// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Globalization;
namespace Aspire.Hosting.ApplicationModel;
internal class ExpressionResolver(string containerHostName, CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool sourceIsContainer)
class HostAndPortPresence
public bool HasHost { get; set; }
public bool HasPort { get; set; }
// For each endpoint, keep track of whether host and port are in use
// The key is the unique name of the endpoint, which is the resource name and endpoint name
readonly Dictionary<string, HostAndPortPresence> _endpointUsage = [];
static string EndpointUniqueName(EndpointReference endpointReference) => $"{endpointReference.Resource.Name}/{endpointReference.EndpointName}";
// This marks whether we are in the preprocess phase or not
// Not thread-safe, but we doesn't matter, since this class is never used concurrently
bool Preprocess { get; set; }
async Task<string?> EvalEndpointAsync(EndpointReference endpointReference, EndpointProperty property)
var endpointUniqueName = EndpointUniqueName(endpointReference);
// In the preprocess phase, our only goal is to determine if the host and port properties are both used
// for each endpoint.
if (Preprocess)
if (!_endpointUsage.TryGetValue(endpointUniqueName, out var hostAndPortPresence))
hostAndPortPresence = new HostAndPortPresence();
_endpointUsage[endpointUniqueName] = hostAndPortPresence;
if (property is EndpointProperty.Host or EndpointProperty.IPV4Host)
hostAndPortPresence.HasHost = true;
else if (property == EndpointProperty.Port)
hostAndPortPresence.HasPort = true;
else if (property is EndpointProperty.Url or EndpointProperty.HostAndPort)
hostAndPortPresence.HasHost = hostAndPortPresence.HasPort = true;
return string.Empty;
// We need to use the root resource, e.g. AzureStorageResource instead of AzureBlobResource
// Otherwise, we get the wrong values for IsContainer and Name
var target = endpointReference.Resource.GetRootResource();
bool HasBothHostAndPort() =>
_endpointUsage[endpointUniqueName].HasHost &&
return (property, target.IsContainer(), HasBothHostAndPort()) switch
// If Container -> Container, we go directly to the container name and target port, bypassing the host
// But only do this if we have processed both the host and port properties for that same endpoint.
// This allows the host and port to be handled in a unified way.
(EndpointProperty.Host or EndpointProperty.IPV4Host, true, true) => target.Name,
(EndpointProperty.Port, true, true) => await endpointReference.Property(EndpointProperty.TargetPort).GetValueAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false),
// If Container -> Exe, we need to go through the container host
(EndpointProperty.Host or EndpointProperty.IPV4Host, false, _) => containerHostName,
(EndpointProperty.Url, _, _) => string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}://{1}:{2}",
await EvalEndpointAsync(endpointReference, EndpointProperty.Host).ConfigureAwait(false),
await EvalEndpointAsync(endpointReference, EndpointProperty.Port).ConfigureAwait(false)),
(EndpointProperty.HostAndPort, _, _) => string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}:{1}",
await EvalEndpointAsync(endpointReference, EndpointProperty.Host).ConfigureAwait(false),
await EvalEndpointAsync(endpointReference, EndpointProperty.Port).ConfigureAwait(false)),
_ => await endpointReference.Property(property).GetValueAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)
async Task<ResolvedValue> EvalExpressionAsync(ReferenceExpression expr)
// This logic is similar to ReferenceExpression.GetValueAsync, except that we recurse on
// our own resolver method
var args = new object?[expr.ValueProviders.Count];
var isSensitive = false;
for (var i = 0; i < expr.ValueProviders.Count; i++)
var result = await ResolveInternalAsync(expr.ValueProviders[i]).ConfigureAwait(false);
args[i] = result?.Value;
if (result?.IsSensitive is true)
isSensitive = true;
// Identically to ReferenceExpression.GetValueAsync, we return null if the format is empty
var value = expr.Format.Length == 0 ? null : string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, expr.Format, args);
return new ResolvedValue(value, isSensitive);
async Task<ResolvedValue> EvalValueProvider(IValueProvider vp)
var value = await vp.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (vp is ParameterResource pr)
return new ResolvedValue(value, pr.Secret);
// No need to do extra work, since the below will only be valid for containers.
if (!sourceIsContainer)
return new ResolvedValue(value, false);
if (vp is HostUrl && value != null)
// HostUrl is a bit of a hack that is not modeled as an expression
// So in this one case, we need to fix up the container host name 'manually'
// Internally, this is only used for OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT, but HostUrl
// is public, so we don't control how it is used
var uri = new UriBuilder(value);
if (uri.Host is "localhost" or "" or "[::1]")
var hasEndingSlash = value.EndsWith('/');
uri.Host = containerHostName;
value = uri.ToString();
// Remove trailing slash if we didn't have one before (UriBuilder always adds one)
if (!hasEndingSlash && value.EndsWith('/'))
value = value[..^1];
catch (UriFormatException)
// HostUrl was meant to only be used with valid URLs. However, this was not
// previously enforced. So we need to handle the case where it's not a valid URL,
// by falling back to a simple string replacement.
value = value.Replace("localhost", containerHostName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
.Replace("", containerHostName)
.Replace("[::1]", containerHostName);
return new ResolvedValue(value, false);
async Task<ResolvedValue> ResolveConnectionStringReferenceAsync(ConnectionStringReference cs)
// We are substituting our own logic for ConnectionStringReference's GetValueAsync.
// However, ConnectionStringReference#GetValueAsync will throw if the connection string is not optional but is not present.
// so we need to do the same here.
var value = await ResolveInternalAsync(cs.Resource.ConnectionStringExpression).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.Value) && !cs.Optional)
return value;
/// <summary>
/// Resolve an expression. When it is being used from inside a container, endpoints may be evaluated (either in a container-to-container or container-to-exe communication).
/// </summary>
async ValueTask<ResolvedValue> ResolveInternalAsync(object? value)
return value switch
ConnectionStringReference cs => await ResolveConnectionStringReferenceAsync(cs).ConfigureAwait(false),
IResourceWithConnectionString cs and not ConnectionStringParameterResource => await ResolveInternalAsync(cs.ConnectionStringExpression).ConfigureAwait(false),
ReferenceExpression ex => await EvalExpressionAsync(ex).ConfigureAwait(false),
EndpointReference endpointReference when sourceIsContainer => new ResolvedValue(await EvalEndpointAsync(endpointReference, EndpointProperty.Url).ConfigureAwait(false), false),
EndpointReferenceExpression ep when sourceIsContainer => new ResolvedValue(await EvalEndpointAsync(ep.Endpoint, ep.Property).ConfigureAwait(false), false),
IValueProvider vp => await EvalValueProvider(vp).ConfigureAwait(false),
_ => throw new NotImplementedException()
static async ValueTask<ResolvedValue> ResolveWithContainerSourceAsync(IValueProvider valueProvider, string containerHostName, bool sourceIsContainer, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var resolver = new ExpressionResolver(containerHostName, cancellationToken, sourceIsContainer);
// Run the processing phase to know if the host and port properties are both used for each endpoint.
resolver.Preprocess = true;
await resolver.ResolveInternalAsync(valueProvider).ConfigureAwait(false);
resolver.Preprocess = false;
return await resolver.ResolveInternalAsync(valueProvider).ConfigureAwait(false);
internal static async ValueTask<ResolvedValue> ResolveAsync(bool sourceIsContainer, IValueProvider valueProvider, string containerHostName, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return await ResolveWithContainerSourceAsync(valueProvider, containerHostName, sourceIsContainer, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
internal record ResolvedValue(string? Value, bool IsSensitive);