// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Aspire.Hosting.ApplicationModel;
using Aspire.Hosting.Lifecycle;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
namespace Aspire.Hosting.Azure;
/// <summary>
/// Prepares Azure resources for provisioning and publish.
/// This includes preparing role assignment annotations for Azure resources.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class AzureResourcePreparer(
IOptions<AzureProvisioningOptions> provisioningOptions,
DistributedApplicationExecutionContext executionContext
) : IDistributedApplicationLifecycleHook
public async Task BeforeStartAsync(DistributedApplicationModel appModel, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var azureResources = GetAzureResourcesFromAppModel(appModel);
if (azureResources.Count == 0)
var options = provisioningOptions.Value;
if (!options.SupportsTargetedRoleAssignments)
// If the app infrastructure does not support targeted role assignments, then we need to ensure that
// there are no role assignment annotations in the app model because they won't be honored otherwise.
await BuildRoleAssignmentAnnotations(appModel, options.SupportsTargetedRoleAssignments, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// set the ProvisioningBuildOptions on the resource, if necessary
foreach (var r in azureResources)
if (r.AzureResource is AzureProvisioningResource provisioningResource)
provisioningResource.ProvisioningBuildOptions = options.ProvisioningBuildOptions;
internal static List<(IResource Resource, IAzureResource AzureResource)> GetAzureResourcesFromAppModel(DistributedApplicationModel appModel)
// Some resources do not derive from IAzureResource but can be handled
// by the Azure provisioner because they have the AzureBicepResourceAnnotation
// which holds a reference to the surrogate AzureBicepResource which implements
// IAzureResource and can be used by the Azure Bicep Provisioner.
var azureResources = new List<(IResource, IAzureResource)>();
foreach (var resource in appModel.Resources)
if (resource.IsContainer())
else if (resource is IAzureResource azureResource)
// If we are dealing with an Azure resource then we just return it.
azureResources.Add((resource, azureResource));
else if (resource.Annotations.OfType<AzureBicepResourceAnnotation>().SingleOrDefault() is { } annotation)
// If we aren't an Azure resource and there is no surrogate, return null for
// the Azure resource in the tuple (we'll filter it out later.
azureResources.Add((resource, annotation.Resource));
return azureResources;
private static void EnsureNoRoleAssignmentAnnotations(DistributedApplicationModel appModel)
foreach (var resource in appModel.Resources)
if (resource.HasAnnotationOfType<RoleAssignmentAnnotation>())
throw new InvalidOperationException("The application model does not support role assignments. Ensure you are using a publisher that supports role assignments, for example AddAzureContainerAppsInfrastructure.");
private async Task BuildRoleAssignmentAnnotations(DistributedApplicationModel appModel, bool supportsTargetedRoleAssignments, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (!supportsTargetedRoleAssignments)
// when the app infrastructure doesn't support targeted role assignments, just copy all the default role assignments to applied role assignments
foreach (var resource in appModel.Resources)
if (resource.TryGetLastAnnotation<DefaultRoleAssignmentsAnnotation>(out var defaultRoleAssignments))
AppendAppliedRoleAssignmentsAnnotation(resource, defaultRoleAssignments.Roles);
// when the app infrastructure supports targeted role assignments, walk the resource graph and
// - if in RunMode
// - If a compute resource has RoleAssignmentAnnotations, add them to AppliedRoleAssignmentsAnnotation on the referenced Azure resource
// - if the resource doesn't, copy the DefaultRoleAssignments to AppliedRoleAssignmentsAnnotation
// - if in PublishMode
// - If a compute resource has RoleAssignmentAnnotations, skip - the publish infrastructure will handle them
// - if the resource doesn't, copy the DefaultRoleAssignments to RoleAssignmentAnnotations so the publish infrastucture will apply the defaults
foreach (var resource in appModel.Resources)
if (resource.TryGetLastAnnotation<ManifestPublishingCallbackAnnotation>(out var lastAnnotation) && lastAnnotation == ManifestPublishingCallbackAnnotation.Ignore)
if (!resource.IsContainer() && resource is not ProjectResource)
var azureReferences = await GetAzureReferences(resource, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var azureReferencesWithRoleAssignments =
(resource.TryGetAnnotationsOfType<RoleAssignmentAnnotation>(out var annotations)
? annotations
: [])
.ToLookup(a => a.Target);
foreach (var azureReference in azureReferences.OfType<AzureProvisioningResource>())
var roleAssignments = azureReferencesWithRoleAssignments[azureReference];
if (roleAssignments.Any())
if (executionContext.IsRunMode)
// in RunMode, we need to add the role assignments to the resource
AppendAppliedRoleAssignmentsAnnotation(azureReference, roleAssignments.SelectMany(a => a.Roles));
// in PublishMode, this is a no-op since the publish infrastructure will handle the role assignments
else if (azureReference.TryGetLastAnnotation<DefaultRoleAssignmentsAnnotation>(out var defaults))
if (executionContext.IsRunMode)
// in RunMode, we copy the default role assignments to the Azure reference
AppendAppliedRoleAssignmentsAnnotation(azureReference, defaults.Roles);
// in PublishMode, we copy the default role assignments to the compute resource
resource.Annotations.Add(new RoleAssignmentAnnotation(azureReference, defaults.Roles));
private async Task<HashSet<IAzureResource>> GetAzureReferences(IResource resource, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
HashSet<IAzureResource> azureReferences = [];
if (resource.TryGetEnvironmentVariables(out var environmentCallbacks))
var context = new EnvironmentCallbackContext(executionContext, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
foreach (var c in environmentCallbacks)
await c.Callback(context).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var kv in context.EnvironmentVariables)
ProcessAzureReferences(azureReferences, kv.Value);
if (resource.TryGetAnnotationsOfType<CommandLineArgsCallbackAnnotation>(out var commandLineArgsCallbackAnnotations))
var context = new CommandLineArgsCallbackContext([], cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
foreach (var c in commandLineArgsCallbackAnnotations)
await c.Callback(context).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var arg in context.Args)
ProcessAzureReferences(azureReferences, arg);
return azureReferences;
private static void ProcessAzureReferences(HashSet<IAzureResource> azureReferences, object value)
if (value is string or EndpointReference or ParameterResource or EndpointReferenceExpression or HostUrl)
if (value is ConnectionStringReference cs)
if (cs.Resource is IAzureResource ar)
ProcessAzureReferences(azureReferences, cs.Resource.ConnectionStringExpression);
if (value is IResourceWithConnectionString csrs)
if (csrs is IAzureResource ar)
ProcessAzureReferences(azureReferences, csrs.ConnectionStringExpression);
if (value is BicepOutputReference output)
if (value is BicepSecretOutputReference secretOutputReference)
if (value is ReferenceExpression expr)
foreach (var vp in expr.ValueProviders)
ProcessAzureReferences(azureReferences, vp);
throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported value type " + value.GetType());
private static void AppendAppliedRoleAssignmentsAnnotation(IResource resource, IEnumerable<RoleDefinition> newRoles)
if (resource.TryGetLastAnnotation<AppliedRoleAssignmentsAnnotation>(out var appliedRoleAssignments))
resource.Annotations.Add(new AppliedRoleAssignmentsAnnotation([..newRoles]));