// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Text;
namespace Aspire.Dashboard.ConsoleLogs;
public class AnsiParser
private const char EscapeChar = '\x1B';
private const char ParametersSeparatorChar = ';';
private const char DisplayAttributesFinalByte = 'm';
private const int ResetCode = 0;
private const int IncreasedIntensityCode = 1;
private const int ItalicCode = 3;
private const int UnderlineCode = 4;
private const int StrikeThroughCode = 9;
private const int NormalIntensityCode = 22;
private const int DefaultForegroundCode = 39;
private const int DefaultBackgroundCode = 49;
private const int XtermForegroundSequenceCode = 38;
private const int XtermBackgroundSequenceCode = 48;
public static ConversionResult ConvertToHtml(string? text, ParserState? priorResidualState = null)
var textStartIndex = -1;
var textLength = 0;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
return new(text, default);
var span = text.AsSpan();
ParserState currentState = default;
var newState = priorResidualState ?? default;
var outputBuilder = new StringBuilder(text.Length * 2);
for (var i = 0; i < span.Length; i++)
if (IsConEmuSequence(span[i..], ref i))
// If we have a control sequence, but have found some text already,
// we need to write out the new styles (if applicable) and that text
// before we continue
if (textStartIndex != -1)
if (newState != currentState)
outputBuilder.Append(ProcessStateChange(currentState, newState));
currentState = newState;
outputBuilder.Append(text[textStartIndex..(textStartIndex + textLength)]);
textStartIndex = -1;
textLength = 0;
if (IsLinkControlSequence(span[i..], ref i, out var url))
// If we have a control sequence, but have found some text already,
// we need to write out the new styles (if applicable) and that text
// before we continue
if (textStartIndex != -1)
if (newState != currentState)
outputBuilder.Append(ProcessStateChange(currentState, newState));
currentState = newState;
outputBuilder.Append(text[textStartIndex..(textStartIndex + textLength)]);
textStartIndex = -1;
textLength = 0;
// Append the URL unformatted, the Url matcher will convert to link later.
if (IsControlSequence(span[i..], ref i, out var finalByte, out var parameters))
// If we have a control sequence, but have found some text already,
// we need to write out the new styles (if applicable) and that text
// before we continue
if (textStartIndex != -1)
if (newState != currentState)
outputBuilder.Append(ProcessStateChange(currentState, newState));
currentState = newState;
outputBuilder.Append(text[textStartIndex..(textStartIndex + textLength)]);
textStartIndex = -1;
textLength = 0;
// The only sequences we care about are display sequences.
// Ignore everything else and don't write sequence to the output.
if (finalByte == DisplayAttributesFinalByte)
ProcessParameters(ref newState, parameters);
// If it wasn't a control sequence, then it must be text, so figure
// out how much text before the next control sequence (if any)
if (textStartIndex == -1)
textStartIndex = i;
var nextEscapeIndex = -1;
if (i < text.Length - 1)
nextEscapeIndex = text.IndexOf(EscapeChar, i + 1);
// If there's no more control sequences, capture the text length and we're done
if (nextEscapeIndex < 0)
textLength = text.Length - textStartIndex;
// If there is another control sequence, capture the text length and process it
textLength = nextEscapeIndex - textStartIndex;
i = nextEscapeIndex - 1;
// If we reached the end and have built up a new style, write it out
if (newState != currentState)
outputBuilder.Append(ProcessStateChange(currentState, newState));
currentState = newState;
// If there's any text left, right that out too
if (textStartIndex != -1)
outputBuilder.Append(text[textStartIndex..(textStartIndex + textLength)]);
// Ensure we always close off the current span. The next log line will
// pick up the residual state if necessary
outputBuilder.Append(ProcessStateChange(currentState, default));
return new(outputBuilder.ToString(), currentState);
private static void ProcessParameters(ref ParserState newState, int[] parameters)
for (var i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
var parameter = parameters[i];
// If Xterm color sequence
if (parameter is XtermForegroundSequenceCode or XtermBackgroundSequenceCode && i + 2 < parameters.Length)
var colorCode = parameters[i + 2];
if (colorCode is >= 0 and < 256)
if (parameter == XtermBackgroundSequenceCode)
newState.XtermBackgroundColorCode = colorCode;
else if (parameter == XtermForegroundSequenceCode)
newState.XtermForegroundColorCode = colorCode;
// Skip ahead 2 more parameters that are part of the Xterm color sequence
i += 2;
else if (TryGetForegroundColor(parameter, out var color))
newState.ForegroundColor = color;
else if (TryGetBackgroundColor(parameter, out color))
newState.BackgroundColor = color;
else if (parameter == DefaultBackgroundCode)
newState.BackgroundColor = null;
else if (parameter == DefaultForegroundCode)
newState.ForegroundColor = null;
else if (parameter == NormalIntensityCode)
newState.Bright = false;
else if (parameter == ResetCode)
newState = default;
else if (parameter == IncreasedIntensityCode)
newState.Bright = true;
else if (parameter == UnderlineCode)
newState.Underline = true;
else if (parameter == ItalicCode)
newState.Italic = true;
else if (parameter == StrikeThroughCode)
newState.StrikeThrough = true;
private static bool IsControlSequence(ReadOnlySpan<char> span, ref int position, out char finalByte, out int[] parameters)
// If we're at \x1B[
if (span.Length <= 2 || (span[0] != EscapeChar || span[1] != '['))
parameters = [];
finalByte = default;
return false;
// Find the index of the final byte. Char in range of: @A–Z[\]^_`a–z{|}~
var paramsEndPosition = span.Slice(2).IndexOfAnyInRange('@', '~');
if (paramsEndPosition < 0)
// No end of escape with final byte, cannot parse params.
parameters = [];
finalByte = default;
return false;
paramsEndPosition += 2;
// Find the index of the next escape character
var nextEscapePosition = SubIndexOfSpan(span, EscapeChar, 1);
if (nextEscapePosition != -1 && nextEscapePosition < paramsEndPosition)
// Current sequence is not finished before the next escape sequence starts.
parameters = [];
finalByte = default;
return false;
// Save where current parameter start location
var currentParamStartPosition = 2;
// List to store all parameters
List<int> ret = new(2);
for (var i = currentParamStartPosition; i <= paramsEndPosition; i++)
if (span[i] == ParametersSeparatorChar || i == paramsEndPosition)
// Try to parse the parameter
if (int.TryParse(
out var parameterValue))
// Add the parameter to the list
// Move current parameter start to the next character
currentParamStartPosition = i + 1;
// Advance the position in the span to the end of the control sequence
position += paramsEndPosition;
parameters = [.. ret];
finalByte = span[paramsEndPosition];
return true;
private static bool IsConEmuSequence(ReadOnlySpan<char> span, ref int position)
// If we're at \x1B]
if (span.Length <= 2 || (span[0] != EscapeChar || span[1] != ']'))
return false;
// Find the index of the end character.
// End character can be either \x1B (ESC) or \x07 (BELL)
var endEscPosition = span.IndexOf("\x1B\\");
var endBellPosition = span.IndexOf("\x07");
int paramsEndPosition;
if (endEscPosition != -1 && endBellPosition != -1)
if (endEscPosition < endBellPosition)
paramsEndPosition = endEscPosition + 1;
paramsEndPosition = endBellPosition;
else if (endEscPosition != -1)
paramsEndPosition = endEscPosition + 1;
else if (endBellPosition != -1)
paramsEndPosition = endBellPosition;
// No end of escape, cannot parse params.
return false;
// Advance the position in the span to the end of the control sequence
position += paramsEndPosition;
return true;
private static bool IsLinkControlSequence(ReadOnlySpan<char> span, ref int position, out string? url)
url = null;
// Link sequence
// \x1B]8;{params};{url}\x1B\\{url-text}\x1B]8;;\x1B\\
// If we're at \x1B[
// Links are minimum 5 chars
if (span.Length <= 5 || (span[0] != EscapeChar || span[1] != ']'))
return false;
// Only supported Os sequence is links
if (span[2] != '8' || span[3] != ';')
return false;
// Find the position where the url section ends
var urlEndEscapePosition = SubIndexOfSpan(span, EscapeChar, 4);
if (urlEndEscapePosition < 0 || span.Length < urlEndEscapePosition + 1 || span[urlEndEscapePosition + 1] != '\\')
return false;
// Find the position where the url-text section ends
// Continue to search until the following char is ']', could be color/mode formatting escape sequences mixed in
var linkEndEscapePosition = SubIndexOfSpan(span, EscapeChar, urlEndEscapePosition + 1);
while (linkEndEscapePosition != -1 && span.Length > (linkEndEscapePosition + 2) && span[linkEndEscapePosition + 1] != ']')
linkEndEscapePosition = SubIndexOfSpan(span, EscapeChar, linkEndEscapePosition + 1);
// If we didn't find the end of the url-text sequence return false
if (linkEndEscapePosition < 0 || span.Length < linkEndEscapePosition + 2 || span[linkEndEscapePosition + 2] != '8')
return false;
// Find the position where the whole link sequence ends
var linkEndPosition = SubIndexOfSpan(span, '\\', linkEndEscapePosition);
if (linkEndPosition < 0)
return false;
var urlSpan = span[4..urlEndEscapePosition];
// Fin the position where the params section within the url section ends.
var argsEndPosition = urlSpan.IndexOf(';');
if (argsEndPosition < 0)
return false;
// Return the extracted url
url = urlSpan[(argsEndPosition + 1)..].ToString();
// Advance the position in the external span to the end of the whole control sequence
position += linkEndPosition;
return true;
private static string ProcessStateChange(ParserState currentState, ParserState newState)
var closeSpanIfNeeded = "";
if (currentState != default)
closeSpanIfNeeded += "</span>";
var classes = new List<string>(2);
var styles = new List<string>(2);
if (newState.ForegroundColor.HasValue)
if (newState.BackgroundColor.HasValue)
if (newState.Underline)
if (newState.Italic)
if (newState.StrikeThrough)
if (newState.XtermForegroundColorCode.HasValue)
var colorValue = newState.XtermForegroundColorCode.Value;
if (TryGetXtermRgbHexColor(colorValue, out var rgbForegroundHex))
styles.Add($"color: {rgbForegroundHex}");
if (newState.XtermBackgroundColorCode.HasValue)
var colorValue = newState.XtermBackgroundColorCode.Value;
if (TryGetXtermRgbHexColor(colorValue, out var rgbBackgroundHex))
styles.Add($"background-color: {rgbBackgroundHex}");
if (classes.Count == 0 && styles.Count == 0)
return closeSpanIfNeeded;
var combined = closeSpanIfNeeded + "<span ";
if (classes.Count > 0)
combined += $"class=\"{string.Join(" ", classes)}\" ";
if (styles.Count > 0)
combined += $"style=\"{string.Join(";", styles)}\" ";
return combined.TrimEnd() + ">";
private static string? GetForegroundColorClass(ParserState state)
return state.ForegroundColor switch
ConsoleColor.Black => state.Bright ? "ansi-fg-brightblack" : "ansi-fg-black",
ConsoleColor.Blue => state.Bright ? "ansi-fg-brightblue" : "ansi-fg-blue",
ConsoleColor.Cyan => state.Bright ? "ansi-fg-brightcyan" : "ansi-fg-cyan",
ConsoleColor.Green => state.Bright ? "ansi-fg-brightgreen" : "ansi-fg-green",
ConsoleColor.Magenta => state.Bright ? "ansi-fg-brightmagenta" : "ansi-fg-magenta",
ConsoleColor.Red => state.Bright ? "ansi-fg-brightred" : "ansi-fg-red",
ConsoleColor.White => state.Bright ? "ansi-fg-brightwhite" : "ansi-fg-white",
ConsoleColor.Yellow => state.Bright ? "ansi-fg-brightyellow" : "ansi-fg-yellow",
_ => ""
private static string? GetBackgroundColorClass(ParserState state)
return state.BackgroundColor switch
ConsoleColor.Black => "ansi-bg-black",
ConsoleColor.Blue => "ansi-bg-blue",
ConsoleColor.Cyan => "ansi-bg-cyan",
ConsoleColor.Green => "ansi-bg-green",
ConsoleColor.Magenta => "ansi-bg-magenta",
ConsoleColor.Red => "ansi-bg-red",
ConsoleColor.White => "ansi-bg-white",
ConsoleColor.Yellow => "ansi-bg-yellow",
_ => ""
private static bool TryGetForegroundColor(int number, out ConsoleColor? color)
color = number switch
30 => ConsoleColor.Black,
31 => ConsoleColor.Red,
32 => ConsoleColor.Green,
33 => ConsoleColor.Yellow,
34 => ConsoleColor.Blue,
35 => ConsoleColor.Magenta,
36 => ConsoleColor.Cyan,
37 => ConsoleColor.White,
_ => null
return color != null || number == 39;
private static bool TryGetBackgroundColor(int number, out ConsoleColor? color)
color = number switch
40 => ConsoleColor.Black,
41 => ConsoleColor.Red,
42 => ConsoleColor.Green,
43 => ConsoleColor.Yellow,
44 => ConsoleColor.Blue,
45 => ConsoleColor.Magenta,
46 => ConsoleColor.Cyan,
47 => ConsoleColor.White,
_ => null
return color != null || number == 49;
private static bool TryGetXtermRgbHexColor(int number, out string? rgbHex)
rgbHex = number switch
0 => "#000000",
1 => "#800000",
2 => "#008000",
3 => "#808000",
4 => "#000080",
5 => "#800080",
6 => "#008080",
7 => "#c0c0c0",
8 => "#808080",
9 => "#ff0000",
10 => "#00ff00",
11 => "#ffff00",
12 => "#0000ff",
13 => "#ff00ff",
14 => "#00ffff",
15 => "#ffffff",
16 => "#000000",
17 => "#00005f",
18 => "#000087",
19 => "#0000af",
20 => "#0000d7",
21 => "#0000ff",
22 => "#005f00",
23 => "#005f5f",
24 => "#005f87",
25 => "#005faf",
26 => "#005fd7",
27 => "#005fff",
28 => "#008700",
29 => "#00875f",
30 => "#008787",
31 => "#0087af",
32 => "#0087d7",
33 => "#0087ff",
34 => "#00af00",
35 => "#00af5f",
36 => "#00af87",
37 => "#00afaf",
38 => "#00afd7",
39 => "#00afff",
40 => "#00d700",
41 => "#00d75f",
42 => "#00d787",
43 => "#00d7af",
44 => "#00d7d7",
45 => "#00d7ff",
46 => "#00ff00",
47 => "#00ff5f",
48 => "#00ff87",
49 => "#00ffaf",
50 => "#00ffd7",
51 => "#00ffff",
52 => "#5f0000",
53 => "#5f005f",
54 => "#5f0087",
55 => "#5f00af",
56 => "#5f00d7",
57 => "#5f00ff",
58 => "#5f5f00",
59 => "#5f5f5f",
60 => "#5f5f87",
61 => "#5f5faf",
62 => "#5f5fd7",
63 => "#5f5fff",
64 => "#5f8700",
65 => "#5f875f",
66 => "#5f8787",
67 => "#5f87af",
68 => "#5f87d7",
69 => "#5f87ff",
70 => "#5faf00",
71 => "#5faf5f",
72 => "#5faf87",
73 => "#5fafaf",
74 => "#5fafd7",
75 => "#5fafff",
76 => "#5fd700",
77 => "#5fd75f",
78 => "#5fd787",
79 => "#5fd7af",
80 => "#5fd7d7",
81 => "#5fd7ff",
82 => "#5fff00",
83 => "#5fff5f",
84 => "#5fff87",
85 => "#5fffaf",
86 => "#5fffd7",
87 => "#5fffff",
88 => "#870000",
89 => "#87005f",
90 => "#870087",
91 => "#8700af",
92 => "#8700d7",
93 => "#8700ff",
94 => "#875f00",
95 => "#875f5f",
96 => "#875f87",
97 => "#875faf",
98 => "#875fd7",
99 => "#875fff",
100 => "#878700",
101 => "#87875f",
102 => "#878787",
103 => "#8787af",
104 => "#8787d7",
105 => "#8787ff",
106 => "#87af00",
107 => "#87af5f",
108 => "#87af87",
109 => "#87afaf",
110 => "#87afd7",
111 => "#87afff",
112 => "#87d700",
113 => "#87d75f",
114 => "#87d787",
115 => "#87d7af",
116 => "#87d7d7",
117 => "#87d7ff",
118 => "#87ff00",
119 => "#87ff5f",
120 => "#87ff87",
121 => "#87ffaf",
122 => "#87ffd7",
123 => "#87ffff",
124 => "#af0000",
125 => "#af005f",
126 => "#af0087",
127 => "#af00af",
128 => "#af00d7",
129 => "#af00ff",
130 => "#af5f00",
131 => "#af5f5f",
132 => "#af5f87",
133 => "#af5faf",
134 => "#af5fd7",
135 => "#af5fff",
136 => "#af8700",
137 => "#af875f",
138 => "#af8787",
139 => "#af87af",
140 => "#af87d7",
141 => "#af87ff",
142 => "#afaf00",
143 => "#afaf5f",
144 => "#afaf87",
145 => "#afafaf",
146 => "#afafd7",
147 => "#afafff",
148 => "#afd700",
149 => "#afd75f",
150 => "#afd787",
151 => "#afd7af",
152 => "#afd7d7",
153 => "#afd7ff",
154 => "#afff00",
155 => "#afff5f",
156 => "#afff87",
157 => "#afffaf",
158 => "#afffd7",
159 => "#afffff",
160 => "#d70000",
161 => "#d7005f",
162 => "#d70087",
163 => "#d700af",
164 => "#d700d7",
165 => "#d700ff",
166 => "#d75f00",
167 => "#d75f5f",
168 => "#d75f87",
169 => "#d75faf",
170 => "#d75fd7",
171 => "#d75fff",
172 => "#d78700",
173 => "#d7875f",
174 => "#d78787",
175 => "#d787af",
176 => "#d787d7",
177 => "#d787ff",
178 => "#d7af00",
179 => "#d7af5f",
180 => "#d7af87",
181 => "#d7afaf",
182 => "#d7afd7",
183 => "#d7afff",
184 => "#d7d700",
185 => "#d7d75f",
186 => "#d7d787",
187 => "#d7d7af",
188 => "#d7d7d7",
189 => "#d7d7ff",
190 => "#d7ff00",
191 => "#d7ff5f",
192 => "#d7ff87",
193 => "#d7ffaf",
194 => "#d7ffd7",
195 => "#d7ffff",
196 => "#ff0000",
197 => "#ff005f",
198 => "#ff0087",
199 => "#ff00af",
200 => "#ff00d7",
201 => "#ff00ff",
202 => "#ff5f00",
203 => "#ff5f5f",
204 => "#ff5f87",
205 => "#ff5faf",
206 => "#ff5fd7",
207 => "#ff5fff",
208 => "#ff8700",
209 => "#ff875f",
210 => "#ff8787",
211 => "#ff87af",
212 => "#ff87d7",
213 => "#ff87ff",
214 => "#ffaf00",
215 => "#ffaf5f",
216 => "#ffaf87",
217 => "#ffafaf",
218 => "#ffafd7",
219 => "#ffafff",
220 => "#ffd700",
221 => "#ffd75f",
222 => "#ffd787",
223 => "#ffd7af",
224 => "#ffd7d7",
225 => "#ffd7ff",
226 => "#ffff00",
227 => "#ffff5f",
228 => "#ffff87",
229 => "#ffffaf",
230 => "#ffffd7",
231 => "#ffffff",
232 => "#080808",
233 => "#121212",
234 => "#1c1c1c",
235 => "#262626",
236 => "#303030",
237 => "#3a3a3a",
238 => "#444444",
239 => "#4e4e4e",
240 => "#585858",
241 => "#626262",
242 => "#6c6c6c",
243 => "#767676",
244 => "#808080",
245 => "#8a8a8a",
246 => "#949494",
247 => "#9e9e9e",
248 => "#a8a8a8",
249 => "#b2b2b2",
250 => "#bcbcbc",
251 => "#c6c6c6",
252 => "#d0d0d0",
253 => "#dadada",
254 => "#e4e4e4",
255 => "#eeeeee",
_ => null
return rgbHex != null;
private static int SubIndexOfSpan(ReadOnlySpan<char> span, char value, int startIndex = 0)
var indexInSlice = span[startIndex..].IndexOf(value);
if (indexInSlice < 0)
return indexInSlice;
return startIndex + indexInSlice;
public record struct ParserState
public ConsoleColor? ForegroundColor { get; set; }
public ConsoleColor? BackgroundColor { get; set; }
public int? XtermForegroundColorCode { get; set; }
public int? XtermBackgroundColorCode { get; set; }
public bool Bright { get; set; }
public bool Underline { get; set; }
public bool Italic { get; set; }
public bool StrikeThrough { get; set; }
public readonly record struct ConversionResult(string? ConvertedText, ParserState ResidualState);