// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Aspire.Hosting.Tests.Utils;
using Aspire.Hosting.Utils;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.InternalTesting;
using Xunit;
namespace Aspire.Hosting.Tests;
public class ExecutableResourceTests
public async Task AddExecutableWithArgs()
var appBuilder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder();
var testResource = new TestResource("test", "connectionString");
var testResource2 = new TestResource("test2", "anotherConnectionString");
var exe1 = appBuilder.AddExecutable("e1", "ruby", ".", "app.rb")
.WithEndpoint("ep", e =>
e.UriScheme = "http";
e.AllocatedEndpoint = new(e, "localhost", 1234);
var exe2 = appBuilder.AddExecutable("e2", "python", ".", "app.py", exe1.GetEndpoint("ep"))
.WithArgs("arg1", testResource)
.WithArgs(context =>
using var app = appBuilder.Build();
var args = await ArgumentEvaluator.GetArgumentListAsync(exe2.Resource).DefaultTimeout();
arg => Assert.Equal("app.py", arg),
arg => Assert.Equal("http://localhost:1234", arg),
arg => Assert.Equal("arg1", arg),
arg => Assert.Equal("connectionString", arg),
arg => Assert.Equal("arg2", arg),
arg => Assert.Equal("http://localhost:1234", arg),
arg => Assert.Equal("anotherConnectionString", arg)
var manifest = await ManifestUtils.GetManifest(exe2.Resource).DefaultTimeout();
var expectedManifest =
"type": "executable.v0",
"workingDirectory": ".",
"command": "python",
"args": [
"type": "executable.v0",
"workingDirectory": ".",
"command": "python",
"args": [
Assert.Equal(expectedManifest, manifest.ToString());
private sealed class TestResource(string name, string connectionString) : Resource(name), IResourceWithConnectionString
public ReferenceExpression ConnectionStringExpression =>