File: WaitForTests.cs
Web Access
Project: src\tests\Aspire.Hosting.Tests\Aspire.Hosting.Tests.csproj (Aspire.Hosting.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Aspire.Components.Common.Tests;
using Aspire.Hosting.Utils;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.InternalTesting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Aspire.Hosting.Tests;
public class WaitForTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper)
    public async Task ResourceThatFailsToStartDueToExceptionDoesNotCauseStartAsyncToThrow()
        using var builder = TestDistributedApplicationBuilder.Create().WithTestAndResourceLogging(testOutputHelper);
        var throwingResource = builder.AddContainer("throwingresource", "doesnotmatter")
                              .WithEnvironment(ctx => throw new InvalidOperationException("BOOM!"));
        var dependingContainerResource = builder.AddContainer("dependingcontainerresource", "doesnotmatter")
        var dependingExecutableResource = builder.AddExecutable("dependingexecutableresource", "doesnotmatter", "alsodoesntmatter")
        var abortCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        using var app = builder.Build();
        await app.StartAsync(abortCts.Token);
        var rns = app.Services.GetRequiredService<ResourceNotificationService>();
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(throwingResource.Resource.Name, KnownResourceStates.FailedToStart, abortCts.Token);
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(dependingContainerResource.Resource.Name, KnownResourceStates.FailedToStart, abortCts.Token);
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(dependingExecutableResource.Resource.Name, KnownResourceStates.FailedToStart, abortCts.Token);
        await app.StopAsync(abortCts.Token);
    public void ResourceCannotWaitForItself()
        using var builder = TestDistributedApplicationBuilder.Create();
        var resource = builder.AddResource(new CustomResource("test"));
        var waitForEx = Assert.Throws<DistributedApplicationException>(() =>
        Assert.Equal("The 'test' resource cannot wait for itself.", waitForEx.Message);
        var waitForCompletionEx = Assert.Throws<DistributedApplicationException>(() =>
        Assert.Equal("The 'test' resource cannot wait for itself.", waitForCompletionEx.Message);
    public void ResourceCannotWaitForItsParent()
        using var builder = TestDistributedApplicationBuilder.Create();
        var parentResourceBuilder = builder.AddResource(new CustomResource("parent"));
        var childResourceBuilder = builder.AddResource(new CustomChildResource("child", parentResourceBuilder.Resource));
        var waitForEx = Assert.Throws<DistributedApplicationException>(() =>
        Assert.Equal("The 'child' resource cannot wait for its parent 'parent'.", waitForEx.Message);
        var waitForCompletionEx = Assert.Throws<DistributedApplicationException>(() =>
        Assert.Equal("The 'child' resource cannot wait for its parent 'parent'.", waitForCompletionEx.Message);
    public async Task WaitingForParameterResourceCompletesImmediately()
        using var builder = TestDistributedApplicationBuilder.Create(testOutputHelper);
        builder.Configuration["ConnectionStrings:cs"] = "cs-value";
        // This test waits for a parameter, a connection string, and a custom resource.
        // The only thing being waited on should be the custom resource.
        var dependency = builder.AddResource(new CustomResource("test"));
        var cs = builder.AddConnectionString("cs");
        var param = builder.AddParameter("param", "value");
        var nginx = builder.AddContainer("nginx", "", "1.22")
        using var app = builder.Build();
        var rns = app.Services.GetRequiredService<ResourceNotificationService>();
        using var startupCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var startTask = app.StartAsync(startupCts.Token);
        using var waitingStateCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(nginx.Resource.Name, KnownResourceStates.Waiting, waitingStateCts.Token);
        await rns.PublishUpdateAsync(dependency.Resource, s => s with
            State = KnownResourceStates.Running
        // Notice we don't need to move the parameter or connection string to a running state
        await startTask;
        await app.StopAsync();
    public async Task EnsureDependentResourceMovesIntoWaitingState()
        using var builder = TestDistributedApplicationBuilder.Create().WithTestAndResourceLogging(testOutputHelper);
        var dependency = builder.AddResource(new CustomResource("test"));
        var nginx = builder.AddContainer("nginx", "", "1.22")
        using var app = builder.Build();
        // StartAsync will currently block until the dependency resource moves
        // into a Running state, so rather than awaiting it we'll hold onto the
        // task so we can inspect the state of the Nginx resource which should
        // be in a waiting state if everything is working correctly.
        var startupCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var startTask = app.StartAsync(startupCts.Token);
        // We don't want to wait forever for Nginx to move into a waiting state,
        // it should be super quick, but we'll allow a long timeout just in case the
        // CI machine is chugging (also useful when collecting code coverage).
        var waitingStateCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var rns = app.Services.GetRequiredService<ResourceNotificationService>();
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(nginx.Resource.Name, KnownResourceStates.Waiting, waitingStateCts.Token);
        // Now that we know we successfully entered the Waiting state, we can swap
        // the dependency into a running state which will unblock startup and
        // we can continue executing.
        await rns.PublishUpdateAsync(dependency.Resource, s => s with
            State = KnownResourceStates.Running
        await startTask;
        await app.StopAsync();
    public async Task WaitForCompletionWaitsForTerminalStateOfDependencyResource()
        using var builder = TestDistributedApplicationBuilder.Create().WithTestAndResourceLogging(testOutputHelper);
        var dependency = builder.AddResource(new CustomResource("test"));
        var nginx = builder.AddContainer("nginx", "", "1.22")
        using var app = builder.Build();
        // StartAsync will currently block until the dependency resource moves
        // into a Finished state, so rather than awaiting it we'll hold onto the
        // task so we can inspect the state of the Nginx resource which should
        // be in a waiting state if everything is working correctly.
        var startupCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var startTask = app.StartAsync(startupCts.Token);
        // We don't want to wait forever for Nginx to move into a waiting state,
        // it should be super quick, but we'll allow 60 seconds just in case the
        // CI machine is chugging (also useful when collecting code coverage).
        var waitingStateCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var rns = app.Services.GetRequiredService<ResourceNotificationService>();
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(nginx.Resource.Name, KnownResourceStates.Waiting, waitingStateCts.Token);
        // Now that we know we successfully entered the Waiting state, we can swap
        // the dependency into a running state which will unblock startup and
        // we can continue executing.
        await rns.PublishUpdateAsync(dependency.Resource, s => s with
            State = KnownResourceStates.Finished,
            ExitCode = 0
        // This time we want to wait for Nginx to move into a Running state to verify that
        // it successfully started after we moved the dependency resource into the Finished, but
        // we need to give it more time since we have to download the image in CI.
        var runningStateCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(nginx.Resource.Name, KnownResourceStates.Running, runningStateCts.Token);
        await startTask;
        await app.StopAsync();
    public async Task WaitForThrowsIfResourceMovesToTerminalStateBeforeRunning()
        using var builder = TestDistributedApplicationBuilder.Create().WithTestAndResourceLogging(testOutputHelper);
        var dependency = builder.AddResource(new CustomResource("test"));
        var nginx = builder.AddContainer("nginx", "", "1.22")
        using var app = builder.Build();
        // StartAsync will currently block until the dependency resource moves
        // into a Finished state, so rather than awaiting it we'll hold onto the
        // task so we can inspect the state of the Nginx resource which should
        // be in a waiting state if everything is working correctly.
        var startupCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var startTask = app.StartAsync(startupCts.Token);
        // We don't want to wait forever for Nginx to move into a waiting state,
        // it should be super quick, but we'll allow 60 seconds just in case the
        // CI machine is chugging (also useful when collecting code coverage).
        var waitingStateCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var rns = app.Services.GetRequiredService<ResourceNotificationService>();
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(nginx.Resource.Name, "Waiting", waitingStateCts.Token);
        // Now that we know we successfully entered the Waiting state, we can swap
        // the dependency into a running state which will unblock startup and
        // we can continue executing.
        await rns.PublishUpdateAsync(dependency.Resource, s => s with
            State = KnownResourceStates.Finished,
            ExitCode = 0
        // This time we want to wait for Nginx to move into a Running state to verify that
        // it successfully started after we moved the dependency resource into the Finished, but
        // we need to give it more time since we have to download the image in CI.
        var runningStateCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(nginx.Resource.Name, KnownResourceStates.FailedToStart, runningStateCts.Token);
        await startTask;
        await app.StopAsync();
    public async Task WaitForObservedResultOfResourceReadyEvent()
        using var builder = TestDistributedApplicationBuilder.Create().WithTestAndResourceLogging(testOutputHelper);
        builder.Services.AddLogging(b =>
        var resourceReadyTcs = new TaskCompletionSource();
        var dependency = builder.AddResource(new CustomResource("test"));
        var nginx = builder.AddContainer("nginx", "", "1.22")
        builder.Eventing.Subscribe<ResourceReadyEvent>(dependency.Resource, (e, ct) => resourceReadyTcs.Task);
        using var app = builder.Build();
        // StartAsync will currently block until the dependency resource moves
        // into a Finished state, so rather than awaiting it we'll hold onto the
        // task so we can inspect the state of the Nginx resource which should
        // be in a waiting state if everything is working correctly.
        var startupCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var startTask = app.StartAsync(startupCts.Token);
        // We don't want to wait forever for Nginx to move into a waiting state,
        // it should be super quick, but we'll allow 60 seconds just in case the
        // CI machine is chugging (also useful when collecting code coverage).
        var waitingStateCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var rns = app.Services.GetRequiredService<ResourceNotificationService>();
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(nginx.Resource.Name, "Waiting", waitingStateCts.Token);
        // Now that we know we successfully entered the Waiting state, we can swap
        // the dependency into a running state which will unblock startup and
        // we can continue executing.
        await rns.PublishUpdateAsync(dependency.Resource, s => s with
            State = KnownResourceStates.Running
        resourceReadyTcs.SetException(new InvalidOperationException("The resource ready event failed!"));
        // This time we want to wait for Nginx to move into a Running state to verify that
        // it successfully started after we moved the dependency resource into the Finished, but
        // we need to give it more time since we have to download the image in CI.
        var runningStateCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(nginx.Resource.Name, KnownResourceStates.FailedToStart, runningStateCts.Token);
        await startTask;
        var collector = app.Services.GetFakeLogCollector();
        var logs = collector.GetSnapshot();
        // Just looking for a common message in Docker build output.
        Assert.Contains(logs, log => log.Message.Contains("The resource ready event failed!"));
        await app.StopAsync();
    public async Task EnsureDependencyResourceThatReturnsNonMatchingExitCodeResultsInDependentResourceFailingToStart()
        using var builder = TestDistributedApplicationBuilder.Create().WithTestAndResourceLogging(testOutputHelper);
        var dependency = builder.AddResource(new CustomResource("test"));
        var nginx = builder.AddContainer("nginx", "", "1.22")
                           .WaitForCompletion(dependency, exitCode: 2);
        using var app = builder.Build();
        // StartAsync will currently block until the dependency resource moves
        // into a Finished state, so rather than awaiting it we'll hold onto the
        // task so we can inspect the state of the Nginx resource which should
        // be in a waiting state if everything is working correctly.
        var startupCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var startTask = app.StartAsync(startupCts.Token);
        // We don't want to wait forever for Nginx to move into a waiting state,
        // it should be super quick, but we'll allow 60 seconds just in case the
        // CI machine is chugging (also useful when collecting code coverage).
        var waitingStateCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var rns = app.Services.GetRequiredService<ResourceNotificationService>();
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(nginx.Resource.Name, KnownResourceStates.Waiting, waitingStateCts.Token);
        // Now that we know we successfully entered the Waiting state, we can swap
        // the dependency into a finished state which will unblock startup and
        // we can continue executing.
        await rns.PublishUpdateAsync(dependency.Resource, s => s with
            State = KnownResourceStates.Finished,
            ExitCode = 3 // Exit code does not match expected exit code above intentionally.
        // This time we want to wait for Nginx to move into a FailedToStart state to verify that
        // it didn't start if the dependency resource didn't finish with the correct exit code.
        var runningStateCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(nginx.Resource.Name, KnownResourceStates.FailedToStart, runningStateCts.Token);
        await startTask;
        await app.StopAsync();
    public async Task DependencyWithGreaterThan1ReplicaAnnotationCausesDependentResourceToFailToStart()
        using var builder = TestDistributedApplicationBuilder.Create().WithTestAndResourceLogging(testOutputHelper);
        var dependency = builder.AddResource(new CustomResource("test"))
                                .WithAnnotation(new ReplicaAnnotation(2));
        var nginx = builder.AddContainer("nginx", "", "1.22")
        using var app = builder.Build();
        // StartAsync will currently block until the dependency resource moves
        // into a Finished state, so rather than awaiting it we'll hold onto the
        // task so we can inspect the state of the Nginx resource which should
        // be in a waiting state if everything is working correctly.
        var startupCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var startTask = app.StartAsync(startupCts.Token);
        // We don't want to wait forever for Nginx to move into a waiting state,
        // it should be super quick, but we'll allow 60 seconds just in case the
        // CI machine is chugging (also useful when collecting code coverage).
        var waitingStateCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var rns = app.Services.GetRequiredService<ResourceNotificationService>();
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(nginx.Resource.Name, "FailedToStart", waitingStateCts.Token);
        await startTask;
        await app.StopAsync();
    public async Task WaitForCompletionSucceedsIfDependentResourceEntersTerminalStateWithoutAnExitCode()
        using var builder = TestDistributedApplicationBuilder.Create().WithTestAndResourceLogging(testOutputHelper);
        var dependency = builder.AddResource(new CustomResource("test"));
        var nginx = builder.AddContainer("nginx", "", "1.22")
        using var app = builder.Build();
        // StartAsync will currently block until the dependency resource moves
        // into a Finished state, so rather than awaiting it we'll hold onto the
        // task so we can inspect the state of the Nginx resource which should
        // be in a waiting state if everything is working correctly.
        var startupCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var startTask = app.StartAsync(startupCts.Token);
        // We don't want to wait forever for Nginx to move into a waiting state,
        // it should be super quick, but we'll allow 60 seconds just in case the
        // CI machine is chugging (also useful when collecting code coverage).
        var waitingStateCts = AsyncTestHelpers.CreateDefaultTimeoutTokenSource(TestConstants.LongTimeoutDuration);
        var rns = app.Services.GetRequiredService<ResourceNotificationService>();
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(nginx.Resource.Name, KnownResourceStates.Waiting, waitingStateCts.Token);
        // Now that we know we successfully entered the Waiting state, we can end the dependency
        await rns.PublishUpdateAsync(dependency.Resource, s => s with
            State = KnownResourceStates.Finished
        await rns.WaitForResourceAsync(nginx.Resource.Name, KnownResourceStates.Running, waitingStateCts.Token);
        await startTask;
        await app.StopAsync();
    public void WaitForOnChildResourceAddsWaitAnnotationPointingToParent()
        using var builder = TestDistributedApplicationBuilder.Create();
        var parentResource = builder.AddResource(new CustomResource("parent"));
        var childResource = builder.AddResource(new CustomChildResource("child", parentResource.Resource));
        var containerResource = builder.AddContainer("container", "image", "tag")
        Assert.True(containerResource.Resource.TryGetAnnotationsOfType<WaitAnnotation>(out var waitAnnotations));
            a => Assert.Equal(a.Resource, parentResource.Resource),
            a => Assert.Equal(a.Resource, childResource.Resource)
    private sealed class CustomChildResource(string name, CustomResource parent) : Resource(name), IResourceWithParent<CustomResource>, IResourceWithWaitSupport
        public CustomResource Parent => parent;
    private sealed class CustomResource(string name) : Resource(name), IResourceWithConnectionString, IResourceWithWaitSupport
        public ReferenceExpression ConnectionStringExpression => ReferenceExpression.Create($"foo");