File: Dcp\Model\Service.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Aspire.Hosting\Aspire.Hosting.csproj (Aspire.Hosting)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using k8s.Models;
namespace Aspire.Hosting.Dcp.Model;
internal sealed class ServiceSpec
    // The desired address for the service to run on
    public string? Address { get; set; }
    // The desired port for the service to run on
    public int? Port { get; set; }
    // The network protocol to be used for the service. Defaults to TCP.
    public string Protocol { get; set; } = PortProtocol.TCP;
    // The mode for address allocation
    public string AddressAllocationMode { get; set; } = AddressAllocationModes.Localhost;
internal sealed class ServiceStatus : V1Status
    // The actual address the service is running on
    public string? EffectiveAddress { get; set; }
    // The actual port the service is running on
    public int? EffectivePort { get; set; }
    // The current state of the service
    public string? State { get; set; }
internal static class ServiceState
    // The service is not ready to accept connection. EffectiveAddress and EffectivePort do not contain final data.
    public const string NotReady = "NotReady";
    // The service is ready to accept connections.
    public const string Ready = "Ready";
internal static class AddressAllocationModes
    // Bind only to
    public const string IPv4ZeroOne = "IPv4ZeroOne";
    // Bind to any 127.*.*.* loopback address range
    public const string IPv4Loopback = "IPv4Loopback";
    // Bind to IPv6 ::1
    public const string IPv6 = "IPv6ZeroOne";
    // Bind to "localhost", which is all loopback devices on the machine.
    public const string Localhost = "Localhost";
    // Don't use a proxy, instead bind to the first Endpoint.
    public const string Proxyless = "Proxyless";
internal sealed class Service : CustomResource<ServiceSpec, ServiceStatus>
    public Service(ServiceSpec spec) : base(spec) { }
    public static Service Create(string name)
        var s = new Service(new ServiceSpec());
        s.Kind = Dcp.ServiceKind;
        s.ApiVersion = Dcp.GroupVersion.ToString();
        s.Metadata.Name = name;
        s.Metadata.NamespaceProperty = string.Empty;
        return s;
    public int? AllocatedPort => Spec.Port ?? Status?.EffectivePort;
    public string? AllocatedAddress => Spec.Address ?? Status?.EffectiveAddress;
    public bool HasCompleteAddress => AllocatedPort > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(AllocatedAddress);
    public string? EndpointName => Metadata.Annotations?.TryGetValue(EndpointNameAnnotation, out var value) is true ? value : null;
    public void ApplyAddressInfoFrom(Service other)
        Spec.Port = other.Spec.Port;
        Spec.Address = other.Spec.Address;
        if (Status is null)
            Status = new();
        if (other.Status?.EffectiveAddress is not null)
            Status.EffectiveAddress = other.Status.EffectiveAddress;
        if (other.Status?.EffectivePort is not null)
            Status.EffectivePort = other.Status.EffectivePort;