// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Aspire.Hosting.ApplicationModel;
using Aspire.Hosting.Azure;
using RedisResource = Aspire.Hosting.ApplicationModel.RedisResource;
using CdkRedisResource = Azure.Provisioning.Redis.RedisResource;
using Azure.Provisioning.Redis;
using Azure.Provisioning.KeyVault;
using Azure.Provisioning;
using Azure.Provisioning.Expressions;
namespace Aspire.Hosting;
/// <summary>
/// Provides extension methods for adding the Azure Redis resources to the application model.
/// </summary>
public static class AzureRedisExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Configures the resource to be published as Azure Cache for Redis when deployed via Azure Developer CLI.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="builder">The <see cref="IResourceBuilder{RedisResource}"/> builder.</param>
/// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{RedisResource}"/> builder.</returns>
[Obsolete($"This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future version. Use {nameof(AddAzureRedis)} instead to add an Azure Cache for Redis resource.")]
public static IResourceBuilder<RedisResource> PublishAsAzureRedis(this IResourceBuilder<RedisResource> builder)
=> PublishAsAzureRedisInternal(builder, useProvisioner: false);
private static IResourceBuilder<RedisResource> PublishAsAzureRedisInternal(this IResourceBuilder<RedisResource> builder, bool useProvisioner)
var configureInfrastructure = (AzureResourceInfrastructure infrastructure) =>
var kvNameParam = new ProvisioningParameter(AzureBicepResource.KnownParameters.KeyVaultName, typeof(string));
var keyVault = KeyVaultService.FromExisting("keyVault");
keyVault.Name = kvNameParam;
var redisCache = CreateRedisResource(infrastructure);
var secret = new KeyVaultSecret("connectionString")
Parent = keyVault,
Name = "connectionString",
Properties = new SecretProperties
Value = BicepFunction.Interpolate($"{redisCache.HostName},ssl=true,password={redisCache.GetKeys().PrimaryKey}")
var resource = new AzureRedisResource(builder.Resource, configureInfrastructure);
var resourceBuilder = builder.ApplicationBuilder.CreateResourceBuilder(resource)
if (useProvisioner)
// Used to hold a reference to the azure surrogate for use with the provisioner.
builder.WithAnnotation(new AzureBicepResourceAnnotation(resource));
// Remove the container annotation so that DCP doesn't do anything with it.
if (builder.Resource.Annotations.OfType<ContainerImageAnnotation>().SingleOrDefault() is { } containerAnnotation)
return builder;
/// <summary>
/// Configures resource to use Azure for local development and when doing a deployment via the Azure Developer CLI.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="builder">The <see cref="IResourceBuilder{RedisResource}"/> builder.</param>
/// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{RedisResource}"/> builder.</returns>
[Obsolete($"This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future version. Use {nameof(AddAzureRedis)} instead to add an Azure Cache for Redis resource.")]
public static IResourceBuilder<RedisResource> AsAzureRedis(this IResourceBuilder<RedisResource> builder)
=> PublishAsAzureRedisInternal(builder, useProvisioner: true);
/// <summary>
/// Adds an Azure Cache for Redis resource to the application model.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="builder">The builder for the distributed application.</param>
/// <param name="name">The name of the resource.</param>
/// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{AzureRedisCacheResource}"/> builder.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// By default, the Azure Cache for Redis resource is configured to use Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) for authentication.
/// This requires changes to the application code to use an azure credential to authenticate with the resource. See
/// https://github.com/Azure/Microsoft.Azure.StackExchangeRedis for more information.
/// You can use the <see cref="WithAccessKeyAuthentication"/> method to configure the resource to use access key authentication.
/// </remarks>
/// <example>
/// The following example creates an Azure Cache for Redis resource and referencing that resource in a .NET project.
/// <code lang="csharp">
/// var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
/// var cache = builder.AddAzureRedis("cache");
/// builder.AddProject<Projects.ProductService>()
/// .WithReference(cache);
/// builder.Build().Run();
/// </code>
/// </example>
public static IResourceBuilder<AzureRedisCacheResource> AddAzureRedis(
this IDistributedApplicationBuilder builder,
[ResourceName] string name)
var resource = new AzureRedisCacheResource(name, ConfigureRedisInfrastructure);
return builder.AddResource(resource);
/// <summary>
/// Configures an Azure Cache for Redis resource to run locally in a container.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="builder">The Azure Cache for Redis resource builder.</param>
/// <param name="configureContainer">Callback that exposes underlying container to allow for customization.</param>
/// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{AzureRedisCacheResource}"/> builder.</returns>
/// <example>
/// The following example creates an Azure Cache for Redis resource that runs locally in a
/// Redis container and referencing that resource in a .NET project.
/// <code lang="csharp">
/// var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
/// var cache = builder.AddAzureRedis("cache")
/// .RunAsContainer();
/// builder.AddProject<Projects.ProductService>()
/// .WithReference(cache);
/// builder.Build().Run();
/// </code>
/// </example>
public static IResourceBuilder<AzureRedisCacheResource> RunAsContainer(
this IResourceBuilder<AzureRedisCacheResource> builder,
Action<IResourceBuilder<RedisResource>>? configureContainer = null)
if (builder.ApplicationBuilder.ExecutionContext.IsPublishMode)
return builder;
var azureResource = builder.Resource;
var redisContainer = builder.ApplicationBuilder.AddRedis(azureResource.Name);
return builder;
/// <summary>
/// Configures the resource to use access key authentication for Azure Cache for Redis.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="builder">The Azure Cache for Redis resource builder.</param>
/// <returns>A reference to the <see cref="IResourceBuilder{AzureRedisCacheResource}"/> builder.</returns>
/// <example>
/// The following example creates an Azure Cache for Redis resource that uses access key authentication.
/// <code lang="csharp">
/// var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
/// var cache = builder.AddAzureRedis("cache")
/// .WithAccessKeyAuthentication();
/// builder.AddProject<Projects.ProductService>()
/// .WithReference(cache);
/// builder.Build().Run();
/// </code>
/// </example>
public static IResourceBuilder<AzureRedisCacheResource> WithAccessKeyAuthentication(this IResourceBuilder<AzureRedisCacheResource> builder)
var azureResource = builder.Resource;
azureResource.ConnectionStringSecretOutput = new BicepSecretOutputReference("connectionString", azureResource);
return builder;
private static CdkRedisResource CreateRedisResource(AzureResourceInfrastructure infrastructure)
return AzureProvisioningResource.CreateExistingOrNewProvisionableResource(infrastructure,
(identifier, name) =>
var resource = CdkRedisResource.FromExisting(identifier);
resource.Name = name;
return resource;
(infrastructure) => new CdkRedisResource(infrastructure.AspireResource.GetBicepIdentifier())
Sku = new RedisSku()
Name = RedisSkuName.Basic,
Family = RedisSkuFamily.BasicOrStandard,
Capacity = 1
EnableNonSslPort = false,
MinimumTlsVersion = RedisTlsVersion.Tls1_2,
Tags = { { "aspire-resource-name", infrastructure.AspireResource.Name } }
private static void ConfigureRedisInfrastructure(AzureResourceInfrastructure infrastructure)
var redis = CreateRedisResource(infrastructure);
var redisResource = (AzureRedisCacheResource)infrastructure.AspireResource;
if (redisResource.UseAccessKeyAuthentication)
var kvNameParam = new ProvisioningParameter(AzureBicepResource.KnownParameters.KeyVaultName, typeof(string));
var keyVault = KeyVaultService.FromExisting("keyVault");
keyVault.Name = kvNameParam;
var secret = new KeyVaultSecret("connectionString")
Parent = keyVault,
Name = "connectionString",
Properties = new SecretProperties
Value = BicepFunction.Interpolate($"{redis.HostName},ssl=true,password={redis.GetKeys().PrimaryKey}")
if (!redis.IsExistingResource)
redis.RedisConfiguration = new RedisCommonConfiguration()
IsAadEnabled = "true"
redis.IsAccessKeyAuthenticationDisabled = true;
var principalIdParameter = new ProvisioningParameter(AzureBicepResource.KnownParameters.PrincipalId, typeof(string));
var principalNameParameter = new ProvisioningParameter(AzureBicepResource.KnownParameters.PrincipalName, typeof(string));
infrastructure.Add(new RedisCacheAccessPolicyAssignment($"{redis.BicepIdentifier}_contributor")
Parent = redis,
AccessPolicyName = "Data Contributor",
ObjectId = principalIdParameter,
ObjectIdAlias = principalNameParameter
infrastructure.Add(new ProvisioningOutput("connectionString", typeof(string))
Value = BicepFunction.Interpolate($"{redis.HostName},ssl=true")