// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Aspire.Hosting.ApplicationModel;
using Aspire.Hosting.Utils;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
namespace Aspire.Hosting.Dcp;
internal sealed class DcpNameGenerator
// A random suffix added to every DCP object name ensures that those names (and derived object names, for example container names)
// are unique machine-wide with a high level of probability.
// The length of 8 achieves that while keeping the names relatively short and readable.
// The second purpose of the suffix is to play a role of a unique OpenTelemetry service instance ID.
private const int RandomNameSuffixLength = 8;
private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
private readonly IOptions<DcpOptions> _options;
public DcpNameGenerator(IConfiguration configuration, IOptions<DcpOptions> options)
_configuration = configuration;
_options = options;
public void EnsureDcpInstancesPopulated(IResource resource)
if (resource.TryGetLastAnnotation<DcpInstancesAnnotation>(out _))
if (resource.IsContainer())
var (name, suffix) = GetContainerName(resource);
AddInstancesAnnotation(resource, [new DcpInstance(name, suffix, 0)]);
else if (resource is ExecutableResource)
var (name, suffix) = GetExecutableName(resource);
AddInstancesAnnotation(resource, [new DcpInstance(name, suffix, 0)]);
else if (resource is ProjectResource)
var replicas = resource.GetReplicaCount();
var builder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<DcpInstance>(replicas);
for (var i = 0; i < replicas; i++)
var (name, suffix) = GetExecutableName(resource);
builder.Add(new DcpInstance(name, suffix, i));
AddInstancesAnnotation(resource, builder.ToImmutable());
private static void AddInstancesAnnotation(IResource resource, ImmutableArray<DcpInstance> instances)
resource.Annotations.Add(new DcpInstancesAnnotation(instances));
public (string Name, string Suffix) GetContainerName(IResource container)
var nameSuffix = container.GetContainerLifetimeType() switch
ContainerLifetime.Session => GetRandomNameSuffix(),
// Compute a short hash of the content root path to differentiate between multiple AppHost projects with similar resource names
_ => _configuration["AppHost:Sha256"]!.Substring(0, RandomNameSuffixLength).ToLowerInvariant(),
return (GetObjectNameForResource(container, _options.Value, nameSuffix), nameSuffix);
public (string Name, string Suffix) GetExecutableName(IResource project)
var nameSuffix = GetRandomNameSuffix();
return (GetObjectNameForResource(project, _options.Value, nameSuffix), nameSuffix);
public string GetServiceName(IResource resource, EndpointAnnotation endpoint, bool hasMultipleEndpoints, HashSet<string> allServiceNames)
var candidateServiceName = !hasMultipleEndpoints
? GetObjectNameForResource(resource, _options.Value)
: GetObjectNameForResource(resource, _options.Value, endpoint.Name);
return GenerateUniqueServiceName(allServiceNames, candidateServiceName);
private static string GenerateUniqueServiceName(HashSet<string> serviceNames, string candidateName)
int suffix = 1;
string uniqueName = candidateName;
while (!serviceNames.Add(uniqueName))
uniqueName = $"{candidateName}-{suffix}";
if (suffix == 100)
// Should never happen, but we do not want to ever get into a infinite loop situation either.
throw new ArgumentException($"Could not generate a unique name for service '{candidateName}'");
return uniqueName;
private static string GetRandomNameSuffix()
// RandomNameSuffixLength of lowercase characters
var suffix = PasswordGenerator.Generate(RandomNameSuffixLength, true, false, false, false, RandomNameSuffixLength, 0, 0, 0);
return suffix;
public static string GetObjectNameForResource(IResource resource, DcpOptions options, string suffix = "")
if (resource.TryGetLastAnnotation<ContainerNameAnnotation>(out var containerNameAnnotation))
// If an explicit container name is provided, use it without any postfix
return containerNameAnnotation.Name;
static string maybeWithSuffix(string s, string localSuffix, string? globalSuffix)
=> (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(localSuffix), string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(globalSuffix)) switch
(true, true) => s,
(false, true) => $"{s}-{localSuffix}",
(true, false) => $"{s}-{globalSuffix}",
(false, false) => $"{s}-{localSuffix}-{globalSuffix}"
return maybeWithSuffix(resource.Name, suffix, options.ResourceNameSuffix);