// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks;
using Xunit;
namespace Aspire.Hosting.Tests.Health;
public class HealthStatusTests
private const string StartingState = "Starting";
private const string RunningState = "Running";
[InlineData(StartingState, null, null)]
[InlineData(StartingState, null, new string[]{})]
[InlineData(StartingState, null, new string?[]{null})]
// we don't have a Running + HealthReports null case because that's not a valid state - by this point, we will have received the list of HealthReports
[InlineData(RunningState, HealthStatus.Healthy, new string[]{})]
[InlineData(RunningState, HealthStatus.Healthy, new string?[] {"Healthy"})]
[InlineData(RunningState, HealthStatus.Unhealthy, new string?[] {null})]
[InlineData(RunningState, HealthStatus.Degraded, new string?[] {"Healthy", "Degraded"})]
public void Resource_WithHealthReportAndState_ReturnsCorrectHealthStatus(string? state, HealthStatus? expectedStatus, string?[]? healthStatusStrings)
var reports = healthStatusStrings?.Select<string?, HealthReportSnapshot>((h, i) => new HealthReportSnapshot(i.ToString(), h is null ? null : Enum.Parse<HealthStatus>(h), null, null)).ToImmutableArray() ?? [];
var actualStatus = CustomResourceSnapshot.ComputeHealthStatus(reports, state);
Assert.Equal(expectedStatus, actualStatus);