsProxy() ? "localhost" : e.EndpointAnnotation.TargetHost;
                first = false;
            if (!aspnetCoreUrls.IsEmpty)
                // Combine into a single expression
                context.EnvironmentVariables["ASPNETCORE_URLS"] = aspnetCoreUrls.Build();
    private static void SetBothPortsEnvVariables(this IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> builder)
        builder.WithEnvironment(context =>
            builder.SetOnePortsEnvVariable(context, "HTTP_PORTS", "http");
            builder.SetOnePortsEnvVariable(context, "HTTPS_PORTS", "https");
    private static void SetOnePortsEnvVariable(this IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> builder, EnvironmentCallbackContext context, string portEnvVariable, string scheme)
        if (context.EnvironmentVariables.ContainsKey(portEnvVariable))
            // If the user has already set that variable, we don't want to override it.
        var ports = new ReferenceExpressionBuilder();
        var firstPort = true;
        // Turn endpoint ports into a single environment variable
        foreach (var e in builder.Resource.GetEndpoints().Where(builder.Resource.ShouldInjectEndpointEnvironment))
            // Skip the default https endpoint because the container likely won't be set up to listen on https (e.g. ACA case)
            if (e.EndpointAnnotation.UriScheme == scheme && e.EndpointAnnotation != builder.Resource.DefaultHttpsEndpoint)
                Debug.Assert(!e.EndpointAnnotation.FromLaunchProfile, "Endpoints from launch profile should never make it here");
                if (!firstPort)
                firstPort = false;
        if (!firstPort)
            context.EnvironmentVariables[portEnvVariable] = ports.Build();
    private static void SetKestrelUrlOverrideEnvVariables(this IResourceBuilder<ProjectResource> builder)
        builder.WithEnvironment(context =>
            // If there are any Kestrel endpoints, we need to override all endpoints, even if they
            // don't come from Kestrel. This is because having Kestrel endpoints overrides everything
            if (builder.Resource.HasKestrelEndpoints)
                foreach (var e in builder.Resource.GetEndpoints().Where(builder.Resource.ShouldInjectEndpointEnvironment))
                    // Skip the default https endpoint because the container likely won't be set up to listen on https (e.g. ACA case)
                    if (e.EndpointAnnotation == builder.Resource.DefaultHttpsEndpoint)
                    // In Run mode, we keep the original Kestrel config host.
                    // In Publish mode, we always use *, so it can work in a container (where localhost wouldn't work).
                    var host = builder.ApplicationBuilder.ExecutionContext.IsRunMode &&
                        builder.Resource.KestrelEndpointAnnotationHosts.TryGetValue(e.EndpointAnnotation, out var kestrelHost) ? kestrelHost : "*";
                    var url = ReferenceExpression.Create($"{e.EndpointAnnotation.UriScheme}://{host}:{e.Property(EndpointProperty.TargetPort)}");
                    // We use special config system environment variables to perform the override.
                    context.EnvironmentVariables[$"Kestrel__Endpoints__{e.EndpointAnnotation.Name}__Url"] = url;
    // Allows us to mirror annotations from ProjectContainerResource to ContainerResource
    private sealed class ProjectContainerResource(ProjectResource pr) : ContainerResource(pr.Name)
        public override ResourceAnnotationCollection Annotations => pr.Annotations;