// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Aspire.Hosting.ApplicationModel;
namespace Aspire.Hosting.Azure;
/// <summary>
/// Represents an Azure Event Hubs resource.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the resource.</param>
/// <param name="configureInfrastructure">Callback to configure the Azure Event Hubs resource.</param>
public class AzureEventHubsResource(string name, Action<AzureResourceInfrastructure> configureInfrastructure)
: AzureProvisioningResource(name, configureInfrastructure), IResourceWithConnectionString, IResourceWithEndpoints, IResourceWithAzureFunctionsConfig
private static readonly string[] s_eventHubClientNames =
private const string ConnectionKeyPrefix = "Aspire__Azure__Messaging__EventHubs";
internal List<AzureEventHubResource> Hubs { get; } = [];
/// <summary>
/// Gets the "eventHubsEndpoint" output reference from the bicep template for the Azure Event Hubs resource.
/// </summary>
public BicepOutputReference EventHubsEndpoint => new("eventHubsEndpoint", this);
internal EndpointReference EmulatorEndpoint => new(this, "emulator");
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether the Azure Event Hubs resource is running in the local emulator.
/// </summary>
public bool IsEmulator => this.IsContainer();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the connection string template for the manifest for the Azure Event Hubs endpoint.
/// </summary>
public ReferenceExpression ConnectionStringExpression => GetConnectionString();
internal ReferenceExpression GetConnectionString(string? eventHub = null, string? consumerGroup = null)
var builder = new ReferenceExpressionBuilder();
if (IsEmulator)
if (eventHub is null && consumerGroup is null)
// for backwards compatibility - if there is no event hub or consumer group, return just the endpoint
if (eventHub is not null)
if (consumerGroup is not null)
return builder.Build();
void IResourceWithAzureFunctionsConfig.ApplyAzureFunctionsConfiguration(IDictionary<string, object> target, string connectionName) =>
ApplyAzureFunctionsConfiguration(target, connectionName);
internal void ApplyAzureFunctionsConfiguration(IDictionary<string, object> target, string connectionName, string? eventHub = null, string? consumerGroup = null)
if (IsEmulator)
// Injected to support Azure Functions listener initialization.
target[connectionName] = ConnectionStringExpression;
// Injected to support Aspire client integration for each EventHubs client in Azure Functions projects.
foreach (var clientName in s_eventHubClientNames)
target[$"{ConnectionKeyPrefix}__{clientName}__{connectionName}__ConnectionString"] = ConnectionStringExpression;
// Injected to support Azure Functions listener initialization.
target[$"{connectionName}__fullyQualifiedNamespace"] = EventHubsEndpoint;
// Injected to support Aspire client integration for each EventHubs client in Azure Functions projects.
foreach (var clientName in s_eventHubClientNames)
target[$"{ConnectionKeyPrefix}__{clientName}__{connectionName}__FullyQualifiedNamespace"] = EventHubsEndpoint;
// Injected to support Aspire client integration for each EventHubs client in Azure Functions projects.
foreach (var clientName in s_eventHubClientNames)
if (eventHub is not null)
target[$"{ConnectionKeyPrefix}__{clientName}__{connectionName}__EventHubName"] = eventHub;
if (consumerGroup is not null)
target[$"{ConnectionKeyPrefix}__{clientName}__{connectionName}__ConsumerGroup"] = consumerGroup;