// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Text;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Resources;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization;
using Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components;
namespace Aspire.Dashboard.Utils;
internal static class DashboardUIHelpers
// The initial data fetch for a FluentDataGrid doesn't include a count of items to return.
// The data grid doesn't specify a count because it doesn't know how many items fit in the UI.
// Once it knows the height of items and the height of the grid then it specifies the desired item count
// and then virtualization will fetch more data as needed. The problem with this is the initial fetch
// could fetch all available data when it doesn't need to.
// If there is no count then default to a limit to avoid getting all data.
// Given the size of rows on dashboard grids, 100 rows should always fill the grid on the screen.
public const int DefaultDataGridResultCount = 100;
// Don't attempt to display more than 2 highlighted commands. Many commands will take up too much space.
public const int MaxHighlightedCommands = 2;
public static readonly TimeSpan ToastTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000);
public static (ColumnResizeLabels resizeLabels, ColumnSortLabels sortLabels) CreateGridLabels(IStringLocalizer<ControlsStrings> loc)
var resizeLabels = ColumnResizeLabels.Default with
ExactLabel = loc[nameof(ControlsStrings.FluentDataGridHeaderCellResizeLabel)],
ResizeMenu = loc[nameof(ControlsStrings.FluentDataGridHeaderCellResizeButtonText)]
var sortLabels = ColumnSortLabels.Default with
SortMenu = loc[nameof(ControlsStrings.FluentDataGridHeaderCellSortButtonText)],
SortMenuAscendingLabel = loc[nameof(ControlsStrings.FluentDataGridHeaderCellSortAscendingButtonText)],
SortMenuDescendingLabel = loc[nameof(ControlsStrings.FluentDataGridHeaderCellSortDescendingButtonText)]
return (resizeLabels, sortLabels);
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, string> s_cachedMasking = new();
public static MarkupString GetMaskingText(int length)
return new MarkupString(s_cachedMasking.GetOrAdd(length, static i =>
const string maskingChar = "●";
return new StringBuilder(maskingChar.Length * i)
.Insert(0, maskingChar, i)