// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Model;
using Aspire.Hosting.ApplicationModel;
namespace Aspire.Hosting.Orchestrator;
internal static class RelationshipEvaluator
public static ILookup<IResource, IResource> GetParentChildLookup(DistributedApplicationModel model)
// parent -> children lookup
// Built from IResourceWithParent first, then from annotations.
return model.Resources.OfType<IResourceWithParent>()
.Select(x => (Child: (IResource)x, Parent: x.Parent))
.Where(x => x.Parent is not null)
.ToLookup(x => x.Parent!, x => x.Child);
private static IEnumerable<(IResource Child, IResource Parent)> GetParentChildRelationshipsFromAnnotations(DistributedApplicationModel model)
static bool TryGetParent(IResource resource, [NotNullWhen(true)] out IResource? parent)
if (resource.TryGetAnnotationsOfType<ResourceRelationshipAnnotation>(out var relations) &&
relations.LastOrDefault(r => r.Type == KnownRelationshipTypes.Parent) is { } parentRelationship)
parent = parentRelationship.Resource;
return true;
parent = default;
return false;
static IResource? SelectParentResource(IResource? resource) => resource switch
IResource r when TryGetParent(r, out var parent) => parent,
_ => null
var result = model.Resources.Select(x => (Child: x, Parent: SelectParentResource(x)))
.Where(x => x.Parent is not null)
return result!;
private static void ValidateRelationships((IResource Child, IResource Parent)[] relationships)
if (relationships.Length == 0)
var childToParentLookup = relationships.ToDictionary(x => x.Child, x => x.Parent);
// ensure no circular dependencies
var visited = new Stack<IResource>();
foreach (var relation in relationships)
ValidateNoCircularDependencies(childToParentLookup, relation.Child, visited);
static void ValidateNoCircularDependencies(Dictionary<IResource, IResource> childToParentLookup, IResource child, Stack<IResource> visited)
if (childToParentLookup.TryGetValue(child, out var parent))
if (visited.Contains(parent))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Circular dependency detected: {string.Join(" -> ", visited)} -> {parent}");
ValidateNoCircularDependencies(childToParentLookup, parent, visited);